Étape 3 : créer des tables, des index et des exemples de données - Base de données Amazon Quantum Ledger (AmazonQLDB)

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Étape 3 : créer des tables, des index et des exemples de données


Avis de fin de support : les clients existants pourront utiliser Amazon QLDB jusqu'à la fin du support le 31 juillet 2025. Pour plus de détails, consultez Migrer un Amazon QLDB Ledger vers Amazon Aurora SQL Postgre.

Lorsque votre Amazon QLDB Ledger est actif et accepte les connexions, vous pouvez commencer à créer des tableaux contenant les données relatives aux véhicules, à leurs propriétaires et à leurs informations d'enregistrement. Après avoir créé les tables et les index, vous pouvez les charger avec des données.

Au cours de cette étape, vous créez quatre tables dans le vehicle-registration registre :

  • VehicleRegistration

  • Vehicle

  • Person

  • DriversLicense

Vous créez également les index suivants.

Nom de la table Champ
VehicleRegistration VIN
VehicleRegistration LicensePlateNumber
Vehicle VIN
Person GovId
DriversLicense LicenseNumber
DriversLicense PersonId

Lorsque vous insérez des exemples de données, vous devez d'abord insérer des documents dans le Person tableau. Ensuite, vous utilisez le système attribué id à chaque Person document pour remplir les champs correspondants dans les documents appropriésVehicleRegistration. DriversLicense


La meilleure pratique consiste à utiliser le système attribué à un document id en tant que clé étrangère. Bien que vous puissiez définir des champs destinés à être des identifiants uniques (par exemple, ceux d'un véhiculeVIN), le véritable identifiant unique d'un document est le sienid. Ce champ est inclus dans les métadonnées du document, que vous pouvez interroger dans la vue validée (la vue définie par le système d'une table).

Pour plus d'informations sur les vues dansQLDB, voirConcepts de base. Pour en savoir plus sur les métadonnées, consultezInterrogation des métadonnées d'un document.

Pour créer des tables et des index
  1. Utilisez le programme suivant (CreateTable.ts) pour créer les tables mentionnées précédemment.

    /* * Copyright 2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this * software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, * merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ import { QldbDriver, Result, TransactionExecutor } from "amazon-qldb-driver-nodejs"; import { getQldbDriver } from "./ConnectToLedger"; import { DRIVERS_LICENSE_TABLE_NAME, PERSON_TABLE_NAME, VEHICLE_REGISTRATION_TABLE_NAME, VEHICLE_TABLE_NAME } from "./qldb/Constants"; import { error, log } from "./qldb/LogUtil"; /** * Create multiple tables in a single transaction. * @param txn The {@linkcode TransactionExecutor} for lambda execute. * @param tableName Name of the table to create. * @returns Promise which fulfills with the number of changes to the database. */ export async function createTable(txn: TransactionExecutor, tableName: string): Promise<number> { const statement: string = `CREATE TABLE ${tableName}`; return await txn.execute(statement).then((result: Result) => { log(`Successfully created table ${tableName}.`); return result.getResultList().length; }); } /** * Create tables in a QLDB ledger. * @returns Promise which fulfills with void. */ const main = async function(): Promise<void> { try { const qldbDriver: QldbDriver = getQldbDriver(); await qldbDriver.executeLambda(async (txn: TransactionExecutor) => { Promise.all([ createTable(txn, VEHICLE_REGISTRATION_TABLE_NAME), createTable(txn, VEHICLE_TABLE_NAME), createTable(txn, PERSON_TABLE_NAME), createTable(txn, DRIVERS_LICENSE_TABLE_NAME) ]); }); } catch (e) { error(`Unable to create tables: ${e}`); } } if (require.main === module) { main(); }

    Ce programme montre comment utiliser la executeLambda fonction dans une instance de QLDB pilote. Dans cet exemple, vous exécutez plusieurs instructions CREATE TABLE PartiQL avec une seule expression lambda.

    Cette fonction d'exécution démarre implicitement une transaction, exécute toutes les instructions du lambda, puis valide automatiquement la transaction.

  2. Pour exécuter le programme transpilé, entrez la commande suivante.

    node dist/CreateTable.js
  3. Utilisez le programme suivant (CreateIndex.ts) pour créer des index sur les tables, comme décrit précédemment.

