Predictor Explainability - Amazon Forecast

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Predictor Explainability

Predictor Explainability helps you better understand how the attributes in your datasets impact your target variable. Forecast uses a metric called Impact scores to quantify the relative impact of each attribute and determine whether they increase or decrease forecast values.

For example, consider a forecasting scenario where the target is sales and there are two related attributes: price and color. Forecast may find that an item’s price significantly impacts sales (high Impact score), while the item’s color has a negligible effect (low Impact score).

To enable Predictor Explainability, your predictor must include at least one of the following: related time series, item metadata, or additional datasets like Holidays and the Weather Index. See Restrictions and best practices for more information.

To create Impact scores for specific time series and time points, use Forecast Explainability instead of Predictor Explainability. See Forecast Explainability.

Interpreting Impact Scores

Impact scores measure the relative impact attributes have on forecast values. For example, if the ‘price’ attribute has an impact score that is twice as large as the ‘store location’ attribute, you can conclude that the price of an item has twice the impact on forecast values than the store location.

Impact scores also provide information on whether attributes increase or decrease forecast values. In the console, this is denoted by the two graphs. Attributes with blue bars increase forecast values, while attributes with red bars decrease forecast values.

Bar graphs showing Price and Promo increasing impact scores, StoreLocation decreasing impact score.

In the console, Impact scores range from 0 to 1, where a score of 0 denotes no impact and a score close to 1 denotes a significant impact. In the SDKs, Impact scores range from -1 to 1, where the sign denotes the direction of the impact.

It is important to note that Impact scores measure the relative impact of attributes, not the absolute impact. Therefore, Impact scores cannot be used to determine whether particular attributes improve model accuracy. If an attribute has a low Impact score, that does not necessarily mean that it has a low impact on forecast values; it means that it has a lower impact on forecast values than other attributes used by the predictor.

Creating Predictor Explainability


You can create a maximum of one Predictor Explainability per predictor

When you enable Predictor Explainability, Amazon Forecast calculates Impact scores for all attributes in your datasets. The Impact scores can be interpreted as the impact attributes have on overall forecast values. You can enable Predictor Explainability when you create a predictor, or you can enable the feature after creating the predictor.

Enabling Predictor Explainability for a new predictor

Enabling Predictor Explainability when creating a new predictor will create both a Predictor resource and Explainability resource. You can enable Predictor Explainability for a new predictor using the Software Development Kit (SDK) or the Amazon Forecast console.


To enable Predictor Explainability

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Forecast console at

  2. From Dataset groups, choose your dataset group.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Predictors.

  4. Choose Train new predictor.

  5. In the Predictor configuration section, choose Enable Explainability.

  6. Provide values for the following mandatory fields:

    • Name - a unique predictor name.

    • Forecast frequency - the granularity of your forecasts.

    • Forecast horizon - The number of time steps to forecast.

  7. Choose Start


To enable explainability for a new predictor with the SDK for Python (Boto3), use the create_auto_predictor method and set ExplainPredictor to true.

The following code creates an auto predictor that makes predictions for 24 (ForecastHorizon) days (ForecastFrequency) in the future, and has ExplainPredictor set to true. For information on required and optional parameters see CreateAutoPredictor.

import boto3 forecast = boto3.client('forecast') create_predictor_response = forecast.create_auto_predictor( PredictorName = 'predictor_name', ForecastHorizon = 24, ForecastFrequency = 'D', DataConfig = { "DatasetGroupArn": "arn:aws:forecast:region:account:dataset-group/datasetGroupName" }, ExplainPredictor = True )

Enabling Predictor Explainability for an existing predictor

Enabling Predictor Explainability for an existing predictor will create a Explainability resource for that resource. You can only create an Explainability resource for predictors that do not already contain an Explainability resource. To view Impact scores for an updated dataset, retrain or recreate the predictor with the updated data.

You can enable Predictor Explainability for a new predictor using the Software Development Kit (SDK) or the Amazon Forecast console.


