AWS IoT Greengrass Version 1 entered the extended life phase on June 30, 2023. For more information, see the AWS IoT Greengrass V1 maintenance policy. After this date, AWS IoT Greengrass V1 won't release updates that provide features, enhancements, bug fixes, or security patches. Devices that run on AWS IoT Greengrass V1 won't be disrupted and will continue to operate and to connect to the cloud. We strongly recommend that you migrate to AWS IoT Greengrass Version 2, which adds significant new features and support for additional platforms.
Operation ID: ListGroupCertificateAuthorities
Retrieves the current CAs for a group.
Produces: application/json
Path Parameters
- GroupId
The ID of the Greengrass group.
where used: path; required: true
type: string
aws greengrass list-group-certificate-authorities \ --group-id <value> \ [--cli-input-json <value>] \ [--generate-cli-skeleton]
cli-input-json format:
"GroupId": "string"
- 200
Success. The response body contains the PKI configuration.
{ "GroupCertificateAuthorities": [ { "GroupCertificateAuthorityId": "string", "GroupCertificateAuthorityArn": "string" } ] }
- ListGroupCertificateAuthoritiesResponse
type: object
- GroupCertificateAuthorities
A list of certificate authorities associated with the group.
type: array
- Group Certificate Authority Properties
Information about a certificate authority for a group.
type: object
- GroupCertificateAuthorityId
The ID of the certificate authority for the group.
type: string
- GroupCertificateAuthorityArn
The ARN of the certificate authority for the group.
type: string
- 400
Invalid request.
{ "Message": "string", "ErrorDetails": [ { "DetailedErrorCode": "string", "DetailedErrorMessage": "string" } ] }
- GeneralError
General error information.
type: object
required: ["Message"]
- Message
A message that contains information about the error.
type: string
- ErrorDetails
A list of error details.
type: array
items: ErrorDetail
- ErrorDetail
Details about the error.
type: object
- DetailedErrorCode
A detailed error code.
type: string
- DetailedErrorMessage
A detailed error message.
type: string
- 500
Server error.
{ "Message": "string", "ErrorDetails": [ { "DetailedErrorCode": "string", "DetailedErrorMessage": "string" } ] }
- GeneralError
General error information.
type: object
required: ["Message"]
- Message
A message that contains information about the error.
type: string
- ErrorDetails
A list of error details.
type: array
items: ErrorDetail
- ErrorDetail
Details about the error.
type: object
- DetailedErrorCode
A detailed error code.
type: string
- DetailedErrorMessage
A detailed error message.
type: string
Operation ID: CreateGroupCertificateAuthority
Creates a CA for the group. If a CA already exists, it rotates the existing CA.
Produces: application/json
Header Parameters
- X-Amzn-Client-Token
A client token used to correlate requests and responses.
where used: header; required: false
type: string
Path Parameters
- GroupId
The ID of the Greengrass group.
where used: path; required: true
type: string
aws greengrass create-group-certificate-authority \ --group-id <value> \ [--amzn-client-token <value>] \ [--cli-input-json <value>] \ [--generate-cli-skeleton]
cli-input-json format:
"GroupId": "string",
"AmznClientToken": "string"
- 200
Success. The response body contains the new, active CA ARN.
{ "GroupCertificateAuthorityArn": "string" }
- CreateGroupCertificateAuthorityResponse
type: object
- GroupCertificateAuthorityArn
The ARN of the group certificate authority.
type: string
- 400
Invalid request.
{ "Message": "string", "ErrorDetails": [ { "DetailedErrorCode": "string", "DetailedErrorMessage": "string" } ] }
- GeneralError
General error information.
type: object
required: ["Message"]
- Message
A message that contains information about the error.
type: string
- ErrorDetails
A list of error details.
type: array
items: ErrorDetail
- ErrorDetail
Details about the error.
type: object
- DetailedErrorCode
A detailed error code.
type: string
- DetailedErrorMessage
A detailed error message.
type: string
- 500
Server error.
{ "Message": "string", "ErrorDetails": [ { "DetailedErrorCode": "string", "DetailedErrorMessage": "string" } ] }
- GeneralError
General error information.
type: object
required: ["Message"]
- Message
A message that contains information about the error.
type: string
- ErrorDetails
A list of error details.
type: array
items: ErrorDetail
- ErrorDetail
Details about the error.
type: object
- DetailedErrorCode
A detailed error code.
type: string
- DetailedErrorMessage
A detailed error message.
type: string