Optimize Process Monitor for Guided Reverse Packaging on Windows Server 2003 - AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server

Optimize Process Monitor for Guided Reverse Packaging on Windows Server 2003

Process Monitor is an advanced monitoring tool for Windows that captures real-time file system, registry, process, and thread activity. The first step of the EMP reverse packaging process is to capture a Process Monitor (procmon) log of the entire functional running of the application on the source operating system. The log is used to create an EMP package consisting of all of the required components for the application to successfully function on a modern operating systems after it has been migrated. An incomplete capture can result in missing application components.


The latest version of Procmon may not function on Windows Server 2003. Access to an earlier, supported version may be required to log runtime dependencies. We recommend using Process Monitor version 3.52.

Perform the following steps to set up capturing for Process Monitor. Use these steps only as a guide. The monitoring process requirements for each application can vary.

  1. Download the tool on the system running the application that you want to discover.

  2. As an administrator, open the command prompt, and launch Process Monitor.

    Procmon.exe /AcceptEula /Noconnect

    /AcceptEula automatically accepts the EULA license and bypasses the EULA dialog box.

    /Noconnect This flag prevents Process Monitor from automatically starting log activity.

  3. Configure Process Monitor to save captured logs to a backing file as opposed to virtual memory by navigating to File>Backing Files and choosing the Use file name option. Select the location and file to which you want to save the backing file.


    If the system used to capture the logs does not have sufficient storage capacity, you can store the data in another location, such as on a different server or external storage device.

  4. Start the capture by choosing Capture. To stop the capture, choose Capture again.

The following optional steps reduce the size of the log file, where possible. To reduce the size of the log file, we recommend that you run procmon only when running the application windows to reduce capture of background noise and unrelated workflows.

  1. Verify that the following options are not selected:

    • Process and Thread Activity

    • Network Activity

    • Profiling Events

  2. Select Drop Filtered Events in the Filter menu. This prevents events that don't meet the filter criteria from being added to the log.

  3. The following table contains common exclusion items related to the operating system that are not required for the application capture. You can add these exclusions to the Process Monitor application capture exclusion filter.

    Exclusions in the EMP_Procmon_Exclusions.PMF filter
    Exclusion item Description
    Wininit.exe Windows Start-Up Application
    Wuauclt.exe Windows Update
    Dwm.exe Desktop window manager
    Spoolsv.exe Spooler SubSystem App
    Lsass.exe Local Security Authority Process
    Audiodg.exe Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation
    SearchIndexer.exe Windows Search Indexer
    Taskhostw.exe Host Process for Windows Tasks
    Ctfmon.exe CTF loader
    CcmExcec.exe Host Process for Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

You can further expand the number of exclusion items by performing the following steps.

  1. Run procmon for a limited period of time or without the execution process.

  2. Analyze the capture logs and note any processes that are not related to the application.

  3. Add the unrelated processes as additional exclusion items.

  4. For applications where a complete list of required processes are known, you can start a Process Monitor capture and include only these processes in the capture. If this method results in missed process applications, the final logs may not contain the required information to complete a working package.