Kit SDK de chiffrement AWS pour Java exemples - AWS Encryption SDK

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Kit SDK de chiffrement AWS pour Java exemples

Les exemples suivants vous montrent comment utiliser le Kit SDK de chiffrement AWS pour Java pour chiffrer et déchiffrer des données. Ces exemples montrent comment utiliser la version 3. x et versions ultérieures du Kit SDK de chiffrement AWS pour Java. Version 3. x de Kit SDK de chiffrement AWS pour Java nécessite le AWS SDK for Java 2.x. Version 3. x of the Kit SDK de chiffrement AWS pour Java remplace les fournisseurs de clés principales par des porte-clés. Pour les exemples utilisant des versions antérieures, recherchez votre version dans la liste des versions du aws-encryption-sdk-javaréférentiel sur GitHub.

Chiffrement et déchiffrement de chaînes

L'exemple suivant montre comment utiliser la version 3. x de Kit SDK de chiffrement AWS pour Java pour chiffrer et déchiffrer des chaînes. Avant d'utiliser la chaîne, convertissez-la en un tableau d'octets.

Cet exemple utilise un AWS KMS porte-clés. Lorsque vous chiffrez avec un AWS KMS trousseau de clés, vous pouvez utiliser un identifiant de clé, une cléARN, un nom d'alias ou un alias ARN pour identifier les KMS clés. Lors du déchiffrement, vous devez utiliser une clé ARN pour identifier les clés. KMS

Lorsque vous appelez la méthode encryptData(), elle renvoie un message chiffré (CryptoResult) qui inclut le texte chiffré, les clés de données chiffrées et le contexte de chiffrement. Lorsque vous appelez getResult sur l'objet CryptoResult, il renvoie une version de chaîne codée en base 64 du message chiffré que vous pouvez transmettre à la méthode decryptData().

De même, lorsque vous appelezdecryptData(), l'CryptoResultobjet renvoyé contient le message en texte brut et un AWS KMS key identifiant. Avant que votre application ne renvoie le texte en clair, vérifiez que l' AWS KMS key identifiant et le contexte de chiffrement du message chiffré correspondent à vos attentes.

// Copyright Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.amazonaws.crypto.keyrings; import com.amazonaws.encryptionsdk.AwsCrypto; import com.amazonaws.encryptionsdk.CommitmentPolicy; import com.amazonaws.encryptionsdk.CryptoResult; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; /** * Encrypts and then decrypts data using an AWS KMS Keyring. * * <p>Arguments: * * <ol> * <li>Key ARN: For help finding the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of your AWS KMS customer master * key (CMK), see 'Viewing Keys' at * * </ol> */ public class BasicEncryptionKeyringExample { private static final byte[] EXAMPLE_DATA = "Hello World".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); public static void main(final String[] args) { final String keyArn = args[0]; encryptAndDecryptWithKeyring(keyArn); } public static void encryptAndDecryptWithKeyring(final String keyArn) { // 1. Instantiate the SDK // This builds the AwsCrypto client with the RequireEncryptRequireDecrypt commitment policy, // which means this client only encrypts using committing algorithm suites and enforces // that the client will only decrypt encrypted messages that were created with a committing // algorithm suite. // This is the default commitment policy if you build the client with // `AwsCrypto.builder().build()` // or `AwsCrypto.standard()`. final AwsCrypto crypto = AwsCrypto.builder() .withCommitmentPolicy(CommitmentPolicy.RequireEncryptRequireDecrypt) .build(); // 2. Create the AWS KMS keyring. // This example creates a multi keyring, which automatically creates the KMS client. final MaterialProviders materialProviders = MaterialProviders.builder() .MaterialProvidersConfig(MaterialProvidersConfig.builder().build()) .build(); final CreateAwsKmsMultiKeyringInput keyringInput = CreateAwsKmsMultiKeyringInput.builder().generator(keyArn).build(); final IKeyring kmsKeyring = materialProviders.CreateAwsKmsMultiKeyring(keyringInput); // 3. Create an encryption context // We recommend using an encryption context whenever possible // to protect integrity. This sample uses placeholder values. // For more information see: // final Map<String, String> encryptionContext = Collections.singletonMap("ExampleContextKey", "ExampleContextValue"); // 4. Encrypt the data final CryptoResult<byte[], ?> encryptResult = crypto.encryptData(kmsKeyring, EXAMPLE_DATA, encryptionContext); final byte[] ciphertext = encryptResult.getResult(); // 5. Decrypt the data final CryptoResult<byte[], ?> decryptResult = crypto.decryptData( kmsKeyring, ciphertext, // Verify that the encryption context in the result contains the // encryption context supplied to the encryptData method encryptionContext); // 6. Verify that the decrypted plaintext matches the original plaintext assert Arrays.equals(decryptResult.getResult(), EXAMPLE_DATA); } }

Chiffrement et déchiffrement de flux d'octets

L'exemple suivant montre comment utiliser le AWS Encryption SDK pour chiffrer et déchiffrer des flux d'octets.

