Exemples Lambda utilisant AWS SDK for .NET - AWS SDK for .NET

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Exemples Lambda utilisant AWS SDK for .NET

Les exemples de code suivants vous montrent comment effectuer des actions et implémenter des scénarios courants à l' AWS SDK for .NET aide de Lambda.

Les actions sont des extraits de code de programmes plus larges et doivent être exécutées dans leur contexte. Alors que les actions vous montrent comment appeler des fonctions de service individuelles, vous pouvez les visualiser dans leur contexte dans leurs scénarios associés.

Les scénarios sont des exemples de code qui vous montrent comment accomplir des tâches spécifiques en appelant plusieurs fonctions au sein d'un service ou en les combinant à d'autres Services AWS.

Chaque exemple inclut un lien vers le code source complet, où vous trouverez des instructions sur la façon de configurer et d'exécuter le code en contexte.

Mise en route

Les exemples de code suivants montrent comment démarrer avec Lambda.


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namespace LambdaActions; using Amazon.Lambda; public class HelloLambda { static async Task Main(string[] args) { var lambdaClient = new AmazonLambdaClient(); Console.WriteLine("Hello AWS Lambda"); Console.WriteLine("Let's get started with AWS Lambda by listing your existing Lambda functions:"); var response = await lambdaClient.ListFunctionsAsync(); response.Functions.ForEach(function => { Console.WriteLine($"{function.FunctionName}\t{function.Description}"); }); } }
  • Pour API plus de détails, voir ListFunctionsla section AWS SDK for .NET APIRéférence.


L'exemple de code suivant montre comment utiliserCreateFunction.


Il y en a plus à ce sujet GitHub. Trouvez l’exemple complet et découvrez comment le configurer et l’exécuter dans le référentiel d’exemples de code AWS.

/// <summary> /// Creates a new Lambda function. /// </summary> /// <param name="functionName">The name of the function.</param> /// <param name="s3Bucket">The Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) /// bucket where the zip file containing the code is located.</param> /// <param name="s3Key">The Amazon S3 key of the zip file.</param> /// <param name="role">The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a role with the /// appropriate Lambda permissions.</param> /// <param name="handler">The name of the handler function.</param> /// <returns>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the newly created /// Lambda function.</returns> public async Task<string> CreateLambdaFunctionAsync( string functionName, string s3Bucket, string s3Key, string role, string handler) { // Defines the location for the function code. // S3Bucket - The S3 bucket where the file containing // the source code is stored. // S3Key - The name of the file containing the code. var functionCode = new FunctionCode { S3Bucket = s3Bucket, S3Key = s3Key, }; var createFunctionRequest = new CreateFunctionRequest { FunctionName = functionName, Description = "Created by the Lambda .NET API", Code = functionCode, Handler = handler, Runtime = Runtime.Dotnet6, Role = role, }; var reponse = await _lambdaService.CreateFunctionAsync(createFunctionRequest); return reponse.FunctionArn; }
  • Pour API plus de détails, voir CreateFunctionla section AWS SDK for .NET APIRéférence.

L'exemple de code suivant montre comment utiliserDeleteFunction.


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/// <summary> /// Delete an AWS Lambda function. /// </summary> /// <param name="functionName">The name of the Lambda function to /// delete.</param> /// <returns>A Boolean value that indicates the success of the action.</returns> public async Task<bool> DeleteFunctionAsync(string functionName) { var request = new DeleteFunctionRequest { FunctionName = functionName, }; var response = await _lambdaService.DeleteFunctionAsync(request); // A return value of NoContent means that the request was processed. // In this case, the function was deleted, and the return value // is intentionally blank. return response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NoContent; }
  • Pour API plus de détails, voir DeleteFunctionla section AWS SDK for .NET APIRéférence.

L'exemple de code suivant montre comment utiliserGetFunction.


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/// <summary> /// Gets information about a Lambda function. /// </summary> /// <param name="functionName">The name of the Lambda function for /// which to retrieve information.</param> /// <returns>Async Task.</returns> public async Task<FunctionConfiguration> GetFunctionAsync(string functionName) { var functionRequest = new GetFunctionRequest { FunctionName = functionName, }; var response = await _lambdaService.GetFunctionAsync(functionRequest); return response.Configuration; }
  • Pour API plus de détails, voir GetFunctionla section AWS SDK for .NET APIRéférence.

L'exemple de code suivant montre comment utiliserInvoke.


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/// <summary> /// Invoke a Lambda function. /// </summary> /// <param name="functionName">The name of the Lambda function to /// invoke.</param /// <param name="parameters">The parameter values that will be passed to the function.</param> /// <returns>A System Threading Task.</returns> public async Task<string> InvokeFunctionAsync( string functionName, string parameters) { var payload = parameters; var request = new InvokeRequest { FunctionName = functionName, Payload = payload, }; var response = await _lambdaService.InvokeAsync(request); MemoryStream stream = response.Payload; string returnValue = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stream.ToArray()); return returnValue; }
  • Pour API plus de détails, voir Invoke in AWS SDK for .NET APIReference.

L'exemple de code suivant montre comment utiliserListFunctions.


