AWS::IoT::TopicRule PutAssetPropertyValueEntry - AWS CloudFormation

AWS::IoT::TopicRule PutAssetPropertyValueEntry

An asset property value entry containing the following information.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "AssetId" : String, "EntryId" : String, "PropertyAlias" : String, "PropertyId" : String, "PropertyValues" : [ AssetPropertyValue, ... ] }


AssetId: String EntryId: String PropertyAlias: String PropertyId: String PropertyValues: - AssetPropertyValue



The ID of the AWS IoT SiteWise asset. You must specify either a propertyAlias or both an aliasId and a propertyId. Accepts substitution templates.

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption


Optional. A unique identifier for this entry that you can define to better track which message caused an error in case of failure. Accepts substitution templates. Defaults to a new UUID.

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption


The name of the property alias associated with your asset property. You must specify either a propertyAlias or both an aliasId and a propertyId. Accepts substitution templates.

Required: No

Type: String

Minimum: 1

Update requires: No interruption


The ID of the asset's property. You must specify either a propertyAlias or both an aliasId and a propertyId. Accepts substitution templates.

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption


A list of property values to insert that each contain timestamp, quality, and value (TQV) information.

Required: Yes

Type: Array of AssetPropertyValue

Minimum: 1

Update requires: No interruption