    /* * Copyright 2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this * software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, * merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ import { QldbDriver, TransactionExecutor } from "amazon-qldb-driver-nodejs"; import { getQldbDriver } from "./ConnectToLedger"; import { DRIVERS_LICENSE_TABLE_NAME, GOV_ID_INDEX_NAME, LICENSE_NUMBER_INDEX_NAME, LICENSE_PLATE_NUMBER_INDEX_NAME, PERSON_ID_INDEX_NAME, PERSON_TABLE_NAME, VEHICLE_REGISTRATION_TABLE_NAME, VEHICLE_TABLE_NAME, VIN_INDEX_NAME } from "./qldb/Constants"; import { error, log } from "./qldb/LogUtil"; /** * Create an index for a particular table. * @param txn The {@linkcode TransactionExecutor} for lambda execute. * @param tableName Name of the table to add indexes for. * @param indexAttribute Index to create on a single attribute. * @returns Promise which fulfills with the number of changes to the database. */ export async function createIndex( txn: TransactionExecutor, tableName: string, indexAttribute: string ): Promise<number> { const statement: string = `CREATE INDEX on ${tableName} (${indexAttribute})`; return await txn.execute(statement).then((result) => { log(`Successfully created index ${indexAttribute} on table ${tableName}.`); return result.getResultList().length; }); } /** * Create indexes on tables in a particular ledger. * @returns Promise which fulfills with void. */ const main = async function(): Promise<void> { try { const qldbDriver: QldbDriver = getQldbDriver(); await qldbDriver.executeLambda(async (txn: TransactionExecutor) => { Promise.all([ createIndex(txn, PERSON_TABLE_NAME, GOV_ID_INDEX_NAME), createIndex(txn, VEHICLE_TABLE_NAME, VIN_INDEX_NAME), createIndex(txn, VEHICLE_REGISTRATION_TABLE_NAME, VIN_INDEX_NAME), createIndex(txn, VEHICLE_REGISTRATION_TABLE_NAME, LICENSE_PLATE_NUMBER_INDEX_NAME), createIndex(txn, DRIVERS_LICENSE_TABLE_NAME, PERSON_ID_INDEX_NAME), createIndex(txn, DRIVERS_LICENSE_TABLE_NAME, LICENSE_NUMBER_INDEX_NAME) ]); }); } catch (e) { error(`Unable to create indexes: ${e}`); } } if (require.main === module) { main(); }
  4. Pour exécuter le programme transpilé, entrez la commande suivante.

    node dist/CreateIndex.js
Pour charger des données dans les tables
  1. Passez en revue les .ts fichiers suivants.