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/// <summary> /// Get a list of Lambda functions. /// </summary> /// <returns>A list of FunctionConfiguration objects.</returns> public async Task<List<FunctionConfiguration>> ListFunctionsAsync() { var functionList = new List<FunctionConfiguration>(); var functionPaginator = _lambdaService.Paginators.ListFunctions(new ListFunctionsRequest()); await foreach (var function in functionPaginator.Functions) { functionList.Add(function); } return functionList; }
  • Pour API plus de détails, voir ListFunctionsla section AWS SDK for .NET APIRéférence.

L'exemple de code suivant montre comment utiliserUpdateFunctionCode.


Il y en a plus à ce sujet GitHub. Trouvez l’exemple complet et découvrez comment le configurer et l’exécuter dans le référentiel d’exemples de code AWS.

/// <summary> /// Update an existing Lambda function. /// </summary> /// <param name="functionName">The name of the Lambda function to update.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The bucket where the zip file containing /// the Lambda function code is stored.</param> /// <param name="key">The key name of the source code file.</param> /// <returns>Async Task.</returns> public async Task UpdateFunctionCodeAsync( string functionName, string bucketName, string key) { var functionCodeRequest = new UpdateFunctionCodeRequest { FunctionName = functionName, Publish = true, S3Bucket = bucketName, S3Key = key, }; var response = await _lambdaService.UpdateFunctionCodeAsync(functionCodeRequest); Console.WriteLine($"The Function was last modified at {response.LastModified}."); }
  • Pour API plus de détails, voir UpdateFunctionCodela section AWS SDK for .NET APIRéférence.

L'exemple de code suivant montre comment utiliserUpdateFunctionConfiguration.


Il y en a plus à ce sujet GitHub. Trouvez l’exemple complet et découvrez comment le configurer et l’exécuter dans le référentiel d’exemples de code AWS.

/// <summary> /// Update the code of a Lambda function. /// </summary> /// <param name="functionName">The name of the function to update.</param> /// <param name="functionHandler">The code that performs the function's actions.</param> /// <param name="environmentVariables">A dictionary of environment variables.</param> /// <returns>A Boolean value indicating the success of the action.</returns> public async Task<bool> UpdateFunctionConfigurationAsync( string functionName, string functionHandler, Dictionary<string, string> environmentVariables) { var request = new UpdateFunctionConfigurationRequest { Handler = functionHandler, FunctionName = functionName, Environment = new Amazon.Lambda.Model.Environment { Variables = environmentVariables }, }; var response = await _lambdaService.UpdateFunctionConfigurationAsync(request); Console.WriteLine(response.LastModified); return response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK; }


L'exemple de code suivant montre comment créer une application sans serveur permettant aux utilisateurs de gérer des photos à l'aide d'étiquettes.


Montre comment développer une application de gestion de ressources photographiques qui détecte les étiquettes dans les images à l’aide d’Amazon Rekognition et les stocke pour les récupérer ultérieurement.

Pour obtenir le code source complet et les instructions de configuration et d'exécution, consultez l'exemple complet sur GitHub.

Pour explorer en profondeur l’origine de cet exemple, consultez l’article sur AWS  Community.

Les services utilisés dans cet exemple
  • APIPasserelle

  • DynamoDB

  • Lambda

  • Amazon Rekognition

  • Amazon S3

  • Amazon SNS

L'exemple de code suivant montre comment créer une application qui analyse les cartes de commentaires des clients, les traduit depuis leur langue d'origine, détermine leur sentiment et génère un fichier audio à partir du texte traduit.


Cet exemple d’application analyse et stocke les cartes de commentaires des clients. Plus précisément, elle répond aux besoins d’un hôtel fictif situé à New York. L’hôtel reçoit les commentaires des clients dans différentes langues sous la forme de cartes de commentaires physiques. Ces commentaires sont chargés dans l’application via un client Web. Après avoir chargé l’image d’une carte de commentaires, les étapes suivantes se déroulent :

  • Le texte est extrait de l’image à l’aide d’Amazon Textract.

  • Amazon Comprehend détermine le sentiment du texte extrait et sa langue.

  • Le texte extrait est traduit en anglais à l’aide d’Amazon Translate.

  • Amazon Polly synthétise un fichier audio à partir du texte extrait.

L’application complète peut être déployée avec AWS CDK. Pour le code source et les instructions de déploiement, consultez le projet dans GitHub.

Les services utilisés dans cet exemple
  • Amazon Comprehend

  • Lambda

  • Amazon Polly

  • Amazon Textract

  • Amazon Translate

L’exemple de code suivant illustre comment :

  • Créez un IAM rôle et une fonction Lambda, puis téléchargez le code du gestionnaire.

  • Invoquer la fonction avec un seul paramètre et obtenir des résultats.

  • Mettre à jour le code de la fonction et configurer avec une variable d’environnement.

  • Invoquer la fonction avec de nouveaux paramètres et obtenir des résultats. Afficher le journal d’exécution renvoyé.

  • Répertorier les fonctions pour votre compte, puis nettoyer les ressources.

Pour plus d’informations, consultez Créer une fonction Lambda à l’aide de la console.


Il y en a plus à ce sujet GitHub. Trouvez l’exemple complet et découvrez comment le configurer et l’exécuter dans le référentiel d’exemples de code AWS.

