aws-iot-sqs - AWS Solutions Constructs


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This AWS Solutions Construct implements an AWS IoT MQTT topic rule and an AWS SQS Queue pattern.

Here is a minimal deployable pattern definition:

import { Construct } from 'constructs'; import { Stack, StackProps } from 'aws-cdk-lib'; import { IotToSqsProps, IotToSqs } from '@aws-solutions-constructs/aws-iot-sqs'; const constructProps: IotToSqsProps = { iotTopicRuleProps: { topicRulePayload: { ruleDisabled: false, description: "Testing the IotToSqs Pattern", sql: "SELECT * FROM 'iot/sqs/#'", actions: [] } } }; new IotToSqs(this, 'test-iot-sqs-integration', constructProps);
from aws_solutions_constructs.aws_iot_sqs import IotToSqs from aws_cdk import ( aws_iot as iot, Stack ) from constructs import Construct IotToSqs(self, 'test_iot_sqs', iot_topic_rule_props=iot.CfnTopicRuleProps( topic_rule_payload=iot.CfnTopicRule.TopicRulePayloadProperty( rule_disabled=False, description="Testing the IotToSqs Pattern", sql="SELECT * FROM 'iot/sqs/#'", actions=[] ) ))
import software.constructs.Construct; import java.util.List; import; import; import*; import; import*; new IotToSqs(this, "test_iot_sqs", new IotToSqsProps.Builder() .iotTopicRuleProps(new CfnTopicRuleProps.Builder() .topicRulePayload(new TopicRulePayloadProperty.Builder() .ruleDisabled(false) .description("Testing the IotToSqs Pattern") .sql("SELECT * FROM 'iot/sqs/#'") .actions(List.of()) .build()) .build()) .build());

Pattern Construct Props

Name Type Description
iotTopicRuleProps iot.CfnTopicRuleProps User provided CfnTopicRuleProps to override the defaults
existingQueueObj? sqs.Queue Existing instance of SQS queue object, providing both this and queueProps will cause an error.
queueProps? sqs.QueueProps User provided props to override the default props for the SQS queue.
deadLetterQueueProps? sqs.QueueProps Optional user provided properties for the dead letter queue.
deployDeadLetterQueue? boolean Whether to deploy a secondary queue to be used as a dead letter queue. Default true.
maxReceiveCount? number The number of times a message can be unsuccessfully dequeued before being moved to the dead-letter queue. Required field if deployDeadLetterQueue=true.
enableEncryptionWithCustomerManagedKey? boolean If no key is provided, this flag determines whether the queue is encrypted with a new CMK or an AWS managed key. This flag is ignored if any of the following are defined: queueProps.encryptionMasterKey, encryptionKey or encryptionKeyProps.
encryptionKey? kms.Key An optional, imported encryption key to encrypt the SQS Queue with.
encryptionKeyProps? kms.KeyProps Optional user provided properties to override the default properties for the KMS encryption key used to encrypt the SQS queue with.

Pattern Properties

Name Type Description
encryptionKey? kms.Key Returns an instance of kms.Key used for the SQS queue.
iotActionsRole iam.Role Returns an instance of iam.Role created by the construct, which allows IoT to publish messages to the SQS Queue
sqsQueue sqs.Queue Returns an instance of sqs.Queue created by the construct
deadLetterQueue? sqs.Queue Returns an instance of the dead-letter SQS queue created by the pattern.
iotTopicRule iot.CfnTopicRule Returns an instance of iot.CfnTopicRule created by the construct

Default settings

Out of the box implementation of the Construct without any override will set the following defaults:

Amazon IoT Rule

  • Configure an IoT Rule to send messages to the SQS Queue

Amazon IAM Role

  • Configure least privilege access IAM role for Amazon IoT to be able to publish messages to the SQS Queue

Amazon SQS Queue

  • Deploy a dead-letter queue for the source queue.

  • Enable server-side encryption for the source queue using a customer-managed AWS KMS key.

  • Enforce encryption of data in transit.



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