    1. SampleData.ts— Contient les exemples de données que vous insérez dans les vehicle-registration tables.

      /* * Copyright 2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this * software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, * merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ import { Decimal } from "ion-js"; const EMPTY_SECONDARY_OWNERS: object[] = []; export const DRIVERS_LICENSE = [ { PersonId: "", LicenseNumber: "LEWISR261LL", LicenseType: "Learner", ValidFromDate: new Date("2016-12-20"), ValidToDate: new Date("2020-11-15") }, { PersonId: "", LicenseNumber : "LOGANB486CG", LicenseType: "Probationary", ValidFromDate : new Date("2016-04-06"), ValidToDate : new Date("2020-11-15") }, { PersonId: "", LicenseNumber : "744 849 301", LicenseType: "Full", ValidFromDate : new Date("2017-12-06"), ValidToDate : new Date("2022-10-15") }, { PersonId: "", LicenseNumber : "P626-168-229-765", LicenseType: "Learner", ValidFromDate : new Date("2017-08-16"), ValidToDate : new Date("2021-11-15") }, { PersonId: "", LicenseNumber : "S152-780-97-415-0", LicenseType: "Probationary", ValidFromDate : new Date("2015-08-15"), ValidToDate : new Date("2021-08-21") } ]; export const PERSON = [ { FirstName : "Raul", LastName : "Lewis", DOB : new Date("1963-08-19"), Address : "1719 University Street, Seattle, WA, 98109", GovId : "LEWISR261LL", GovIdType : "Driver License" }, { FirstName : "Brent", LastName : "Logan", DOB : new Date("1967-07-03"), Address : "43 Stockert Hollow Road, Everett, WA, 98203", GovId : "LOGANB486CG", GovIdType : "Driver License" }, { FirstName : "Alexis", LastName : "Pena", DOB : new Date("1974-02-10"), Address : "4058 Melrose Street, Spokane Valley, WA, 99206", GovId : "744 849 301", GovIdType : "SSN" }, { FirstName : "Melvin", LastName : "Parker", DOB : new Date("1976-05-22"), Address : "4362 Ryder Avenue, Seattle, WA, 98101", GovId : "P626-168-229-765", GovIdType : "Passport" }, { FirstName : "Salvatore", LastName : "Spencer", DOB : new Date("1997-11-15"), Address : "4450 Honeysuckle Lane, Seattle, WA, 98101", GovId : "S152-780-97-415-0", GovIdType : "Passport" } ]; export const VEHICLE = [ { VIN : "1N4AL11D75C109151", Type : "Sedan", Year : 2011, Make : "Audi", Model : "A5", Color : "Silver" }, { VIN : "KM8SRDHF6EU074761", Type : "Sedan", Year : 2015, Make : "Tesla", Model : "Model S", Color : "Blue" }, { VIN : "3HGGK5G53FM761765", Type : "Motorcycle", Year : 2011, Make : "Ducati", Model : "Monster 1200", Color : "Yellow" }, { VIN : "1HVBBAANXWH544237", Type : "Semi", Year : 2009, Make : "Ford", Model : "F 150", Color : "Black" }, { VIN : "1C4RJFAG0FC625797", Type : "Sedan", Year : 2019, Make : "Mercedes", Model : "CLK 350", Color : "White" } ]; export const VEHICLE_REGISTRATION = [ { VIN : "1N4AL11D75C109151", LicensePlateNumber : "LEWISR261LL", State : "WA", City : "Seattle", ValidFromDate : new Date("2017-08-21"), ValidToDate : new Date("2020-05-11"), PendingPenaltyTicketAmount : new Decimal(9025, -2), Owners : { PrimaryOwner : { PersonId : "" }, SecondaryOwners : EMPTY_SECONDARY_OWNERS } }, { VIN : "KM8SRDHF6EU074761", LicensePlateNumber : "CA762X", State : "WA", City : "Kent", PendingPenaltyTicketAmount : new Decimal(13075, -2), ValidFromDate : new Date("2017-09-14"), ValidToDate : new Date("2020-06-25"), Owners : { PrimaryOwner : { PersonId : "" }, SecondaryOwners : EMPTY_SECONDARY_OWNERS } }, { VIN : "3HGGK5G53FM761765", LicensePlateNumber : "CD820Z", State : "WA", City : "Everett", PendingPenaltyTicketAmount : new Decimal(44230, -2), ValidFromDate : new Date("2011-03-17"), ValidToDate : new Date("2021-03-24"), Owners : { PrimaryOwner : { PersonId : "" }, SecondaryOwners : EMPTY_SECONDARY_OWNERS } }, { VIN : "1HVBBAANXWH544237", LicensePlateNumber : "LS477D", State : "WA", City : "Tacoma", PendingPenaltyTicketAmount : new Decimal(4220, -2), ValidFromDate : new Date("2011-10-26"), ValidToDate : new Date("2023-09-25"), Owners : { PrimaryOwner : { PersonId : "" }, SecondaryOwners : EMPTY_SECONDARY_OWNERS } }, { VIN : "1C4RJFAG0FC625797", LicensePlateNumber : "TH393F", State : "WA", City : "Olympia", PendingPenaltyTicketAmount : new Decimal(3045, -2), ValidFromDate : new Date("2013-09-02"), ValidToDate : new Date("2024-03-19"), Owners : { PrimaryOwner : { PersonId : "" }, SecondaryOwners : EMPTY_SECONDARY_OWNERS } } ];
    2. Util.ts— Un module utilitaire qui importe à partir du ion-js package pour fournir des fonctions d'assistance qui convertissent, analysent et impriment les données Amazon Ion.

