Viewing Monitoring Results - Amazon Forecast

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Viewing Monitoring Results

After you generate a forecast and then import more data, you can view the results of predictor monitoring. You can see a visualization of results with the Forecast console or you can programmatically retrieve results with the ListMonitorEvaluations operation.

The Forecast console displays graphs of results for each predictor metric. Graphs include how each metric has changed over the lifetime of your predictor and predictor events, such as retraining.

The ListMonitorEvaluations operation returns metric results and predictor events for different windows of time.

To view predictor monitoring results
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Forecast console at

  2. From Dataset groups, choose your dataset group.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Predictors.

  4. Choose the predictor and choose the Monitoring tab.

    • The Monitoring results section shows how different accuracy metrics have changed over time. Use the dropdown list to change which metric the graph tracks.

    • The Monitoring history section lists the details for the different events tracked in the results.

    The following is an example of a graph of how the Avg wQL score for a predictor has changed over time. In this graph, notice that the Avg wQL value is increasing over time. This increase indicates that the predictor accuracy is decreasing. Use this information to determine whether you need to revalidate the model and take action.

    Graph showing increasing Avg wQL score over time, indicating decreasing predictor accuracy.
SDK for Python (Boto3)

To get monitoring results with the SDK for Python (Boto3), use the list_monitor_evaluations method. Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the monitor, and optionally specify the maximum number of results to retrieve with the MaxResults parameter. Optionally specify a Filter to filter results. You can filter evaluations by a EvaluationState of either SUCCESS or FAILURE. The following code gets at maximum 20 successful monitoring evaluations.

import boto3 forecast = boto3.client('forecast') monitor_results = forecast.list_monitor_evaluations( MonitorArn = 'monitor_arn', MaxResults = 20, Filters = [ { "Condition": "IS", "Key": "EvaluationState", "Value": "SUCCESS" } ] ) print(monitor_results)

The following is an example JSON response.

{ "NextToken": "string", "PredictorMonitorEvaluations": [ { "MonitorArn": "MonitorARN", "ResourceArn": "PredictorARN", "EvaluationTime": "2020-01-02T00:00:00Z", "EvaluationState": "SUCCESS", "WindowStartDatetime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z", "WindowEndDatetime": "2019-01-03T00:00:00Z", "PredictorEvent": { "Detail": "Retrain", "Datetime": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, "MonitorDataSource": { "DatasetImportJobArn": "arn:aws:forecast:region:accountNumber:dataset-import-job/*", "ForecastArn": "arn:aws:forecast:region:accountNumber:forecast/*", "PredictorArn": "arn:aws:forecast:region:accountNumber:predictor/*", }, "MetricResults": [ { "MetricName": "AverageWeightedQuantileLoss", "MetricValue": 0.17009070456599376 }, { "MetricName": "MAPE", "MetricValue": 0.250711322309796 }, { "MetricName": "MASE", "MetricValue": 1.6275608734888485 }, { "MetricName": "RMSE", "MetricValue": 3100.7125081405547 }, { "MetricName": "WAPE", "MetricValue": 0.17101159704738722} ] } ] }