Creating HealthOmics run groups
You can optionally create a run group to cap the compute resources for the runs that you add to the group. Run groups can help you:
Queue your runs so that you don’t exceed service limits.
Catch run-away tasks by setting a maximum run duration.
Manage the priority of each run so that the most important runs complete first.
If you set the maximum concurrent vCPU, GPU, or runs, run tasks will queue when the maximum is reached. If you set a maximum run duration, the run fails if it exceeds the maximum duration.
Use the run priority setting to establish priority within a run group.
Service limits take precedence over run group limits. For instance, if you set a run group maximum to a higher value than your service maximum in a region, HealthOmics applies the service maximum.
Run priority
You can use run priority to establish the priority of runs in a run group.
If multiple runs have the same priority, the run that started first has the higher priority.
You can also set a priority for a run that isn't in a run group. The priority is compared with the priorities of all other runs that aren't in a run group
You set run priority when you start the run. For more information, see Starting a run in HealthOmics.
Creating a run group using the console
To create a run group
Open the HealthOmics console
. In the left navigation pane, choose Run groups.
On the Run groups page, choose Create run group.
On the Create run group details page, provide the following information
Run group name - A unique name for this run group.
Max vCPU for concurrent runs - The maximum number of vCPUs that can run concurrently across all active runs in the run group.
Max GPUs - The maximum number of GPUs that can run concurrently across all active runs in the run group.
Max run time (mins) per run - The maximum time for each run (in minutes). If a run exceeds the maximum run time, the run fails automatically.
Max concurrent runs - The maximum number of runs that can be running at the same time.
(optional) You can add up to 50 tags to the run group.
Choose Create run group.
Creating a run group using the CLI
To create a run group, use the create-run-group API operation to create a run group
named TestRunGroup
. The following example sets a maximum of 20 CPUs, 10 GPUs, 5 runs, and a maximum
run duration of 600 minutes.
aws omics create-run-group --name TestRunGroup \ --max-cpus 20 \ --max-gpus 10 \ --max-duration 600 \ --max-runs 5
The response from this API operation includes the ID of the newly created RunGroup
{ "arn": "arn:aws:omics:us-west-2:12345678901:runGroup/2839621", "id": "2839621", "tags": {} }
To get additional information about the run group, use this ID with the get-run-group API operation, as shown in the following example.
aws omics get-run-group --id
run group id
The response includes the limit settings for the run group and the assigned tags.
{ "arn": "arn:aws:omics:us-west-2:776893852117:runGroup/2839621", "id": "2839621", "name": "TestRunGroup", "maxCpus": 20, "maxRuns": 5, "maxDuration": 600, "creationTime": "2024-06-12T15:35:39.191730+00:00", "tags": {}, "maxGpus": 10 }
You can also use the list-run-group API operation to view all created run groups.
aws omics list-run-groups