The Launch history tab allows you to track and manage all of the operation performed in AWS Application Migration Service.
You can access the Launch History by choose Launch history on the left-hand navigation menu.
The Launch History tab shows all of the operations (referred to as "Jobs") performed on your account. Each Job corresponds to a single operation (for example, Launch cutover instance, Launch test instance, etc.) Each Job is composed of one or more servers. The main Launch History view allows you to easily identify all key Job parameters, including:
Job ID – The unique ID of the Job.
Job type – The type of Job (Launch or Terminate)
Initiated by – The command or action that initiated the job (for example, Launch cutover instances or Terminate launched instances)
Status – The status of the Job (Pending, Completed, or Started)
Servers – The number of servers that are included in the Job.
Start time – The time the job was started.
Completed time – The time the Job was completed (blank if the job was not completed).
You can sort the launch history by any column by clicking the column header. (for example, sorting by Job ID).
You can search for specific Jobs by any of the available fields within the Find launch history by property or value search bar.
Job details
To view a detailed breakdown of each individual job, choose the Job ID of the specific job.
The Job details view is composed of 3 sections:
The Details section shows the same information as the main Job log page, including the Type, Status, Initiated by, Start time, and Completed time.
Job log
The Job log section shows a detailed log of all of the operations performed during the job.
Use this section to troubleshoot any potential issues and determine in which step of the launch process they occurred.
Use the Filter job log by property or value search bar to filter the job log.
You can filter by a variety of properties, including Time, Event, Source server Id, Source server hostname, Conversion server instance IS, Test/cutover instance ID, and Error.
You can filter by multiple values at once.
Jobs – Source servers
The Source servers section shows a list of all source servers involved in the job and their status.
You can use the Filter source servers by property or value search bar to filter by Source server name or Status.
Choose the Source server name of any of source server from the list to open the Server Details view for that server. Learn more about server details.