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Multi-period DASH in AWS Elemental MediaPackage - AWS Elemental MediaPackage v2
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Multi-period DASH in AWS Elemental MediaPackage

The ability to insert multiple periods in DASH manifests for live is available in AWS Elemental MediaPackage.

A period is a chunk of content in the DASH manifest, defined by a start time and duration. MediaPackage can partition the DASH manifest into multiple periods to indicate boundaries between changes in the content. MediaPackage can signal new periods based on several triggers including:

  • DRM configuration changes

  • Avails

  • DRM key rotation

  • Source stream changes

  • Source disruptions

MediaPackage will always create a period at the beginning of content and whenever DRM configuration changes. The other triggers can be configured per DASH manifest, and have the following effects:

  • Avails - MediaPackage will create a new period whenever it detects a SCTE-35 message which matches the Segment SCTE Filter configuration as an ad. All SCTE-35 messages will be signaled in the DASH manifest, whether it triggers a new period or not.

  • DRM key rotation - MediaPackage will create a new period whenever the underlying DRM key rotates. This setting allows MediaPackage to signal the default_KID and pssh values in the manifest when key rotation is enabled. If this period trigger is not enabled, endpoints with DRM key rotation will not show the default_KID and pssh values in the manifest.

  • Source stream changes - MediaPackage will create a new period when it detects stream set changes, allowing all streams to be signaled in the manifest, rather than just those available at manifest publish time.

  • Source disruptions - MediaPackage will create a new period after source input has been lost and restored, enabling the gap in content to be signaled to the player.

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