      /* * Copyright 2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this * software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, * merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ import { Result, TransactionExecutor } from "amazon-qldb-driver-nodejs"; import { GetBlockResponse, GetDigestResponse, ValueHolder } from "aws-sdk/clients/qldb"; import { Decimal, decodeUtf8, dom, IonTypes, makePrettyWriter, makeReader, Reader, Timestamp, toBase64, Writer } from "ion-js"; import { error } from "./LogUtil"; /** * TODO: Replace this with json.stringify * Returns the string representation of a given BlockResponse. * @param blockResponse The BlockResponse to convert to string. * @returns The string representation of the supplied BlockResponse. */ export function blockResponseToString(blockResponse: GetBlockResponse): string { let stringBuilder: string = ""; if (blockResponse.Block.IonText) { stringBuilder = stringBuilder + "Block: " + blockResponse.Block.IonText + ", "; } if (blockResponse.Proof.IonText) { stringBuilder = stringBuilder + "Proof: " + blockResponse.Proof.IonText; } stringBuilder = "{" + stringBuilder + "}"; const writer: Writer = makePrettyWriter(); const reader: Reader = makeReader(stringBuilder); writer.writeValues(reader); return decodeUtf8(writer.getBytes()); } /** * TODO: Replace this with json.stringify * Returns the string representation of a given GetDigestResponse. * @param digestResponse The GetDigestResponse to convert to string. * @returns The string representation of the supplied GetDigestResponse. */ export function digestResponseToString(digestResponse: GetDigestResponse): string { let stringBuilder: string = ""; if (digestResponse.Digest) { stringBuilder += "Digest: " + JSON.stringify(toBase64(<Uint8Array> digestResponse.Digest)) + ", "; } if (digestResponse.DigestTipAddress.IonText) { stringBuilder += "DigestTipAddress: " + digestResponse.DigestTipAddress.IonText; } stringBuilder = "{" + stringBuilder + "}"; const writer: Writer = makePrettyWriter(); const reader: Reader = makeReader(stringBuilder); writer.writeValues(reader); return decodeUtf8(writer.getBytes()); } /** * Get the document IDs from the given table. * @param txn The {@linkcode TransactionExecutor} for lambda execute. * @param tableName The table name to query. * @param field A field to query. * @param value The key of the given field. * @returns Promise which fulfills with the document ID as a string. */ export async function getDocumentId( txn: TransactionExecutor, tableName: string, field: string, value: string ): Promise<string> { const query: string = `SELECT id FROM ${tableName} AS t BY id WHERE t.${field} = ?`; let documentId: string = undefined; await txn.execute(query, value).then((result: Result) => { const resultList: dom.Value[] = result.getResultList(); if (resultList.length === 0) { throw new Error(`Unable to retrieve document ID using ${value}.`); } documentId = resultList[0].get("id").stringValue(); }).catch((err: any) => { error(`Error getting documentId: ${err}`); }); return documentId; } /** * Sleep for the specified amount of time. * @param ms The amount of time to sleep in milliseconds. * @returns Promise which fulfills with void. */ export function sleep(ms: number): Promise<void> { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } /** * Find the value of a given path in an Ion value. The path should contain a blob value. * @param value The Ion value that contains the journal block attributes. * @param path The path to a certain attribute. * @returns Uint8Array value of the blob, or null if the attribute cannot be found in the Ion value * or is not of type Blob */ export function getBlobValue(value: dom.Value, path: string): Uint8Array | null { const attribute: dom.Value = value.get(path); if (attribute !== null && attribute.getType() === IonTypes.BLOB) { return attribute.uInt8ArrayValue(); } return null; } /** * TODO: Replace this with json.stringify * Returns the string representation of a given ValueHolder. * @param valueHolder The ValueHolder to convert to string. * @returns The string representation of the supplied ValueHolder. */ export function valueHolderToString(valueHolder: ValueHolder): string { const stringBuilder: string = `{ IonText: ${valueHolder.IonText}}`; const writer: Writer = makePrettyWriter(); const reader: Reader = makeReader(stringBuilder); writer.writeValues(reader); return decodeUtf8(writer.getBytes()); } /** * Converts a given value to Ion using the provided writer. * @param value The value to convert to Ion. * @param ionWriter The Writer to pass the value into. * @throws Error: If the given value cannot be converted to Ion. */ export function writeValueAsIon(value: any, ionWriter: Writer): void { switch (typeof value) { case "string": ionWriter.writeString(value); break; case "boolean": ionWriter.writeBoolean(value); break; case "number": ionWriter.writeInt(value); break; case "object": if (Array.isArray(value)) { // Object is an array. ionWriter.stepIn(IonTypes.LIST); for (const element of value) { writeValueAsIon(element, ionWriter); } ionWriter.stepOut(); } else if (value instanceof Date) { // Object is a Date. ionWriter.writeTimestamp(Timestamp.parse(value.toISOString())); } else if (value instanceof Decimal) { // Object is a Decimal. ionWriter.writeDecimal(value); } else if (value === null) { ionWriter.writeNull(IonTypes.NULL); } else { // Object is a struct. ionWriter.stepIn(IonTypes.STRUCT); for (const key of Object.keys(value)) { ionWriter.writeFieldName(key); writeValueAsIon(value[key], ionWriter); } ionWriter.stepOut(); } break; default: throw new Error(`Cannot convert to Ion for type: ${(typeof value)}.`); } }

      La getDocumentId fonction exécute une requête qui renvoie un document attribué par le système IDs à partir d'une table. Pour en savoir plus, veuillez consulter la section Utilisation de la clause BY pour demander l'ID du document.