Créez des méthodes qui exécutent des actions Lambda.

namespace LambdaActions; using Amazon.Lambda; using Amazon.Lambda.Model; /// <summary> /// A class that implements AWS Lambda methods. /// </summary> public class LambdaWrapper { private readonly IAmazonLambda _lambdaService; /// <summary> /// Constructor for the LambdaWrapper class. /// </summary> /// <param name="lambdaService">An initialized Lambda service client.</param> public LambdaWrapper(IAmazonLambda lambdaService) { _lambdaService = lambdaService; } /// <summary> /// Creates a new Lambda function. /// </summary> /// <param name="functionName">The name of the function.</param> /// <param name="s3Bucket">The Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) /// bucket where the zip file containing the code is located.</param> /// <param name="s3Key">The Amazon S3 key of the zip file.</param> /// <param name="role">The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a role with the /// appropriate Lambda permissions.</param> /// <param name="handler">The name of the handler function.</param> /// <returns>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the newly created /// Lambda function.</returns> public async Task<string> CreateLambdaFunctionAsync( string functionName, string s3Bucket, string s3Key, string role, string handler) { // Defines the location for the function code. // S3Bucket - The S3 bucket where the file containing // the source code is stored. // S3Key - The name of the file containing the code. var functionCode = new FunctionCode { S3Bucket = s3Bucket, S3Key = s3Key, }; var createFunctionRequest = new CreateFunctionRequest { FunctionName = functionName, Description = "Created by the Lambda .NET API", Code = functionCode, Handler = handler, Runtime = Runtime.Dotnet6, Role = role, }; var reponse = await _lambdaService.CreateFunctionAsync(createFunctionRequest); return reponse.FunctionArn; } /// <summary> /// Delete an AWS Lambda function. /// </summary> /// <param name="functionName">The name of the Lambda function to /// delete.</param> /// <returns>A Boolean value that indicates the success of the action.</returns> public async Task<bool> DeleteFunctionAsync(string functionName) { var request = new DeleteFunctionRequest { FunctionName = functionName, }; var response = await _lambdaService.DeleteFunctionAsync(request); // A return value of NoContent means that the request was processed. // In this case, the function was deleted, and the return value // is intentionally blank. return response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NoContent; } /// <summary> /// Gets information about a Lambda function. /// </summary> /// <param name="functionName">The name of the Lambda function for /// which to retrieve information.</param> /// <returns>Async Task.</returns> public async Task<FunctionConfiguration> GetFunctionAsync(string functionName) { var functionRequest = new GetFunctionRequest { FunctionName = functionName, }; var response = await _lambdaService.GetFunctionAsync(functionRequest); return response.Configuration; } /// <summary> /// Invoke a Lambda function. /// </summary> /// <param name="functionName">The name of the Lambda function to /// invoke.</param /// <param name="parameters">The parameter values that will be passed to the function.</param> /// <returns>A System Threading Task.</returns> public async Task<string> InvokeFunctionAsync( string functionName, string parameters) { var payload = parameters; var request = new InvokeRequest { FunctionName = functionName, Payload = payload, }; var response = await _lambdaService.InvokeAsync(request); MemoryStream stream = response.Payload; string returnValue = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stream.ToArray()); return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// Get a list of Lambda functions. /// </summary> /// <returns>A list of FunctionConfiguration objects.</returns> public async Task<List<FunctionConfiguration>> ListFunctionsAsync() { var functionList = new List<FunctionConfiguration>(); var functionPaginator = _lambdaService.Paginators.ListFunctions(new ListFunctionsRequest()); await foreach (var function in functionPaginator.Functions) { functionList.Add(function); } return functionList; } /// <summary> /// Update an existing Lambda function. /// </summary> /// <param name="functionName">The name of the Lambda function to update.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The bucket where the zip file containing /// the Lambda function code is stored.</param> /// <param name="key">The key name of the source code file.</param> /// <returns>Async Task.</returns> public async Task UpdateFunctionCodeAsync( string functionName, string bucketName, string key) { var functionCodeRequest = new UpdateFunctionCodeRequest { FunctionName = functionName, Publish = true, S3Bucket = bucketName, S3Key = key, }; var response = await _lambdaService.UpdateFunctionCodeAsync(functionCodeRequest); Console.WriteLine($"The Function was last modified at {response.LastModified}."); } /// <summary> /// Update the code of a Lambda function. /// </summary> /// <param name="functionName">The name of the function to update.</param> /// <param name="functionHandler">The code that performs the function's actions.</param> /// <param name="environmentVariables">A dictionary of environment variables.</param> /// <returns>A Boolean value indicating the success of the action.</returns> public async Task<bool> UpdateFunctionConfigurationAsync( string functionName, string functionHandler, Dictionary<string, string> environmentVariables) { var request = new UpdateFunctionConfigurationRequest { Handler = functionHandler, FunctionName = functionName, Environment = new Amazon.Lambda.Model.Environment { Variables = environmentVariables }, }; var response = await _lambdaService.UpdateFunctionConfigurationAsync(request); Console.WriteLine(response.LastModified); return response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK; } }

Créer une fonction qui exécute le scénario.