To enable Predictor Explainability

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Forecast console at

  2. From Dataset groups, choose your dataset group.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Predictors.

  4. Choose your predictor.

  5. In the Predictor Explainability section, choose Enable Explainability.

  6. Provide a unique name for the Predictor Explainability.

  7. Choose Start


To enable Predictor Explainability for an existing predictor with the SDK for Python (Boto3), use the create_explainability method. Specify a name for the explainability, the ARN for the predictor, and for ExplainabilityConfig, set both TimePointGranularity and TimeSeriesGranularity to ALL. To create an Explainability visualization that is viewable within the console, set EnableVisualization to True.

For information on required and optional parameters see CreateExplainability.

import boto3 forecast = boto3.client('forecast') create_explainability_response = forecast.create_explainability( ExplainabilityName = 'explainability_name', ResourceArn = 'arn:aws:forecast:region:accountNumber:predictor/predictorName', ExplainabilityConfig = { "TimePointGranularity": "ALL", "TimeSeriesGranularity": "ALL" }, EnableVisualization = True )

Exporting Predictor Explainability


Export files can directly return information from the Dataset Import. This makes the files vulnerable to CSV injection if the imported data contains formulas or commands. For this reason, exported files can prompt security warnings. To avoid malicious activity, disable links and macros when reading exported files.

Forecast enables you to export a CSV or Parquet file of Impact scores to an S3 location. The Impact scores range from -1 to 1, where the sign denotes the direction of the impact. You can export Impact scores using the Amazon Forecast Software Development Kit (SDK) and the Amazon Forecast console.

Table showing normalized impact scores for price, promotion, weather index, and US holidays.

To export Predictor Explainability

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Forecast console at

  2. From Dataset groups, choose your dataset group.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Predictors.

  4. Choose your predictor.

  5. In the Predictor Explainability section, choose Export.

  6. For the Export name field, provide a unique name for the export.

  7. For the S3 explainability export location field, provide an S3 location to export the CSV file.

  8. For the IAM Role field, provide a role with access to the specified S3 location.

  9. Choose Create export.


To export a Predictor Explainability with the SDK for Python (Boto3), use the create_explainability_export method. Give the job a name, specify the ARN of the explainability, and, in the Destination object, specify your Amazon S3 destination location, and IAM service role.

For information on required and optional parameters see CreateExplainabilityExport.

import boto3 forecast = boto3.client('forecast') export_response = forecast.create_explainability_export( Destination = { "S3Config": { "Path": "s3://bucketName/filename.csv", "RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::accountNumber:role/roleName" } }, ExplainabilityArn = 'arn:aws:forecast:region:accountNumber:explainability/explainabilityName', ExplainabilityExportName = 'job_name' )

Restrictions and best practices

Consider the following restrictions and best practices when working with Predictor Explainability.

  • Predictor Explainability is only available for some predictors created with AutoPredictor - You cannot enable Explainability for legacy predictors that were created with AutoML or through manual selection. See Upgrading to AutoPredictor.

  • Predictor Explainability is not available for all models - The ARIMA (AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average), ETS (Exponential Smoothing State Space Model), and NPTS (Non-Parametric Time Series) models do not incorporate external time series data. Therefore, these models do not create an explainability report, even if you include the additional datasets.

  • Explainability requires attributes - Your predictor must include at least one of the following: related time series, item metadata, Holidays, or the Weather Index.

  • Predictors are limited to one Explainability resource - You cannot create multiple Explainability resources for a predictor. If you are interested in Impact scores for an updated dataset, retrain your predictor.

  • Impact scores of zero denote no impact- If an attribute has an impact score of 0, then that attribute has no significant impact on forecast values.

  • Retrying failed Predictor Explainability jobs - If Forecast successfully creates a Predictor but the Predictor Explainability job fails, you can retry creating Predictor Explainability in the console or with the CreateExplainability operation.

  • You cannot create Impact scores for specific time points and time series - To view Impact scores for specific time points and time series, see Forecast Explainability.

  • Predictor Explainability visualizations are available for 90 days after creation - To view the visualization after 90 days, retrain the predictor.