Exemple de code de fonctionnalisation pour des cas d'utilisation courants - Amazon SageMaker AI

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Exemple de code de fonctionnalisation pour des cas d'utilisation courants

Les exemples suivants fournissent un exemple de code de fonctionnalisation pour les cas d'utilisation courants. Pour un exemple de bloc-notes plus détaillé présentant des cas d'utilisation spécifiques, consultez le bloc-notes Amazon SageMaker Feature Store Feature Store Feature Processing.

Dans les exemples suivants, us-east-1 est la région de la ressource, 111122223333 est l'ID de compte du propriétaire de la ressource et your-feature-group-name est le nom du groupe de fonctionnalités.

Le jeu de données transactions utilisé dans les exemples suivants présente le schéma suivant :

'FeatureDefinitions': [ {'FeatureName': 'txn_id', 'FeatureType': 'String'}, {'FeatureName': 'txn_time', 'FeatureType': 'String'}, {'FeatureName': 'credit_card_num', 'FeatureType': 'String'}, {'FeatureName': 'txn_amount', 'FeatureType': 'Fractional'} ]

Jointure de données à partir de plusieurs sources de données

@feature_processor( inputs=[ CSVDataSource('s3://bucket/customer'), FeatureGroupDataSource('transactions') ], output='arn:aws:sagemaker:us-east-1:111122223333:feature-group/your-feature-group-name' ) def join(transactions_df, customer_df): '''Combine two data sources with an inner join on a common column''' return transactions_df.join( customer_df, transactions_df.customer_id == customer_df.customer_id, "inner" )

Agrégats de fenêtres défilantes

@feature_processor( inputs=[FeatureGroupDataSource('transactions')], output='arn:aws:sagemaker:us-east-1:111122223333:feature-group/your-feature-group-name' ) def sliding_window_aggregates(transactions_df): '''Aggregates over 1-week windows, across 1-day sliding windows.''' from pyspark.sql.functions import window, avg, count return ( transactions_df .groupBy("credit_card_num", window("txn_time", "1 week", "1 day")) .agg(avg("txn_amount").alias("avg_week"), count("*").alias("count_week")) .orderBy("window.start") .select("credit_card_num", "window.start", "avg_week", "count_week") )

Agrégats de fenêtres bascules

@feature_processor( inputs=[FeatureGroupDataSource('transactions')], output='arn:aws:sagemaker:us-east-1:111122223333:feature-group/your-feature-group-name' ) def tumbling_window_aggregates(transactions_df, spark): '''Aggregates over 1-week windows, across 1-day tumbling windows, as a SQL query.''' transactions_df.createOrReplaceTempView('transactions') return spark.sql(f''' SELECT credit_card_num, window.start, AVG(amount) AS avg, COUNT(*) AS count FROM transactions GROUP BY credit_card_num, window(txn_time, "1 week") ORDER BY window.start ''')

Promotion du magasin hors connexion au magasin en ligne

@feature_processor( inputs=[FeatureGroupDataSource('transactions')], target_stores=['OnlineStore'], output='arn:aws:sagemaker:us-east-1:111122223333:feature-group/transactions' ) def offline_to_online(): '''Move data from the offline store to the online store of the same feature group.''' transactions_df.createOrReplaceTempView('transactions') return spark.sql(f''' SELECT txn_id, txn_time, credit_card_num, amount FROM (SELECT *, row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY txn_id ORDER BY "txn_time" DESC, Api_Invocation_Time DESC, write_time DESC) AS row_number FROM transactions) WHERE row_number = 1 ''')

Transformations avec la bibliothèque Pandas

Transformations avec la bibliothèque Pandas

@feature_processor( inputs=[FeatureGroupDataSource('transactions')], target_stores=['OnlineStore'], output='arn:aws:sagemaker:us-east-1:111122223333:feature-group/transactions' ) def pandas(transactions_df): '''Author transformations using the Pandas interface. Requires PyArrow to be installed via pip. For more details: https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/api/python/user_guide/pandas_on_spark ''' import pyspark.pandas as ps # PySpark DF to Pandas-On-Spark DF (Distributed DF with Pandas interface). pandas_on_spark_df = transactions_df.pandas_api() # Pandas-On-Spark DF to Pandas DF (Single Machine Only). pandas_df = pandas_on_spark_df.to_pandas() # Reverse: Pandas DF to Pandas-On-Spark DF pandas_on_spark_df = ps.from_pandas(pandas_df) # Reverse: Pandas-On-Spark DF to PySpark DF spark_df = pandas_on_spark_df.to_spark() return spark_df

Exécutions continues et tentatives automatiques à l'aide de déclencheurs basés sur des événements

from sagemaker.feature_store.feature_processor import put_trigger, to_pipeline, FeatureProcessorPipelineEvent from sagemaker.feature_store.feature_processor import FeatureProcessorPipelineExecutionStatus streaming_pipeline_name = "target-pipeline" to_pipeline( pipeline_name=streaming_pipeline_name, step=transform ) put_trigger( source_pipeline_events=[ FeatureProcessorPipelineEvent( pipeline_name=streaming_pipeline_name, pipeline_execution_status=[ FeatureProcessorPipelineExecutionStatus.STOPPED, FeatureProcessorPipelineExecutionStatus.FAILED] ) ], target_pipeline=streaming_pipeline_name )