Setting up a Session Resolver - Amazon DCV Connection Gateway

Setting up a Session Resolver

The Session Resolver is the component responsible for mapping Session IDs to a destination host running the Amazon DCV server. The logic of this mapping is specific to how each customer designs and plans to use its infrastructure.

The following topics describe how customers can implement a Session Resolver that matches their requirements and configure it in the Amazon DCV Connection Gateway. Customers using the Amazon DCV Session Manager can refer to Integrating Connection Gateway with Session Manager to learn how to use the Session Resolver end-point included in the Amazon DCV Session Manager.

Implementing a Session Resolver

Your session resolver service can run on the same host as the Amazon DCV Connection Gateway or it can run on a separate host. The authentication service must listen for HTTP(S) POST requests from the Connection Gateway.

The following shows the POST request format used by the Connection Gateway.

POST /resolveSession?sessionId=session_id&transport=transport&clientIpAddress=clientIpAddress HTTP/1.1 accept: application/json

The sessionId parameter contains a string which uniquely identifies a DCV session, the transport parameter will either be HTTP or QUIC, the clientIpAddress will be the ip address of the client, or the load balancer ip address if the gateway is fronted by a load balancer, the clientIpAddress can either be an IPv4 or IPv6 address. In case the gateway cannot get the client ip, it will not be present in the request.

Your session resolver service is responsible for determining the destination host, if any, where to forward the connection and returns its response to the Connection Gateway.

  • If a destination is not found, the session resolver service returns an HTTP status 404

  • If a destination is successfully identified, the session resolver service returns an HTTP status 200 and the response body must contain the following JSON:

    { "SessionId": session_id, "TransportProtocol": transport_protocol, "DcvServerEndpoint": dns_name, "Port": port, "WebUrlPath": web_url_path }

The SessionId field normally would just return the same ID that was provided as input, however, if it is useful for your use case, you can also use this field to map a client-facing session ID to a different session ID used internally by your infrastructure. The TransportProtocol field must be either HTTP or QUIC (uppercase).

Example session resolver python implementation

from flask import Flask, request import json app = Flask(__name__) dcv_sessions = { "session-123": { "SessionId": "session-123", "Host": "", "HttpPort": 8443, "QuicPort": 8443, "WebUrlPath": "/" }, "session-456": { "SessionId": "session-456", "Host": "", "HttpPort": 8443, "QuicPort": 8443, "WebUrlPath": "/" } } @app.route('/resolveSession', methods=['POST']) def resolve_session(): session_id = request.args.get('sessionId') transport = request.args.get('transport') client_ip_address = request.args.get('clientIpAddress') if session_id is None: return "Missing sessionId parameter", 400 if transport != "HTTP" and transport != "QUIC": return "Invalid transport parameter: " + transport, 400 print("Requested sessionId: " + session_id + ", transport: " + transport + ", clientIpAddress: " + client_ip_address) dcv_session = dcv_sessions.get(session_id); if dcv_session is None: return "Session id not found", 404 response = { "SessionId": dcv_session['SessionId'], "TransportProtocol": transport, "DcvServerEndpoint": dcv_session['Host'], "Port": dcv_session["HttpPort"] if transport == "HTTP" else dcv_session['QuicPort'], "WebUrlPath": dcv_session['WebUrlPath'] } return json.dumps(response) if __name__ == '__main__':, host='')


You must configure the Amazon DCV Connection Gateway to use the Session Resolver service.

To specify a session resolver
  1. Navigate to the /etc/dcv-connection-gateway/ folder and open the dcv-connection-gateway.conf with your preferred text editor.

  2. Locate the [resolver] and set the url parameter to the URL of your session resolver.

    [resolver] url = "http://localhost:9000"
  3. Save and close the file.