Using AWS CloudFormation to deploy configuration changes - AMS Accelerate User Guide

Using AWS CloudFormation to deploy configuration changes

If you wish to deploy your CustomerManagedAlarms configuration profile using AWS CloudFormation, you can use the following CloudFormation templates. Put your desired JSON configuration in the AMSAlarmManagerConfigurationVersion.Content field.

When you deploy the templates in a CloudFormation Stack or Stack Set, the deployment of the AMSResourceTaggerDeployment resource will fail if you have not followed the required JSON format for the configuration. See Configuration profile: monitoring for details on the expected format.

For help on deploying these templates as a CloudFormation stack or stack set, see the relevant AWS CloudFormation documentation below:


If you deploy a configuration version using one of these templates, and then subsequently delete the CloudFormation stack/stack set, the template configuration version will remain as the current deployed version, and no additional deployment will be made. If you wish to revert back to a default configuration, you will need to either manually deploy an empty configuration (i.e. just {}), or update your stack to an empty configuration, rather than deleting the stack.


{ "Description": "Custom configuration for the AMS Alarm Manager.", "Resources": { "AMSAlarmManagerConfigurationVersion": { "Type": "AWS::AppConfig::HostedConfigurationVersion", "Properties": { "ApplicationId": { "Fn::ImportValue": "AMS-Alarm-Manager-Configuration-ApplicationId" }, "ConfigurationProfileId": { "Fn::ImportValue": "AMS-Alarm-Manager-Configuration-CustomerManagedAlarms-ProfileID" }, "Content": "{}", "ContentType": "application/json" } }, "AMSAlarmManagerDeployment": { "Type": "AWS::AppConfig::Deployment", "Properties": { "ApplicationId": { "Fn::ImportValue": "AMS-Alarm-Manager-Configuration-ApplicationId" }, "ConfigurationProfileId": { "Fn::ImportValue": "AMS-Alarm-Manager-Configuration-CustomerManagedAlarms-ProfileID" }, "ConfigurationVersion": { "Ref": "AMSAlarmManagerConfigurationVersion" }, "DeploymentStrategyId": { "Fn::ImportValue": "AMS-Alarm-Manager-Configuration-Deployment-StrategyID" }, "EnvironmentId": { "Fn::ImportValue": "AMS-Alarm-Manager-Configuration-EnvironmentId" } } } } }


Description: Custom configuration for the AMS Alarm Manager. Resources: AMSAlarmManagerConfigurationVersion: Type: AWS::AppConfig::HostedConfigurationVersion Properties: ApplicationId: !ImportValue AMS-Alarm-Manager-Configuration-ApplicationId ConfigurationProfileId: !ImportValue AMS-Alarm-Manager-Configuration-CustomerManagedAlarms-ProfileID Content: | { } ContentType: application/json AMSAlarmManagerDeployment: Type: AWS::AppConfig::Deployment Properties: ApplicationId: !ImportValue AMS-Alarm-Manager-Configuration-ApplicationId ConfigurationProfileId: !ImportValue AMS-Alarm-Manager-Configuration-CustomerManagedAlarms-ProfileID ConfigurationVersion: !Ref AMSAlarmManagerConfigurationVersion DeploymentStrategyId: !ImportValue AMS-Alarm-Manager-Configuration-Deployment-StrategyID EnvironmentId: !ImportValue AMS-Alarm-Manager-Configuration-EnvironmentId