AWS Cloud WAN transit gateway network and transit gateways dashboards - AWS Network Manager

AWS Cloud WAN transit gateway network and transit gateways dashboards

Cloud WAN transit gateway network dashboards

Use the transit gateway network dashboard to view details about all transit gateways in your global network. Some of the dashboards include:

  • View a geographical map that pinpoints where your transit gateway resources, such as VPNs, VPCs, sites, and devices are located.

  • View VPN and Connect peer status.

  • Monitor data using CloudWatch Events to track 15-months' worth of statistics, giving you a better perspective on how your transit gateways are performing.

  • Track real-time transit gateway network events.

  • View topological diagrams of your transit gateways including sites, devices and gateways.

For the steps to access and use the Cloud WAN transit gateway networks dashboards, see Access AWS Cloud WAN transit gateway network dashboards.

Cloud WAN transit gateway dashboards

Use the transit gateway dashboard to view details about the transit gateways in your global network. Some of the dashboards include:

  • View attachment details, including VPNs and Connect peers, as well as network events.

  • View onn-premises and Connect peer associations.

  • Track real-time transit gateway events.

  • View a topological diagram of your transit gateways.

For the steps to access and use the Cloud WAN transit gateway dashboards, see Access AWS Cloud WAN transit gateway dashboards.