Cet exemple utilise un trousseau de AESclés Raw.

Lors du chiffrement, cet exemple utilise la AwsCrypto.builder() .withEncryptionAlgorithm() méthode pour spécifier une suite d'algorithmes sans signatures numériques. Lors du déchiffrement, afin de garantir que le texte chiffré n'est pas signé, cet exemple utilise la méthode. createUnsignedMessageDecryptingStream() La createUnsignedMessageDecryptingStream() méthode échoue si elle rencontre un texte chiffré avec une signature numérique.

Si vous chiffrez avec la suite d'algorithmes par défaut, qui inclut les signatures numériques, utilisez plutôt createDecryptingStream() cette méthode, comme indiqué dans l'exemple suivant.

// Copyright Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.amazonaws.crypto.keyrings; import com.amazonaws.encryptionsdk.AwsCrypto; import com.amazonaws.encryptionsdk.CommitmentPolicy; import com.amazonaws.encryptionsdk.CryptoAlgorithm; import com.amazonaws.encryptionsdk.CryptoInputStream; import com.amazonaws.encryptionsdk.jce.JceMasterKey; import com.amazonaws.util.IOUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; /** * <p> * Encrypts and then decrypts a file under a random key. * * <p> * Arguments: * <ol> * <li>Name of file containing plaintext data to encrypt * </ol> * * <p> * This program demonstrates using a standard Java {@link SecretKey} object as a {@link IKeyring} to * encrypt and decrypt streaming data. */ public class FileStreamingKeyringExample { private static String srcFile; public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { srcFile = args[0]; // In this example, we generate a random key. In practice, // you would get a key from an existing store SecretKey cryptoKey = retrieveEncryptionKey(); // Create a Raw Aes Keyring using the random key and an AES-GCM encryption algorithm final MaterialProviders materialProviders = MaterialProviders.builder() .MaterialProvidersConfig(MaterialProvidersConfig.builder().build()) .build(); final CreateRawAesKeyringInput keyringInput = CreateRawAesKeyringInput.builder() .wrappingKey(ByteBuffer.wrap(cryptoKey.getEncoded())) .keyNamespace("Example") .keyName("RandomKey") .wrappingAlg(AesWrappingAlg.ALG_AES128_GCM_IV12_TAG16) .build(); IKeyring keyring = materialProviders.CreateRawAesKeyring(keyringInput); // Instantiate the SDK. // This builds the AwsCrypto client with the RequireEncryptRequireDecrypt commitment policy, // which means this client only encrypts using committing algorithm suites and enforces // that the client will only decrypt encrypted messages that were created with a committing // algorithm suite. // This is the default commitment policy if you build the client with // `AwsCrypto.builder().build()` // or `AwsCrypto.standard()`. // This example encrypts with an algorithm suite that doesn't include signing for faster decryption, // since this use case assumes that the contexts that encrypt and decrypt are equally trusted. final AwsCrypto crypto = AwsCrypto.builder() .withCommitmentPolicy(CommitmentPolicy.RequireEncryptRequireDecrypt) .withEncryptionAlgorithm(CryptoAlgorithm.ALG_AES_256_GCM_HKDF_SHA512_COMMIT_KEY) .build(); // Create an encryption context to identify the ciphertext Map<String, String> context = Collections.singletonMap("Example", "FileStreaming"); // Because the file might be too large to load into memory, we stream the data, instead of //loading it all at once. FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(srcFile); CryptoInputStream<JceMasterKey> encryptingStream = crypto.createEncryptingStream(keyring, in, context); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(srcFile + ".encrypted"); IOUtils.copy(encryptingStream, out); encryptingStream.close(); out.close(); // Decrypt the file. Verify the encryption context before returning the plaintext. // Since the data was encrypted using an unsigned algorithm suite, use the recommended // createUnsignedMessageDecryptingStream method, which only accepts unsigned messages. in = new FileInputStream(srcFile + ".encrypted"); CryptoInputStream<JceMasterKey> decryptingStream = crypto.createUnsignedMessageDecryptingStream(keyring, in); // Does it contain the expected encryption context? if (!"FileStreaming".equals(decryptingStream.getCryptoResult().getEncryptionContext().get("Example"))) { throw new IllegalStateException("Bad encryption context"); } // Write the plaintext data to disk. out = new FileOutputStream(srcFile + ".decrypted"); IOUtils.copy(decryptingStream, out); decryptingStream.close(); out.close(); } /** * In practice, this key would be saved in a secure location. * For this demo, we generate a new random key for each operation. */ private static SecretKey retrieveEncryptionKey() { SecureRandom rnd = new SecureRandom(); byte[] rawKey = new byte[16]; // 128 bits rnd.nextBytes(rawKey); return new SecretKeySpec(rawKey, "AES"); } }

Chiffrer et déchiffrer des flux d'octets à l'aide d'un jeu de clés multiples

L'exemple suivant montre comment utiliser le AWS Encryption SDK avec un porte-clés multiple. Lorsque vous utilisez un porte-clés multiple pour chiffrer des données, toutes les clés d'encapsulage de tous ses porte-clés sont capables de déchiffrer les données. Cet exemple utilise un AWS KMS porte-clés et un porte-clés Raw comme RSA porte-clés enfants.

