If you are completely done with your testing and are ready for cutover, you can finalize the test. This will change your source servers' Migration lifecycle status to Ready for cutover, indicating that all testing is complete and that these servers are now ready for cutover. You will also have the option to delete your Test instances for cost saving purposes.
To finalize a test:
Check the box to the left of every source server that has a launched Test instance for which you want to finalize the test.
Open the Test and cutover menu.
Under Testing, choose Mark as "Ready for cutover".
When the Mark X servers as "Ready for cutover" dialog appears, select whether you want to terminate the launched instances used for testing. It is recommended to terminate these instances, as you will be charged for them even though you will no longer need them. Check the Yes, terminate launched instances (recommended) box and click Continue.
The AWS Application Migration Service console will confirm that the servers were marked as ready for cutover.
The AWS Application Migration Service console will indicate that testing has been finalized. The selected source servers' Migration lifecycle column will show the Ready for cutover status and the launched Test instances will be deleted if that option was selected. The Next step column will show Terminate launched instance; Launch cutover instance.
You can now terminate the launched Test instance directly from the Amazon EC2 console as that instance is no longer needed (if you have not done so already through the AWS MGN console). You can quickly access the Test instance by navigating to the specific servers > Server details > Migration dashboard > Lifecycle > Launch status and choosing view in EC2 console.
The Amazon EC2 console will automatically search for and display the Test instance. Select the instance, open the Instance state menu, and choose Terminate instance.
Click Terminate.