Configuring attribute sets in Amazon FinSpace - Amazon FinSpace

Configuring attribute sets in Amazon FinSpace


Amazon FinSpace Dataset Browser will be discontinued on November 29, 2024. Starting November 29, 2023, FinSpace will no longer accept the creation of new Dataset Browser environments. Customers using Amazon FinSpace with Managed Kdb Insights will not be affected. For more information, review the FAQ or contact AWS Support to assist with your transition.

Attribute sets are lists of attributes that can be applied to describe datasets. Attributes are metadata fields used to capture additional business context for each dataset. You can browse and search attributes to find datasets based on the values assigned to them.


In order to create attribute sets, you must be a superuser or a member of a group with necessary permissions - Manage Attribute Sets.

List all attribute sets

To list attribute sets
  1. Sign in to the FinSpace web application. For more information, see Signing in to the Amazon FinSpace web application.

  2. On the left navigation bar of the home page, choose Manage Data.

  3. On the Manage Data page, choose Manage Attribute Sets. All the available attributes are listed in a table. You can also choose the more ( An image of the More icon. ) icon for options to duplicate, disable, or remove an attribute set.

Create attribute sets

To create an attribute set
  1. Sign in to the FinSpace web application. For more information, see Signing in to the Amazon FinSpace web application.

  2. On the left navigation bar of the home page, choose Manage Data.

  3. On the Manage Data page, choose Manage Attribute Sets.

  4. On the Attribute Sets page, choose Create Attribute Set.

  5. Enter a name for the attribute set. For example, Data source and Vendor Information.

  6. (Optional) Add a description for the attribute.

  7. Choose the type of fields to the attribute set.

    • Data – A field of type Number, String, or Boolean.

    • Categorization – A field that is a type of an already defined category. For example, an Asset class.

    • Controlled Vocabulary – A field that is a type of an already defined controlled vocabulary. For example, Data Sensitivity Classification.

    A screenshot that shows how to create attribute sets in FinSpace.
  8. Choose Save.

Edit attribute sets

To edit an attribute set
  1. Sign in to the FinSpace web application. For more information, see Signing in to the Amazon FinSpace web application.

  2. On the left navigation bar of the home page, choose Manage Data.

  3. On the Manage Data page, choose Manage Attribute Sets.

  4. On the Attribute Sets page, select an attribute set from the list to edit.

  5. Choose Edit This Attribute Set.

  6. Select an existing field to edit and remove it. You cannot change the data type for a field.

  7. Choose Save.

Delete an attribute set

To delete an attribute set
  1. Sign in to the FinSpace web application. For more information, see Signing in to the Amazon FinSpace web application.

  2. On the left navigation bar of the home page, choose Manage Data.

  3. On the Manage Data page, choose Manage Attribute Sets.

  4. From the list of attribute sets in the table, select the one that you want to delete.

  5. Choose the more ( An image of the More icon. ) icon and then choose Remove.

  6. On the dialog box that appears, choose Remove to confirm deletion.

Associate an attribute set with a dataset

To associate an attribute set to a dataset
  1. Sign in to the FinSpace web application. For more information, see Signing in to the Amazon FinSpace web application.

  2. On the homepage, search for a dataset using the search box.

  3. On the Catalog page, choose the dataset name to view the dataset details page.

  4. On the Data Overview tab, under Details About This Dataset section, choose the Add Attribute Set button.

  5. From the drop down menu, select one or more attribute set to add.

  6. Choose Add Attribute Set. The selected attribute sets get added to the dataset. You can set values for each of the attribute set you selected and choose Save to finish.


    Under the Details About This Dataset section, you can also choose Edit to edit the associated attribute or choose Remove Attribute Set to remove it from the dataset.