Ejemplo de terminología personalizada utilizando el AWS SDK for Python (Boto) - Amazon Translate

Las traducciones son generadas a través de traducción automática. En caso de conflicto entre la traducción y la version original de inglés, prevalecerá la version en inglés.

Ejemplo de terminología personalizada utilizando el AWS SDK for Python (Boto)

El siguiente ejemplo muestra cómo utilizar las operaciones de terminología personalizada en Python. Para ejecutar el ejemplo, instale el SDK de Python medianteAWS CLI. Para obtener instrucciones, consulte Instale y configure el AWS Command Line Interface ()AWS CLI.

#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import boto3 translate = boto3.client(service_name='translate') # The terminology file 'my-first-terminology.csv' has the following contents: ''' en,fr Amazon Family,Amazon Famille ''' # Read the terminology from a local file with open('/tmp/my-first-terminology.csv', 'rb') as f: data = f.read() file_data = bytearray(data) print("Importing the terminology into Amazon Translate...") response = translate.import_terminology(Name='my-first-terminology', MergeStrategy='OVERWRITE', TerminologyData={"File": file_data, "Format": 'CSV'}) print("Terminology imported: "), print(response.get('TerminologyProperties')) print("\n") print("Getting the imported terminology...") response = translate.get_terminology(Name='my-first-terminology', TerminologyDataFormat='CSV') print("Received terminology: "), print(response.get('TerminologyProperties')) print("The terminology data file can be downloaded here: " + response.get('TerminologyDataLocation').get('Location')) print("\n") print("Listing the first 10 terminologies for the account...") response = translate.list_terminologies(MaxResults=10) print("Received terminologies: "), print(response.get('TerminologyPropertiesList')) print("\n") print("Translating 'Amazon Family' from English to French with no terminology...") response = translate.translate_text(Text="Amazon Family", SourceLanguageCode="en", TargetLanguageCode="fr") print("Translated text: " + response.get('TranslatedText')) print("\n") print("Translating 'Amazon Family' from English to French with the 'my-first-terminology' terminology...") response = translate.translate_text(Text="Amazon Family", TerminologyNames=["my-first-terminology"], SourceLanguageCode="en", TargetLanguageCode="fr") print("Translated text: " + response.get('TranslatedText')) print("\n") # The terminology file 'my-updated-terminology.csv' has the following contents: ''' en,fr Amazon Family,Amazon Famille Prime Video, Prime Video ''' # Read the terminology from a local file with open('/tmp/my-updated-terminology.csv', 'rb') as f: data = f.read() file_data = bytearray(data) print("Updating the imported terminology in Amazon Translate...") response = translate.import_terminology(Name='my-first-terminology', MergeStrategy='OVERWRITE', TerminologyData={"File": file_data, "Format": 'CSV'}) print("Terminology updated: "), print(response.get('TerminologyProperties')) print("\n") print("Translating 'Prime Video' from English to French with no terminology...") response = translate.translate_text(Text="Prime Video", SourceLanguageCode="en", TargetLanguageCode="fr") print("Translated text: " + response.get('TranslatedText')) print("\n") print("Translating 'Prime Video' from English to French with the 'my-first-terminology' terminology...") response = translate.translate_text(Text="Prime Video", TerminologyNames=["my-first-terminology"], SourceLanguageCode="en", TargetLanguageCode="fr") print("Translated text: " + response.get('TranslatedText')) print("\n") print("Cleaning up by deleting 'my-first-terminology'...") translate.delete_terminology(Name="my-first-terminology") print("Terminology deleted.")