global using System.Threading.Tasks; global using Amazon.IdentityManagement; global using Amazon.Lambda; global using LambdaActions; global using LambdaScenarioCommon; global using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; global using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting; global using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; global using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console; global using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Debug; using Amazon.Lambda.Model; using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; namespace LambdaBasics; public class LambdaBasics { private static ILogger logger = null!; static async Task Main(string[] args) { // Set up dependency injection for the Amazon service. using var host = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args) .ConfigureLogging(logging => logging.AddFilter("System", LogLevel.Debug) .AddFilter<DebugLoggerProvider>("Microsoft", LogLevel.Information) .AddFilter<ConsoleLoggerProvider>("Microsoft", LogLevel.Trace)) .ConfigureServices((_, services) => services.AddAWSService<IAmazonLambda>() .AddAWSService<IAmazonIdentityManagementService>() .AddTransient<LambdaWrapper>() .AddTransient<LambdaRoleWrapper>() .AddTransient<UIWrapper>() ) .Build(); var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder() .SetBasePath(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()) .AddJsonFile("settings.json") // Load test settings from .json file. .AddJsonFile("settings.local.json", true) // Optionally load local settings. .Build(); logger = LoggerFactory.Create(builder => { builder.AddConsole(); }) .CreateLogger<LambdaBasics>(); var lambdaWrapper = host.Services.GetRequiredService<LambdaWrapper>(); var lambdaRoleWrapper = host.Services.GetRequiredService<LambdaRoleWrapper>(); var uiWrapper = host.Services.GetRequiredService<UIWrapper>(); string functionName = configuration["FunctionName"]!; string roleName = configuration["RoleName"]!; string policyDocument = "{" + " \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\"," + " \"Statement\": [ " + " {" + " \"Effect\": \"Allow\"," + " \"Principal\": {" + " \"Service\": \"lambda.amazonaws.com\" " + " }," + " \"Action\": \"sts:AssumeRole\" " + " }" + "]" + "}"; var incrementHandler = configuration["IncrementHandler"]; var calculatorHandler = configuration["CalculatorHandler"]; var bucketName = configuration["BucketName"]; var incrementKey = configuration["IncrementKey"]; var calculatorKey = configuration["CalculatorKey"]; var policyArn = configuration["PolicyArn"]; uiWrapper.DisplayLambdaBasicsOverview(); // Create the policy to use with the AWS Lambda functions and then attach the // policy to a new role. var roleArn = await lambdaRoleWrapper.CreateLambdaRoleAsync(roleName, policyDocument); Console.WriteLine("Waiting for role to become active."); uiWrapper.WaitABit(15, "Wait until the role is active before trying to use it."); // Attach the appropriate AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role policy to the new role. var success = await lambdaRoleWrapper.AttachLambdaRolePolicyAsync(policyArn, roleName); uiWrapper.WaitABit(10, "Allow time for the IAM policy to be attached to the role."); // Create the Lambda function using a zip file stored in an Amazon Simple Storage Service // (Amazon S3) bucket. uiWrapper.DisplayTitle("Create Lambda Function"); Console.WriteLine($"Creating the AWS Lambda function: {functionName}."); var lambdaArn = await lambdaWrapper.CreateLambdaFunctionAsync( functionName, bucketName, incrementKey, roleArn, incrementHandler); Console.WriteLine("Waiting for the new function to be available."); Console.WriteLine($"The AWS Lambda ARN is {lambdaArn}"); // Get the Lambda function. Console.WriteLine($"Getting the {functionName} AWS Lambda function."); FunctionConfiguration config; do { config = await lambdaWrapper.GetFunctionAsync(functionName); Console.Write("."); } while (config.State != State.Active); Console.WriteLine($"\nThe function, {functionName} has been created."); Console.WriteLine($"The runtime of this Lambda function is {config.Runtime}."); uiWrapper.PressEnter(); // List the Lambda functions. uiWrapper.DisplayTitle("Listing all Lambda functions."); var functions = await lambdaWrapper.ListFunctionsAsync(); DisplayFunctionList(functions); uiWrapper.DisplayTitle("Invoke increment function"); Console.WriteLine("Now that it has been created, invoke the Lambda increment function."); string? value; do { Console.Write("Enter a value to increment: "); value = Console.ReadLine(); } while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)); string functionParameters = "{" + "\"action\": \"increment\", " + "\"x\": \"" + value + "\"" + "}"; var answer = await lambdaWrapper.InvokeFunctionAsync(functionName, functionParameters); Console.WriteLine($"{value} + 1 = {answer}."); uiWrapper.DisplayTitle("Update function"); Console.WriteLine("Now update the Lambda function code."); await lambdaWrapper.UpdateFunctionCodeAsync(functionName, bucketName, calculatorKey); do { config = await lambdaWrapper.GetFunctionAsync(functionName); Console.Write("."); } while (config.LastUpdateStatus == LastUpdateStatus.InProgress); await lambdaWrapper.UpdateFunctionConfigurationAsync( functionName, calculatorHandler, new Dictionary<string, string> { { "LOG_LEVEL", "DEBUG" } }); do { config = await lambdaWrapper.GetFunctionAsync(functionName); Console.Write("."); } while (config.LastUpdateStatus == LastUpdateStatus.InProgress); uiWrapper.DisplayTitle("Call updated function"); Console.WriteLine("Now call the updated function..."); bool done = false; do { string? opSelected; Console.WriteLine("Select the operation to perform:"); Console.WriteLine("\t1. add"); Console.WriteLine("\t2. subtract"); Console.WriteLine("\t3. multiply"); Console.WriteLine("\t4. divide"); Console.WriteLine("\tOr enter \"q\" to quit."); Console.WriteLine("Enter the number (1, 2, 3, 4, or q) of the operation you want to perform: "); do { Console.Write("Your choice? "); opSelected = Console.ReadLine(); } while (opSelected == string.Empty); var operation = (opSelected) switch { "1" => "add", "2" => "subtract", "3" => "multiply", "4" => "divide", "q" => "quit", _ => "add", }; if (operation == "quit") { done = true; } else { // Get two numbers and an action from the user. value = string.Empty; do { Console.Write("Enter the first value: "); value = Console.ReadLine(); } while (value == string.Empty); string? value2; do { Console.Write("Enter a second value: "); value2 = Console.ReadLine(); } while (value2 == string.Empty); functionParameters = "{" + "\"action\": \"" + operation + "\", " + "\"x\": \"" + value + "\"," + "\"y\": \"" + value2 + "\"" + "}"; answer = await lambdaWrapper.InvokeFunctionAsync(functionName, functionParameters); Console.WriteLine($"The answer when we {operation} the two numbers is: {answer}."); } uiWrapper.PressEnter(); } while (!done); // Delete the function created earlier. uiWrapper.DisplayTitle("Clean up resources"); // Detach the IAM policy from the IAM role. Console.WriteLine("First detach the IAM policy from the role."); success = await lambdaRoleWrapper.DetachLambdaRolePolicyAsync(policyArn, roleName); uiWrapper.WaitABit(15, "Let's wait for the policy to be fully detached from the role."); Console.WriteLine("Delete the AWS Lambda function."); success = await lambdaWrapper.DeleteFunctionAsync(functionName); if (success) { Console.WriteLine($"The {functionName} function was deleted."); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Could not remove the function {functionName}"); } // Now delete the IAM role created for use with the functions // created by the application. Console.WriteLine("Now we can delete the role that we created."); success = await lambdaRoleWrapper.DeleteLambdaRoleAsync(roleName); if (success) { Console.WriteLine("The role has been successfully removed."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Couldn't delete the role."); } Console.WriteLine("The Lambda Scenario is now complete."); uiWrapper.PressEnter(); // Displays a formatted list of existing functions returned by the // LambdaMethods.ListFunctions. void DisplayFunctionList(List<FunctionConfiguration> functions) { functions.ForEach(functionConfig => { Console.WriteLine($"{functionConfig.FunctionName}\t{functionConfig.Description}"); }); } } } namespace LambdaActions; using Amazon.IdentityManagement; using Amazon.IdentityManagement.Model; public class LambdaRoleWrapper { private readonly IAmazonIdentityManagementService _lambdaRoleService; public LambdaRoleWrapper(IAmazonIdentityManagementService lambdaRoleService) { _lambdaRoleService = lambdaRoleService; } /// <summary> /// Attach an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role policy to the /// IAM role to be assumed by the AWS Lambda functions created for the scenario. /// </summary> /// <param name="policyArn">The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM policy.</param> /// <param name="roleName">The name of the IAM role to attach the IAM policy to.</param> /// <returns>A Boolean value indicating the success of the action.</returns> public async Task<bool> AttachLambdaRolePolicyAsync(string policyArn, string roleName) { var response = await _lambdaRoleService.AttachRolePolicyAsync(new AttachRolePolicyRequest { PolicyArn = policyArn, RoleName = roleName }); return response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK; } /// <summary> /// Create a new IAM role. /// </summary> /// <param name="roleName">The name of the IAM role to create.</param> /// <param name="policyDocument">The policy document for the new IAM role.</param> /// <returns>A string representing the ARN for newly created role.</returns> public async Task<string> CreateLambdaRoleAsync(string roleName, string policyDocument) { var request = new CreateRoleRequest { AssumeRolePolicyDocument = policyDocument, RoleName = roleName, }; var response = await _lambdaRoleService.CreateRoleAsync(request); return response.Role.Arn; } /// <summary> /// Deletes an IAM role. /// </summary> /// <param name="roleName">The name of the role to delete.</param> /// <returns>A Boolean value indicating the success of the operation.</returns> public async Task<bool> DeleteLambdaRoleAsync(string roleName) { var request = new DeleteRoleRequest { RoleName = roleName, }; var response = await _lambdaRoleService.DeleteRoleAsync(request); return response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK; } public async Task<bool> DetachLambdaRolePolicyAsync(string policyArn, string roleName) { var response = await _lambdaRoleService.DetachRolePolicyAsync(new DetachRolePolicyRequest { PolicyArn = policyArn, RoleName = roleName }); return response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK; } } namespace LambdaScenarioCommon; public class UIWrapper { public readonly string SepBar = new('-', Console.WindowWidth); /// <summary> /// Show information about the AWS Lambda Basics scenario. /// </summary> public void DisplayLambdaBasicsOverview() { Console.Clear(); DisplayTitle("Welcome to AWS Lambda Basics"); Console.WriteLine("This example application does the following:"); Console.WriteLine("\t1. Creates an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that will be assumed by the functions we create."); Console.WriteLine("\t2. Attaches an IAM role policy that has Lambda permissions."); Console.WriteLine("\t3. Creates a Lambda function that increments the value passed to it."); Console.WriteLine("\t4. Calls the increment function and passes a value."); Console.WriteLine("\t5. Updates the code so that the function is a simple calculator."); Console.WriteLine("\t6. Calls the calculator function with the values entered."); Console.WriteLine("\t7. Deletes the Lambda function."); Console.WriteLine("\t7. Detaches the IAM role policy."); Console.WriteLine("\t8. Deletes the IAM role."); PressEnter(); } /// <summary> /// Display a message and wait until the user presses enter. /// </summary> public void PressEnter() { Console.Write("\nPress <Enter> to continue. "); _ = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(); } /// <summary> /// Pad a string with spaces to center it on the console display. /// </summary> /// <param name="strToCenter">The string to be centered.</param> /// <returns>The padded string.</returns> public string CenterString(string strToCenter) { var padAmount = (Console.WindowWidth - strToCenter.Length) / 2; var leftPad = new string(' ', padAmount); return $"{leftPad}{strToCenter}"; } /// <summary> /// Display a line of hyphens, the centered text of the title and another /// line of hyphens. /// </summary> /// <param name="strTitle">The string to be displayed.</param> public void DisplayTitle(string strTitle) { Console.WriteLine(SepBar); Console.WriteLine(CenterString(strTitle)); Console.WriteLine(SepBar); } /// <summary> /// Display a countdown and wait for a number of seconds. /// </summary> /// <param name="numSeconds">The number of seconds to wait.</param> public void WaitABit(int numSeconds, string msg) { Console.WriteLine(msg); // Wait for the requested number of seconds. for (int i = numSeconds; i > 0; i--) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.Write($"{i}..."); } PressEnter(); } }

