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Le programme 03-getitem-test.py
exécute des opérations GetItem
sur TryDaxTable
. Cet exemple est donné pour la Région eu-west-1.
import argparse
import sys
import time
import amazondax
import boto3
def get_item_test(key_count, iterations, dyn_resource=None):
Gets items from the table a specified number of times. The time before the
first iteration and the time after the last iteration are both captured
and reported.
:param key_count: The number of items to get from the table in each iteration.
:param iterations: The number of iterations to run.
:param dyn_resource: Either a Boto3 or DAX resource.
:return: The start and end times of the test.
if dyn_resource is None:
dyn_resource = boto3.resource('dynamodb')
table = dyn_resource.Table('TryDaxTable')
start = time.perf_counter()
for _ in range(iterations):
for partition_key in range(1, key_count + 1):
for sort_key in range(1, key_count + 1):
'partition_key': partition_key,
'sort_key': sort_key
print('.', end='')
end = time.perf_counter()
return start, end
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
'endpoint_url', nargs='?',
help="When specified, the DAX cluster endpoint. Otherwise, DAX is not used.")
args = parser.parse_args()
test_key_count = 10
test_iterations = 50
if args.endpoint_url:
print(f"Getting each item from the table {test_iterations} times, "
f"using the DAX client.")
# Use a with statement so the DAX client closes the cluster after completion.
with amazondax.AmazonDaxClient.resource(endpoint_url=args.endpoint_url, region_name='eu-west-1') as dax:
test_start, test_end = get_item_test(
test_key_count, test_iterations, dyn_resource=dax)
print(f"Getting each item from the table {test_iterations} times, "
f"using the Boto3 client.")
test_start, test_end = get_item_test(
test_key_count, test_iterations)
print(f"Total time: {test_end - test_start:.4f} sec. Average time: "
f"{(test_end - test_start)/ test_iterations}.")