If you started performing discovery using AWS discovery tools, the servers list will likely be populated before you start migrating. Migration Hub attempts to automatically map updates from migration tools to servers in the servers list. If it cannot find a match in the discovered servers list, then Migration Hub will add a server corresponding to the migration update to the servers list and automatically map the update to the server.
Sometimes, when using AWS discovery tools, the automatic mapping of migration updates to servers can be incorrect. You can see updates and their mappings on the Updates page and can correct the mapping by choosing Edit.
See Step 2.a in To determine if a migration update must be manually mapped
to a discovered server procedures below. If you have to frequently
correct mappings after performing discovery, contact AWS Support
To determine if a migration update must be manually mapped to a discovered server
In the navigation pane, under Migrate, select Updates.
Verify if the Mapped servers column is populated for every row of migration updates.
If the Mapped servers column is populated for every row of migration updates, this means auto-mapping was supported by the migration tool and manual mapping is not required. To edit the server mapping, select the server, and then choose Edit server mapping.
If one or more rows of the Mapped servers columns is not populated, this is an indication that manual mapping is required. Proceed to the next set of procedures.