Create a Firehose stream - Amazon Data Firehose

Delivering Amazon Data Firehose streams to Apache Iceberg Tables in Amazon S3 is in preview and is subject to change.

Create a Firehose stream

You can use the AWS Management Console or an AWS SDK to create a Firehose stream to your chosen destination.

You can update the configuration of your Firehose stream at any time after it’s created, using the Amazon Data Firehose console or UpdateDestination. Your Firehose stream remains in the Active state while your configuration is updated, and you can continue to send data. The updated configuration normally takes effect within a few minutes. The version number of a Firehose stream is increased by a value of 1 after you update the configuration. It is reflected in the delivered Amazon S3 object name. For more information, see Configure Amazon S3 object name format.

The following topics describe how to create a Firehose stream.