Step 7: Validating connection using the
DNS server configuration
As an example, create a private hosted zone in your account that has an A record rule for and Private IP DNS name of customerEc2Instance.
To create a private hosted zone, see Creating a private hosted zone in the Amazon Route 53 User Guide. To create a record rule, see this section.
Start a q process and connect to the RDB cluster on port 5005 by using the following example command.
q)cs_rdb1: <RDB cluster connection string> q)cs_rdb1: ssr[cs_rdb1;"\n";""] q)conn: hopen cs_rdb1 q)conn hopen(":<Private IP DNS name of customerEc2Instance 5005"; 10)
Next, run the following command to test connection on port 5005 by using the DNS name
q)cs_rdb1: <RDB cluster connection string>
q)cs_rdb1: ssr[cs_rdb1;"\n";""]
q)conn: hopen cs_rdb1
q)conn hopen(""; 10)
The connection test using the DNS name should work successfully.