Définir un gestionnaire Lambda qui incrémente un nombre.

using Amazon.Lambda.Core; // Assembly attribute to enable the Lambda function's JSON input to be converted into a .NET class. [assembly: LambdaSerializer(typeof(Amazon.Lambda.Serialization.SystemTextJson.DefaultLambdaJsonSerializer))] namespace LambdaIncrement; public class Function { /// <summary> /// A simple function increments the integer parameter. /// </summary> /// <param name="input">A JSON string containing an action, which must be /// "increment" and a string representing the value to increment.</param> /// <param name="context">The context object passed by Lambda containing /// information about invocation, function, and execution environment.</param> /// <returns>A string representing the incremented value of the parameter.</returns> public int FunctionHandler(Dictionary<string, string> input, ILambdaContext context) { if (input["action"] == "increment") { int inputValue = Convert.ToInt32(input["x"]); return inputValue + 1; } else { return 0; } } }

Définir un deuxième gestionnaire Lambda qui effectue des opérations arithmétiques.

using Amazon.Lambda.Core; // Assembly attribute to enable the Lambda function's JSON input to be converted into a .NET class. [assembly: LambdaSerializer(typeof(Amazon.Lambda.Serialization.SystemTextJson.DefaultLambdaJsonSerializer))] namespace LambdaCalculator; public class Function { /// <summary> /// A simple function that takes two number in string format and performs /// the requested arithmetic function. /// </summary> /// <param name="input">JSON data containing an action, and x and y values. /// Valid actions include: add, subtract, multiply, and divide.</param> /// <param name="context">The context object passed by Lambda containing /// information about invocation, function, and execution environment.</param> /// <returns>A string representing the results of the calculation.</returns> public int FunctionHandler(Dictionary<string, string> input, ILambdaContext context) { var action = input["action"]; int x = Convert.ToInt32(input["x"]); int y = Convert.ToInt32(input["y"]); int result; switch (action) { case "add": result = x + y; break; case "subtract": result = x - y; break; case "multiply": result = x * y; break; case "divide": if (y == 0) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Divide by zero error."); result = 0; } else result = x / y; break; default: Console.Error.WriteLine($"{action} is not a valid operation."); result = 0; break; } return result; } }

L'exemple de code suivant montre comment transformer des données pour votre application avec S3 Object Lambda.


Montre comment ajouter du code personnalisé aux GET demandes S3 standard afin de modifier l'objet demandé extrait de S3 afin que l'objet réponde aux besoins du client ou de l'application demandeur.

Pour obtenir le code source complet et les instructions de configuration et d'exécution, consultez l'exemple complet sur GitHub.

Les services utilisés dans cet exemple
  • Lambda

  • Amazon S3

Exemples sans serveur

L'exemple de code suivant montre comment implémenter une fonction Lambda qui reçoit un événement déclenché par la réception d'enregistrements provenant d'un flux Kinesis. La fonction récupère la charge utile Kinesis, décode à partir de Base64 et enregistre le contenu de l’enregistrement.


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Utilisation d'un événement Kinesis avec Lambda à l'aide de. NET.

// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 using System.Text; using Amazon.Lambda.Core; using Amazon.Lambda.KinesisEvents; using AWS.Lambda.Powertools.Logging; // Assembly attribute to enable the Lambda function's JSON input to be converted into a .NET class. [assembly: LambdaSerializer(typeof(Amazon.Lambda.Serialization.SystemTextJson.DefaultLambdaJsonSerializer))] namespace KinesisIntegrationSampleCode; public class Function { // Powertools Logger requires an environment variables against your function // POWERTOOLS_SERVICE_NAME [Logging(LogEvent = true)] public async Task FunctionHandler(KinesisEvent evnt, ILambdaContext context) { if (evnt.Records.Count == 0) { Logger.LogInformation("Empty Kinesis Event received"); return; } foreach (var record in evnt.Records) { try { Logger.LogInformation($"Processed Event with EventId: {record.EventId}"); string data = await GetRecordDataAsync(record.Kinesis, context); Logger.LogInformation($"Data: {data}"); // TODO: Do interesting work based on the new data } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogError($"An error occurred {ex.Message}"); throw; } } Logger.LogInformation($"Successfully processed {evnt.Records.Count} records."); } private async Task<string> GetRecordDataAsync(KinesisEvent.Record record, ILambdaContext context) { byte[] bytes = record.Data.ToArray(); string data = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes); await Task.CompletedTask; //Placeholder for actual async work return data; } }

L'exemple de code suivant montre comment implémenter une fonction Lambda qui reçoit un événement déclenché par la réception d'enregistrements d'un flux DynamoDB. La fonction récupère la charge utile DynamoDB et enregistre le contenu de l'enregistrement.


