Amazon CodeGuru Security is in preview release and is subject to change.
The following steps show how to integrate Amazon CodeGuru Security into your GitLab CI/CD workflow. After
you complete the setup, CodeGuru Security will scan your repository whenever you push to the
branch, or you can customize the workflow to your organization's needs. After
a scan completes, you will be able to see findings in the Vulnerability
report page on GitLab and on the Findings page in the CodeGuru Security console.
You can also complete these steps on the Integrations page in the CodeGuru Security console
Step 1: Create an IAM role
To allow CodeGuru Security to integrate with GitLab, create an IAM role with sufficient permissions. You can create an AWS CloudFormation stack that sets up a role for you, or manually configure a role.
To manually configure an IAM role for GitLab, see
Configure OpenID Connect in AWS
to retrieve temporary credentials
If you have already configured a role to use CodeGuru Security with the GitLab repository you want to scan, you can skip to step 2.
Create a role with a CloudFormation stack
Complete the following steps to create a CloudFormation stack that sets up an IAM role with the necessary permissions attached to integrate with GitLab.
Open the Integrations page in the CodeGuru Security console
and choose Integrate with GitLab. -
For Step 1: Create an IAM role, choose Use CloudFormation template. Then choose Open template in CloudFormation to be redirected to the Create stack page in the CloudFormation console.
For Stack name, enter a unique name for your stack.
For Parameters, for Group, enter the name of the group that contains your project. For Project, enter the name of the project you want to scan.
Check the box to acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names. This allows CloudFormation to create a role for you.
Choose Create stack. CloudFormation creates a role called
. Continue to the next step.
Step 2: Configure your CI/CD workflow
Complete the following steps to configure your GitLab CI/CD workflow and to define the jobs
that make up your pipeline to run CodeGuru Security scans. This pipeline will initiate security scans
every time you push code to the main
branch of the repository you are integrating
with. If CodeGuru Security detects a critical finding, the pipeline build will fail.
Log in to your GitLab account
. -
Open the project that you want to scan.
Choose the Set up CI/CD.
Choose Configure pipeline.
Paste the following code into the
file editor in GitLab. You can modify the events defined in this file based on your use case.Replace
with the AWS account ID of the account that is assuming the role andregion
with the region where you are running scans. ReplaceCodeGuruSecurityGitLabAccessRole
with the name of the role you created to integrate with GitLab.If you want to add code quality findings to your scan, add
--analysis_type All
to thepython
script line after--fail_on_severity Critical
.codeguru_security_example: image: name: entrypoint: [""] variables: ROLE_ARN: arn:aws:iam::
AWS_PROFILE: oidc # used to get the credential. More detail: id_tokens: MY_OIDC_TOKEN: aud: before_script: - mkdir -p ~/.aws - echo "${MY_OIDC_TOKEN}" > /tmp/web_identity_token - echo -e "[profile oidc]\nrole_arn=${ROLE_ARN}\nweb_identity_token_file=/tmp/web_identity_token" > ~/.aws/config script: - REPO_NAME="`basename -s .git $(echo $CI_REPOSITORY_URL | grep -oE "[^/]+$")`" - python /usr/app/codeguru/ --source_path "." --aws_region "region
" --scan_name CGS-GitLab-$REPO_NAME --fail_on_severity Critical --output_file_format "sast" - cat codeguru-security-results.sast.json rules: - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "push" && $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "main" when: always artifacts: reports: sast: codeguru-security-results.sast.json -
Choose Commit changes to commit your changes.
Step 3: Run scans and address findings
After configuring the CI/CD workflow, CodeGuru Security scan your code based on the events that you have defined in the file. If you configured your pipeline to initiate scans on code commits, CodeGuru Security will automatically scan your code whenever you push to the specified branch.
To view your findings, choose Secure in the left navigation bar of your project, and then choose Vulnerability report. You can also view code scans and findings in the CodeGuru Security console.
To address findings, update your code based on the suggested remediations, and then push your changes to the branch where you configured the workflow. CodeGuru Security will scan the updated code based on the events that you have defined in the workflow file, and you can check that the vulnerabilities were remediated.