  2. Utilisez le programme suivant (InsertDocument.ts) pour insérer les exemples de données dans vos tables.

    /* * Copyright 2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this * software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, * merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ import { QldbDriver, Result, TransactionExecutor } from "amazon-qldb-driver-nodejs"; import { dom } from "ion-js"; import { getQldbDriver } from "./ConnectToLedger"; import { DRIVERS_LICENSE, PERSON, VEHICLE, VEHICLE_REGISTRATION } from "./model/SampleData"; import { DRIVERS_LICENSE_TABLE_NAME, PERSON_TABLE_NAME, VEHICLE_REGISTRATION_TABLE_NAME, VEHICLE_TABLE_NAME } from "./qldb/Constants"; import { error, log } from "./qldb/LogUtil"; /** * Insert the given list of documents into a table in a single transaction. * @param txn The {@linkcode TransactionExecutor} for lambda execute. * @param tableName Name of the table to insert documents into. * @param documents List of documents to insert. * @returns Promise which fulfills with a {@linkcode Result} object. */ export async function insertDocument( txn: TransactionExecutor, tableName: string, documents: object[] ): Promise<Result> { const statement: string = `INSERT INTO ${tableName} ?`; const result: Result = await txn.execute(statement, documents); return result; } /** * Handle the insertion of documents and updating PersonIds all in a single transaction. * @param txn The {@linkcode TransactionExecutor} for lambda execute. * @returns Promise which fulfills with void. */ async function updateAndInsertDocuments(txn: TransactionExecutor): Promise<void> { log("Inserting multiple documents into the 'Person' table..."); const documentIds: Result = await insertDocument(txn, PERSON_TABLE_NAME, PERSON); const listOfDocumentIds: dom.Value[] = documentIds.getResultList(); log("Updating PersonIds for 'DriversLicense' and PrimaryOwner for 'VehicleRegistration'..."); updatePersonId(listOfDocumentIds); log("Inserting multiple documents into the remaining tables..."); await Promise.all([ insertDocument(txn, DRIVERS_LICENSE_TABLE_NAME, DRIVERS_LICENSE), insertDocument(txn, VEHICLE_REGISTRATION_TABLE_NAME, VEHICLE_REGISTRATION), insertDocument(txn, VEHICLE_TABLE_NAME, VEHICLE) ]); } /** * Update the PersonId value for DriversLicense records and the PrimaryOwner value for VehicleRegistration records. * @param documentIds List of document IDs. */ export function updatePersonId(documentIds: dom.Value[]): void { documentIds.forEach((value: dom.Value, i: number) => { const documentId: string = value.get("documentId").stringValue(); DRIVERS_LICENSE[i].PersonId = documentId; VEHICLE_REGISTRATION[i].Owners.PrimaryOwner.PersonId = documentId; }); } /** * Insert documents into a table in a QLDB ledger. * @returns Promise which fulfills with void. */ const main = async function(): Promise<void> { try { const qldbDriver: QldbDriver = getQldbDriver(); await qldbDriver.executeLambda(async (txn: TransactionExecutor) => { await updateAndInsertDocuments(txn); }); } catch (e) { error(`Unable to insert documents: ${e}`); } } if (require.main === module) { main(); }
    • Ce programme montre comment appeler la execute fonction avec des valeurs paramétrées. Vous pouvez transmettre des paramètres de données en plus de l'instruction partiQL que vous souhaitez exécuter. Utilisez un point d'interrogation (?) comme espace réservé à une variable dans votre chaîne de déclaration.

    • Si une INSERT instruction aboutit, elle renvoie le id de chaque document inséré.

  3. Pour exécuter le programme transpilé, entrez la commande suivante.

    node dist/InsertDocument.js

Vous pouvez ensuite utiliser SELECT des instructions pour lire les données des tables du vehicle-registration registre. Passez à Étape 4 : Interrogez les tables d'un registre.