List the AWS FIS actions using the AWS CLI - AWS Fault Injection Service

List the AWS FIS actions using the AWS CLI

You can use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to view information about the actions that AWS FIS supports.


Install the AWS CLI on your computer. To get started, see the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide. For more information about the commands for AWS FIS, see fis in the AWS CLI Command Reference.

Example: List the names of all actions

You can list the names of all actions using the list-actions command as follows.

aws fis list-actions --query "actions[*].[id]" --output text | sort

The following is example output.

aws:cloudwatch:assert-alarm-state aws:dynamodb:global-table-pause-replication aws:ebs:pause-volume-io aws:ec2:api-insufficient-instance-capacity-error aws:ec2:asg-insufficient-instance-capacity-error aws:ec2:reboot-instances aws:ec2:send-spot-instance-interruptions aws:ec2:stop-instances aws:ec2:terminate-instances aws:ecs:drain-container-instances aws:ecs:stop-task aws:eks:inject-kubernetes-custom-resource aws:eks:terminate-nodegroup-instances aws:elasticache:interrupt-cluster-az-power aws:fis:inject-api-internal-error aws:fis:inject-api-throttle-error aws:fis:inject-api-unavailable-error aws:fis:wait aws:network:disrupt-connectivity aws:network:route-table-disrupt-cross-region-connectivity aws:network:transit-gateway-disrupt-cross-region-connectivity aws:rds:failover-db-cluster aws:rds:reboot-db-instances aws:s3:bucket-pause-replication aws:ssm:send-command aws:ssm:start-automation-execution
Example: View information about an action

After you have the name of an action, you can view detailed information about the action using the get-action command as follows.

aws fis get-action --id aws:ec2:reboot-instances

The following is example output.

{ "action": { "id": "aws:ec2:reboot-instances", "description": "Reboot the specified EC2 instances.", "targets": { "Instances": { "resourceType": "aws:ec2:instance" } }, "tags": {} } }