Descripción de un proyecto (SDK) - Rekognition

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Descripción de un proyecto (SDK)

Puede utilizar la API de DescribeProjects para obtener información sobre sus proyectos.

Cómo describir un proyecto (SDK)
  1. Si aún no lo ha hecho, instale y configure los AWS CLI y los AWS SDK. Para obtener más información, consulte Paso 4: Configure los SDK y AWS CLIAWS.

  2. Utilice el siguiente código de ejemplo para describir un proyecto. Cambie project_name por el nombre del proyecto que desee describir. Si no indica --project-names, se devolverán las descripciones de todos los proyectos.

    aws rekognition describe-projects --project-names project_name \ --profile custom-labels-access

    Utilice el siguiente código. Indique los siguientes parámetros de línea de comandos:

    • project_name: el nombre del proyecto que desee describir. Si no indica un nombre, se devolverán las descripciones de todos los proyectos.

    # Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to describe an Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels project. """ import argparse import logging import json import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def display_project_info(project): """ Displays information about a Custom Labels project. :param project: The project that you want to display information about. """ print(f"Arn: {project['ProjectArn']}") print(f"Status: {project['Status']}") if len(project['Datasets']) == 0: print("Datasets: None") else: print("Datasets:") for dataset in project['Datasets']: print(f"\tCreated: {str(dataset['CreationTimestamp'])}") print(f"\tType: {dataset['DatasetType']}") print(f"\tARN: {dataset['DatasetArn']}") print(f"\tStatus: {dataset['Status']}") print(f"\tStatus message: {dataset['StatusMessage']}") print(f"\tStatus code: {dataset['StatusMessageCode']}") print() print() def describe_projects(rek_client, project_name): """ Describes an Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels project, or all projects. :param rek_client: The Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels Boto3 client. :param project_name: The project you want to describe. Pass None to describe all projects. """ try: # Describe the project if project_name is None:"Describing all projects.") else:"Describing project: %s.",project_name) if project_name is None: response = rek_client.describe_projects() else: project_names = json.loads('["' + project_name + '"]') response = rek_client.describe_projects(ProjectNames=project_names) print('Projects\n--------') if len(response['ProjectDescriptions']) == 0: print("Project(s) not found.") else: for project in response['ProjectDescriptions']: display_project_info(project)"Finished project description.") except ClientError as err: logger.exception( "Couldn't describe project - %s: %s", project_name,err.response['Error']['Message'] ) raise def add_arguments(parser): """ Adds command line arguments to the parser. :param parser: The command line parser. """ parser.add_argument( "--project_name", help="The name of the project that you want to describe.", required=False ) def main(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s") try: # Get command line arguments. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=argparse.SUPPRESS) add_arguments(parser) args = parser.parse_args() print(f"Describing projects: {args.project_name}") # Describe the project. session = boto3.Session(profile_name='custom-labels-access') rekognition_client = session.client("rekognition") describe_projects(rekognition_client, args.project_name) if args.project_name is None: print("Finished describing all projects.") else: print("Finished describing project %s.", args.project_name) except ClientError as err: error_message = f"Problem describing project: {err}" logger.exception(error_message) print(error_message) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
    Java V2

    Utilice el siguiente código. Indique los siguientes parámetros de línea de comandos:

    • project_name: el ARN del proyecto que desea describir. Si no indica un nombre, se devolverán las descripciones de todos los proyectos.

    /* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ package com.example.rekognition; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class DescribeProjects { public static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DescribeProjects.class.getName()); public static void describeMyProjects(RekognitionClient rekClient, String projectName) { DescribeProjectsRequest descProjects = null; // If a single project name is supplied, build projectNames argument List<String> projectNames = new ArrayList<String>(); if (projectName == null) { descProjects = DescribeProjectsRequest.builder().build(); } else { projectNames.add(projectName); descProjects = DescribeProjectsRequest.builder().projectNames(projectNames).build(); } // Display useful information for each project. DescribeProjectsResponse resp = rekClient.describeProjects(descProjects); for (ProjectDescription projectDescription : resp.projectDescriptions()) { System.out.println("ARN: " + projectDescription.projectArn()); System.out.println("Status: " + projectDescription.statusAsString()); if (projectDescription.hasDatasets()) { for (DatasetMetadata datasetDescription : projectDescription.datasets()) { System.out.println("\tdataset Type: " + datasetDescription.datasetTypeAsString()); System.out.println("\tdataset ARN: " + datasetDescription.datasetArn()); System.out.println("\tdataset Status: " + datasetDescription.statusAsString()); } } System.out.println(); } } public static void main(String[] args) { String projectArn = null; // Get command line arguments final String USAGE = "\n" + "Usage: " + "<project_name>\n\n" + "Where:\n" + " project_name - (Optional) The name of the project that you want to describe. If not specified, all projects " + "are described.\n\n"; if (args.length > 1) { System.out.println(USAGE); System.exit(1); } if (args.length == 1) { projectArn = args[0]; } try { // Get the Rekognition client RekognitionClient rekClient = RekognitionClient.builder() .credentialsProvider(ProfileCredentialsProvider.create("custom-labels-access")) .region(Region.US_WEST_2) .build(); // Describe projects describeMyProjects(rekClient, projectArn); rekClient.close(); } catch (RekognitionException rekError) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Rekognition client error: {0}", rekError.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } } }