Maintaining a Managed kdb Insights cluster - Amazon FinSpace

Maintaining a Managed kdb Insights cluster

Maintaining a kdb cluster involves updates to the cluster's underlying operating system or to the container hosting the Managed kdb Insights software. FinSpace manages and applies all such updates.

Some maintenance may require FinSpace to take your Managed kdb cluster offline for a short time. This includes, installing or upgrading required operating system or database patches. This maintenance is automatically scheduled for patches that are related to security and instance reliability.

The maintenance window determines when pending operations start, but it doesn't limit the total execution time of these operations. Maintenance operations that don't finish before the maintenance window ends can continue beyond the specified end time.

Managed kdb Insights maintenance window

Every Manged kdb environment has a weekly maintenance window during which system changes are applied. You can control when modifications and software patches occurs during a maintenance window. If a maintenance event is scheduled for a given week, it is initiated during the maintenance window.

AWS Region name Time block
Canada (Central) 15:00–16:30 UTC
US West (N. California) 18:00–19:30 UTC
US West (Oregon) 18:00–19:30 UTC
US East (N. Virginia) 15:00–16:30 UTC
US East (Ohio) 15:00–16:30 UTC
Europe (Ireland) 10:00–11:30 UTC

Europe (London)

09:00–10:30 UTC

Europe (Frankfurt)

08:00–09:30 UTC

Asia Pacific (Singapore)

02:00–03:30 UTC

Asia Pacific (Sydney)

23:00–12:30 UTC

Asia Pacific (Tokyo)

01:00–02:30 UTC