Managed kdb volumes - Amazon FinSpace

Managed kdb volumes

Volumes are managed storage that resides in your Managed kdb Insights environment and can be associated with clusters for storage of data such as TickerPlant (TP) logs, Real-time Database (RDB) savedown files, and temporary storage on General purpose (GP) type clusters. Volumes can also be used by dataview to store copies of your database of disk for fast access when reading data from a database. You can also use volumes to share data between RDB and Intra-day DB (IDB).

Volumes for temporary data storage

You can use a Managed kdb volume data storage for your cluster. When creating a TP cluster, you must specify a volume that will hold the TP logs. For an RDB or GP cluster running on a scaling group, you can specify a volume to hold savedown or temporary files.

Multiple clusters can share a single volume for simplicity as shown in Figure 1, or you can configure multiple volumes and associate them with specific clusters for workload isolation as shown in Figure 2.

A diagram that shows how clusters can share volumes.

Volumes with dataviews

You can use Managed kdb volumes when you create dataviews. Dataviews store a copy of the data in your database on one or more volumes for fast access. When creating a dataview you can specify one or more volumes to store a portion of your database for faster data access compared to querying the data from the default object store format of the data in the database. For more information about using volumes as part of a dataview, see Creating a kdb dataview.

Volume types

Volumes are available in different price or performance characteristics based on your need. Currently FinSpace offers the following three types of volume with three throughput characteristics.

  • 1000 MB/s/TiB –

  • 250 MB/s/TiB

  • 12 MB/s/TiB


  • When you delete a cluster, the data remains on the volume. If you don’t want this delete data before deleting the cluster.

  • You can access data mounted on a volume from within a cluster from the path /opt/kx/app/shared/$VOLUME_NAME/$CLUSTER_NAME.