AWS managed policies for AWS Fault Injection Service - AWS Fault Injection Service

AWS managed policies for AWS Fault Injection Service

An AWS managed policy is a standalone policy that is created and administered by AWS. AWS managed policies are designed to provide permissions for many common use cases so that you can start assigning permissions to users, groups, and roles.

Keep in mind that AWS managed policies might not grant least-privilege permissions for your specific use cases because they're available for all AWS customers to use. We recommend that you reduce permissions further by defining customer managed policies that are specific to your use cases.

You cannot change the permissions defined in AWS managed policies. If AWS updates the permissions defined in an AWS managed policy, the update affects all principal identities (users, groups, and roles) that the policy is attached to. AWS is most likely to update an AWS managed policy when a new AWS service is launched or new API operations become available for existing services.

For more information, see AWS managed policies in the IAM User Guide.

AWS managed policy: AmazonFISServiceRolePolicy

This policy is attached to the service-linked role named AWSServiceRoleForFIS to allow AWS FIS to manage monitoring and resource selection for experiments. For more information, see Use service-linked roles for AWS Fault Injection Service.

AWS managed policy: AWSFaultInjectionSimulatorEC2Access

Use this policy in an experiment role to grant AWS FIS permission to run experiments that use the AWS FIS actions for Amazon EC2. For more information, see IAM roles for AWS FIS experiments.

To view the permissions for this policy, see AWSFaultInjectionSimulatorEC2Access in the AWS Managed Policy Reference.

AWS managed policy: AWSFaultInjectionSimulatorECSAccess

Use this policy in an experiment role to grant AWS FIS permission to run experiments that use the AWS FIS actions for Amazon ECS. For more information, see IAM roles for AWS FIS experiments.

To view the permissions for this policy, see AWSFaultInjectionSimulatorECSAccess in the AWS Managed Policy Reference.

AWS managed policy: AWSFaultInjectionSimulatorEKSAccess

Use this policy in an experiment role to grant AWS FIS permission to run experiments that use the AWS FIS actions for Amazon EKS. For more information, see IAM roles for AWS FIS experiments.

To view the permissions for this policy, see AWSFaultInjectionSimulatorEKSAccess in the AWS Managed Policy Reference.

AWS managed policy: AWSFaultInjectionSimulatorNetworkAccess

Use this policy in an experiment role to grant AWS FIS permission to run experiments that use the AWS FIS networking actions. For more information, see IAM roles for AWS FIS experiments.

To view the permissions for this policy, see AWSFaultInjectionSimulatorNetworkAccess in the AWS Managed Policy Reference.

AWS managed policy: AWSFaultInjectionSimulatorRDSAccess

Use this policy in an experiment role to grant AWS FIS permission to run experiments that use the AWS FIS actions for Amazon RDS. For more information, see IAM roles for AWS FIS experiments.

To view the permissions for this policy, see AWSFaultInjectionSimulatorRDSAccess in the AWS Managed Policy Reference.

AWS managed policy: AWSFaultInjectionSimulatorSSMAccess

Use this policy in an experiment role to grant AWS FIS permission to run experiments that use the AWS FIS actions for Systems Manager. For more information, see IAM roles for AWS FIS experiments.

To view the permissions for this policy, see AWSFaultInjectionSimulatorSSMAccess in the AWS Managed Policy Reference.

AWS FIS updates to AWS managed policies

View details about updates to AWS managed policies for AWS FIS since this service began tracking these changes.

Change Description Date
AWSFaultInjectionSimulatorECSAccess – Update to an existing policy Added permissions to allow AWS FIS to resolve ECS targets. January 25, 2024
AWSFaultInjectionSimulatorNetworkAccess – Update to an existing policy Added permissions to allow AWS FIS to run experiments using the aws:network:route-table-disrupt-cross-region-connectivity and aws:network:transit-gateway-disrupt-cross-region-connectivity actions. January 25, 2024
AWSFaultInjectionSimulatorEC2Access – Update to an existing policy Added permissions to allow AWS FIS to resolve EC2 instances. November 13, 2023
AWSFaultInjectionSimulatorEKSAccess – Update to an existing policy Added permissions to allow AWS FIS to resolve EKS targets. November 13, 2023
AWSFaultInjectionSimulatorRDSAccess – Update to an existing policy Added permissions to allow AWS FIS to resolve RDS targets. November 13, 2023
AWSFaultInjectionSimulatorEC2Access – Update to an existing policy Added permissions to allow AWS FIS to run SSM documents on EC2 instances and to terminate EC2 instances. June 2, 2023
AWSFaultInjectionSimulatorSSMAccess – Update to an existing policy Added permissions to allow AWS FIS to run SSM documents on EC2 instances. June 2, 2023
AWSFaultInjectionSimulatorECSAccess – Update to an existing policy Added permissions to allow AWS FIS to run experiments using the new aws:ecs:task actions. June 1, 2023
AWSFaultInjectionSimulatorEKSAccess – Update to an existing policy Added permissions to allow AWS FIS to run experiments using the new aws:eks:pod actions. June 1, 2023

AWSFaultInjectionSimulatorEC2Access – New policy

Added a policy to allow AWS FIS to run an experiment that uses AWS FIS actions for Amazon EC2. October 26, 2022

AWSFaultInjectionSimulatorECSAccess – New policy

Added a policy to allow AWS FIS to run an experiment that uses AWS FIS actions for Amazon ECS. October 26, 2022

AWSFaultInjectionSimulatorEKSAccess – New policy

Added a policy to allow AWS FIS to run an experiment that uses AWS FIS actions for Amazon EKS. October 26, 2022

AWSFaultInjectionSimulatorNetworkAccess – New policy

Added a policy to allow AWS FIS to run an experiment that uses AWS FIS networking actions. October 26, 2022

AWSFaultInjectionSimulatorRDSAccess – New policy

Added a policy to allow AWS FIS to run an experiment that uses AWS FIS actions for Amazon RDS. October 26, 2022

AWSFaultInjectionSimulatorSSMAccess – New policy

Added a policy to allow AWS FIS to run an experiment that uses AWS FIS actions for Systems Manager. October 26, 2022
AmazonFISServiceRolePolicy – Update to an existing policy Added permissions to allow AWS FIS to describe subnets. October 26, 2022
AmazonFISServiceRolePolicy – Update to an existing policy Added permissions to allow AWS FIS to describe EKS clusters. July 7, 2022
AmazonFISServiceRolePolicy – Update to an existing policy Added permissions to allow AWS FIS to list and describe the tasks in your clusters. February 7, 2022
AmazonFISServiceRolePolicy – Update to an existing policy Removed the events:ManagedBy condition for the events:DescribeRule action. January 6, 2022
AmazonFISServiceRolePolicy – Update to an existing policy Added permissions to allow AWS FIS to retrieve history for the CloudWatch alarms used in stop conditions. June 30, 2021
AWS FIS started tracking changes AWS FIS started tracking changes to its AWS managed policies March 1, 2021