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Consommation d'un événement DynamoDB avec Lambda en utilisant. NET.

// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 using System.Text.Json; using System.Text; using Amazon.Lambda.Core; using Amazon.Lambda.DynamoDBEvents; // Assembly attribute to enable the Lambda function's JSON input to be converted into a .NET class. [assembly: LambdaSerializer(typeof(Amazon.Lambda.Serialization.SystemTextJson.DefaultLambdaJsonSerializer))] namespace AWSLambda_DDB; public class Function { public void FunctionHandler(DynamoDBEvent dynamoEvent, ILambdaContext context) { context.Logger.LogInformation($"Beginning to process {dynamoEvent.Records.Count} records..."); foreach (var record in dynamoEvent.Records) { context.Logger.LogInformation($"Event ID: {record.EventID}"); context.Logger.LogInformation($"Event Name: {record.EventName}"); context.Logger.LogInformation(JsonSerializer.Serialize(record)); } context.Logger.LogInformation("Stream processing complete."); } }

L'exemple de code suivant montre comment implémenter une fonction Lambda qui reçoit un événement déclenché par la réception d'enregistrements d'un cluster AmazonMSK. La fonction récupère la MSK charge utile et enregistre le contenu de l'enregistrement.


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Utilisation d'un MSK événement Amazon avec Lambda en utilisant. NET.

using System.Text; using Amazon.Lambda.Core; using Amazon.Lambda.KafkaEvents; // Assembly attribute to enable the Lambda function's JSON input to be converted into a .NET class. [assembly: LambdaSerializer(typeof(Amazon.Lambda.Serialization.SystemTextJson.DefaultLambdaJsonSerializer))] namespace MSKLambda; public class Function { /// <param name="input">The event for the Lambda function handler to process.</param> /// <param name="context">The ILambdaContext that provides methods for logging and describing the Lambda environment.</param> /// <returns></returns> public void FunctionHandler(KafkaEvent evnt, ILambdaContext context) { foreach (var record in evnt.Records) { Console.WriteLine("Key:" + record.Key); foreach (var eventRecord in record.Value) { var valueBytes = eventRecord.Value.ToArray(); var valueText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(valueBytes); Console.WriteLine("Message:" + valueText); } } } }

L'exemple de code suivant montre comment implémenter une fonction Lambda qui reçoit un événement déclenché par le téléchargement d'un objet dans un compartiment S3. La fonction extrait le nom du compartiment S3 et la clé de l'objet à partir du paramètre d'événement et appelle Amazon S3 API pour récupérer et enregistrer le type de contenu de l'objet.


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Consommation d'un événement S3 avec Lambda en utilisant. NET.

// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Lambda.Core; using Amazon.S3; using System; using Amazon.Lambda.S3Events; using System.Web; // Assembly attribute to enable the Lambda function's JSON input to be converted into a .NET class. [assembly: LambdaSerializer(typeof(Amazon.Lambda.Serialization.SystemTextJson.DefaultLambdaJsonSerializer))] namespace S3Integration { public class Function { private static AmazonS3Client _s3Client; public Function() : this(null) { } internal Function(AmazonS3Client s3Client) { _s3Client = s3Client ?? new AmazonS3Client(); } public async Task<string> Handler(S3Event evt, ILambdaContext context) { try { if (evt.Records.Count <= 0) { context.Logger.LogLine("Empty S3 Event received"); return string.Empty; } var bucket = evt.Records[0].S3.Bucket.Name; var key = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(evt.Records[0].S3.Object.Key); context.Logger.LogLine($"Request is for {bucket} and {key}"); var objectResult = await _s3Client.GetObjectAsync(bucket, key); context.Logger.LogLine($"Returning {objectResult.Key}"); return objectResult.Key; } catch (Exception e) { context.Logger.LogLine($"Error processing request - {e.Message}"); return string.Empty; } } } }

L'exemple de code suivant montre comment implémenter une fonction Lambda qui reçoit un événement déclenché par la réception de messages provenant d'une SNS rubrique. La fonction extrait les messages du paramètre d’événement et consigne le contenu de chaque message.


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Consommation d'un SNS événement avec Lambda en utilisant. NET.

// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 using Amazon.Lambda.Core; using Amazon.Lambda.SNSEvents; // Assembly attribute to enable the Lambda function's JSON input to be converted into a .NET class. [assembly: LambdaSerializer(typeof(Amazon.Lambda.Serialization.SystemTextJson.DefaultLambdaJsonSerializer))] namespace SnsIntegration; public class Function { public async Task FunctionHandler(SNSEvent evnt, ILambdaContext context) { foreach (var record in evnt.Records) { await ProcessRecordAsync(record, context); } context.Logger.LogInformation("done"); } private async Task ProcessRecordAsync(SNSEvent.SNSRecord record, ILambdaContext context) { try { context.Logger.LogInformation($"Processed record {record.Sns.Message}"); // TODO: Do interesting work based on the new message await Task.CompletedTask; } catch (Exception e) { //You can use Dead Letter Queue to handle failures. By configuring a Lambda DLQ. context.Logger.LogError($"An error occurred"); throw; } } }

L'exemple de code suivant montre comment implémenter une fonction Lambda qui reçoit un événement déclenché par la réception de messages provenant d'une SQS file d'attente. La fonction extrait les messages du paramètre d’événement et consigne le contenu de chaque message.