Cet exemple chiffre avec la suite d'algorithmes par défaut, qui inclut une signature numérique. Lors du streaming, il AWS Encryption SDK publie du texte brut après des contrôles d'intégrité, mais avant que la signature numérique ne soit vérifiée. Pour éviter d'utiliser le texte en clair tant que la signature n'est pas vérifiée, cet exemple met le texte en clair en mémoire tampon et ne l'écrit sur le disque que lorsque le déchiffrement et la vérification sont terminés.

// Copyright Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.amazonaws.crypto.keyrings; import com.amazonaws.encryptionsdk.AwsCrypto; import com.amazonaws.encryptionsdk.CommitmentPolicy; import com.amazonaws.encryptionsdk.CryptoOutputStream; import com.amazonaws.util.IOUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; /** * <p> * Encrypts a file using both AWS KMS Key and an asymmetric key pair. * * <p> * Arguments: * <ol> * <li>Key ARN: For help finding the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of your AWS KMS key, * see 'Viewing Keys' at * * <li>Name of file containing plaintext data to encrypt * </ol> * <p> * You might use AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) for most encryption and decryption operations, but * still want the option of decrypting your data offline independently of AWS KMS. This sample * demonstrates one way to do this. * <p> * The sample encrypts data under both an AWS KMS key and an "escrowed" RSA key pair * so that either key alone can decrypt it. You might commonly use the AWS KMS key for decryption. However, * at any time, you can use the private RSA key to decrypt the ciphertext independent of AWS KMS. * <p> * This sample uses the RawRsaKeyring to generate a RSA public-private key pair * and saves the key pair in memory. In practice, you would store the private key in a secure offline * location, such as an offline HSM, and distribute the public key to your development team. */ public class EscrowedEncryptKeyringExample { private static ByteBuffer publicEscrowKey; private static ByteBuffer privateEscrowKey; public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception { // This sample generates a new random key for each operation. // In practice, you would distribute the public key and save the private key in secure // storage. generateEscrowKeyPair(); final String kmsArn = args[0]; final String fileName = args[1]; standardEncrypt(kmsArn, fileName); standardDecrypt(kmsArn, fileName); escrowDecrypt(fileName); } private static void standardEncrypt(final String kmsArn, final String fileName) throws Exception { // Encrypt with the KMS key and the escrowed public key // 1. Instantiate the SDK // This builds the AwsCrypto client with the RequireEncryptRequireDecrypt commitment policy, // which means this client only encrypts using committing algorithm suites and enforces // that the client will only decrypt encrypted messages that were created with a committing // algorithm suite. // This is the default commitment policy if you build the client with // `AwsCrypto.builder().build()` // or `AwsCrypto.standard()`. final AwsCrypto crypto = AwsCrypto.builder() .withCommitmentPolicy(CommitmentPolicy.RequireEncryptRequireDecrypt) .build(); // 2. Create the AWS KMS keyring. // This example creates a multi keyring, which automatically creates the KMS client. final MaterialProviders matProv = MaterialProviders.builder() .MaterialProvidersConfig(MaterialProvidersConfig.builder().build()) .build(); final CreateAwsKmsMultiKeyringInput keyringInput = CreateAwsKmsMultiKeyringInput.builder() .generator(kmsArn) .build(); IKeyring kmsKeyring = matProv.CreateAwsKmsMultiKeyring(keyringInput); // 3. Create the Raw Rsa Keyring with Public Key. final CreateRawRsaKeyringInput encryptingKeyringInput = CreateRawRsaKeyringInput.builder() .keyName("Escrow") .keyNamespace("Escrow") .paddingScheme(PaddingScheme.OAEP_SHA512_MGF1) .publicKey(publicEscrowKey) .build(); IKeyring rsaPublicKeyring = matProv.CreateRawRsaKeyring(encryptingKeyringInput); // 4. Create the multi-keyring. final CreateMultiKeyringInput createMultiKeyringInput = CreateMultiKeyringInput.builder() .generator(kmsKeyring) .childKeyrings(Collections.singletonList(rsaPublicKeyring)) .build(); IKeyring multiKeyring = matProv.CreateMultiKeyring(createMultiKeyringInput); // 5. Encrypt the file // To simplify this code example, we omit the encryption context. Production code should always // use an encryption context. final FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(fileName); final FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(fileName + ".encrypted"); final CryptoOutputStream<?