Shared services subnets contain AMS Directory Services, the Management Host that automates provisioning and common tasks, antivirus (TrendMicro) management server, and internal bastion hosts:
AMS Directory Services = AD Domain Controller
Creates an Active Directory in AMS accounts, creates the AMS domain, joins managed stacks to the domain on launch.
Management hosts = AMS Management Host (automate provisioning and common tasks)
Act as an API endpoint to modify AWS Directory Service, interact with AWS Directory Service domain controllers.
Security services: Antivirus (TrendMicro) management server = EPS DSM + EPS Relay
Leverages Trend Micro™ Deep Security software (DSM), operates in a client-server model and has a back-end database, includes Deep Security managers, agents, and relays.
Internal bastion hosts = Customer bastions
Special purpose servers designed to be the primary access point from the Internet and act as a proxy to your other Amazon EC2 instances.