> encryptingStream = crypto.createEncryptingStream(multiKeyring, out); IOUtils.copy(in, encryptingStream); in.close(); encryptingStream.close(); } private static void standardDecrypt(final String kmsArn, final String fileName) throws Exception { // Decrypt with the AWS KMS key and the escrow public key. // 1. Instantiate the SDK. // This builds the AwsCrypto client with the RequireEncryptRequireDecrypt commitment policy, // which means this client only encrypts using committing algorithm suites and enforces // that the client will only decrypt encrypted messages that were created with a committing // algorithm suite. // This is the default commitment policy if you build the client with // `AwsCrypto.builder().build()` // or `AwsCrypto.standard()`. final AwsCrypto crypto = AwsCrypto.builder() .withCommitmentPolicy(CommitmentPolicy.RequireEncryptRequireDecrypt) .build(); // 2. Create the AWS KMS keyring. // This example creates a multi keyring, which automatically creates the KMS client. final MaterialProviders matProv = MaterialProviders.builder() .MaterialProvidersConfig(MaterialProvidersConfig.builder().build()) .build(); final CreateAwsKmsMultiKeyringInput keyringInput = CreateAwsKmsMultiKeyringInput.builder() .generator(kmsArn) .build(); IKeyring kmsKeyring = matProv.CreateAwsKmsMultiKeyring(keyringInput); // 3. Create the Raw Rsa Keyring with Public Key. final CreateRawRsaKeyringInput encryptingKeyringInput = CreateRawRsaKeyringInput.builder() .keyName("Escrow") .keyNamespace("Escrow") .paddingScheme(PaddingScheme.OAEP_SHA512_MGF1) .publicKey(publicEscrowKey) .build(); IKeyring rsaPublicKeyring = matProv.CreateRawRsaKeyring(encryptingKeyringInput); // 4. Create the multi-keyring. final CreateMultiKeyringInput createMultiKeyringInput = CreateMultiKeyringInput.builder() .generator(kmsKeyring) .childKeyrings(Collections.singletonList(rsaPublicKeyring)) .build(); IKeyring multiKeyring = matProv.CreateMultiKeyring(createMultiKeyringInput); // 5. Decrypt the file // To simplify this code example, we omit the encryption context. Production code should always // use an encryption context. final FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(fileName + ".encrypted"); final FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(fileName + ".decrypted"); // Since we are using a signing algorithm suite, we avoid streaming decryption directly to the output file, // to ensure that the trailing signature is verified before writing any untrusted plaintext to disk. final ByteArrayOutputStream plaintextBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); final CryptoOutputStream<?> decryptingStream = crypto.createDecryptingStream(multiKeyring, plaintextBuffer); IOUtils.copy(in, decryptingStream); in.close(); decryptingStream.close(); final ByteArrayInputStream plaintextReader = new ByteArrayInputStream(plaintextBuffer.toByteArray()); IOUtils.copy(plaintextReader, out); out.close(); } private static void escrowDecrypt(final String fileName) throws Exception { // You can decrypt the stream using only the private key. // This method does not call AWS KMS. // 1. Instantiate the SDK final AwsCrypto crypto = AwsCrypto.standard(); // 2. Create the Raw Rsa Keyring with Private Key. final MaterialProviders matProv = MaterialProviders.builder() .MaterialProvidersConfig(MaterialProvidersConfig.builder().build()) .build(); final CreateRawRsaKeyringInput encryptingKeyringInput = CreateRawRsaKeyringInput.builder() .keyName("Escrow") .keyNamespace("Escrow") .paddingScheme(PaddingScheme.OAEP_SHA512_MGF1) .publicKey(publicEscrowKey) .privateKey(privateEscrowKey) .build(); IKeyring escrowPrivateKeyring = matProv.CreateRawRsaKeyring(encryptingKeyringInput); // 3. Decrypt the file // To simplify this code example, we omit the encryption context. Production code should always // use an encryption context. final FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(fileName + ".encrypted"); final FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(fileName + ".deescrowed"); final CryptoOutputStream<?> decryptingStream = crypto.createDecryptingStream(escrowPrivateKeyring, out); IOUtils.copy(in, decryptingStream); in.close(); decryptingStream.close(); } private static void generateEscrowKeyPair() throws GeneralSecurityException { final KeyPairGenerator kg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA"); kg.initialize(4096); // Escrow keys should be very strong final KeyPair keyPair = kg.generateKeyPair(); publicEscrowKey = RawRsaKeyringExample.getPEMPublicKey(keyPair.getPublic()); privateEscrowKey = RawRsaKeyringExample.getPEMPrivateKey(keyPair.getPrivate()); } }