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Consommation d'un SQS événement avec Lambda en utilisant. NET.

// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 using Amazon.Lambda.Core; using Amazon.Lambda.SQSEvents; // Assembly attribute to enable the Lambda function's JSON input to be converted into a .NET class. [assembly: LambdaSerializer(typeof(Amazon.Lambda.Serialization.SystemTextJson.DefaultLambdaJsonSerializer))] namespace SqsIntegrationSampleCode { public async Task FunctionHandler(SQSEvent evnt, ILambdaContext context) { foreach (var message in evnt.Records) { await ProcessMessageAsync(message, context); } context.Logger.LogInformation("done"); } private async Task ProcessMessageAsync(SQSEvent.SQSMessage message, ILambdaContext context) { try { context.Logger.LogInformation($"Processed message {message.Body}"); // TODO: Do interesting work based on the new message await Task.CompletedTask; } catch (Exception e) { //You can use Dead Letter Queue to handle failures. By configuring a Lambda DLQ. context.Logger.LogError($"An error occurred"); throw; } } }

L'exemple de code suivant montre comment implémenter une réponse par lots partielle pour les fonctions Lambda qui reçoivent des événements d'un flux Kinesis. La fonction signale les défaillances échecs d’articles par lots dans la réponse, en indiquant à Lambda de réessayer ces messages ultérieurement.


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Signaler les défaillances d'éléments de lot Kinesis avec Lambda à l'aide de. NET.

// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 using System.Text; using System.Text.Json.Serialization; using Amazon.Lambda.Core; using Amazon.Lambda.KinesisEvents; using AWS.Lambda.Powertools.Logging; // Assembly attribute to enable the Lambda function's JSON input to be converted into a .NET class. [assembly: LambdaSerializer(typeof(Amazon.Lambda.Serialization.SystemTextJson.DefaultLambdaJsonSerializer))] namespace KinesisIntegration; public class Function { // Powertools Logger requires an environment variables against your function // POWERTOOLS_SERVICE_NAME [Logging(LogEvent = true)] public async Task<StreamsEventResponse> FunctionHandler(KinesisEvent evnt, ILambdaContext context) { if (evnt.Records.Count == 0) { Logger.LogInformation("Empty Kinesis Event received"); return new StreamsEventResponse(); } foreach (var record in evnt.Records) { try { Logger.LogInformation($"Processed Event with EventId: {record.EventId}"); string data = await GetRecordDataAsync(record.Kinesis, context); Logger.LogInformation($"Data: {data}"); // TODO: Do interesting work based on the new data } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogError($"An error occurred {ex.Message}"); /* Since we are working with streams, we can return the failed item immediately. Lambda will immediately begin to retry processing from this failed item onwards. */ return new StreamsEventResponse { BatchItemFailures = new List<StreamsEventResponse.BatchItemFailure> { new StreamsEventResponse.BatchItemFailure { ItemIdentifier = record.Kinesis.SequenceNumber } } }; } } Logger.LogInformation($"Successfully processed {evnt.Records.Count} records."); return new StreamsEventResponse(); } private async Task<string> GetRecordDataAsync(KinesisEvent.Record record, ILambdaContext context) { byte[] bytes = record.Data.ToArray(); string data = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes); await Task.CompletedTask; //Placeholder for actual async work return data; } } public class StreamsEventResponse { [JsonPropertyName("batchItemFailures")] public IList<BatchItemFailure> BatchItemFailures { get; set; } public class BatchItemFailure { [JsonPropertyName("itemIdentifier")] public string ItemIdentifier { get; set; } } }

L'exemple de code suivant montre comment implémenter une réponse par lots partielle pour les fonctions Lambda qui reçoivent des événements d'un flux DynamoDB. La fonction signale les défaillances échecs d’articles par lots dans la réponse, en indiquant à Lambda de réessayer ces messages ultérieurement.


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Signaler les défaillances d'éléments de lot DynamoDB avec Lambda à l'aide de. NET.

// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 using System.Text.Json; using System.Text; using Amazon.Lambda.Core; using Amazon.Lambda.DynamoDBEvents; // Assembly attribute to enable the Lambda function's JSON input to be converted into a .NET class. [assembly: LambdaSerializer(typeof(Amazon.Lambda.Serialization.SystemTextJson.DefaultLambdaJsonSerializer))] namespace AWSLambda_DDB; public class Function { public StreamsEventResponse FunctionHandler(DynamoDBEvent dynamoEvent, ILambdaContext context) { context.Logger.LogInformation($"Beginning to process {dynamoEvent.Records.Count} records..."); List<StreamsEventResponse.BatchItemFailure> batchItemFailures = new List<StreamsEventResponse.BatchItemFailure>(); StreamsEventResponse streamsEventResponse = new StreamsEventResponse(); foreach (var record in dynamoEvent.Records) { try { var sequenceNumber = record.Dynamodb.SequenceNumber; context.Logger.LogInformation(sequenceNumber); } catch (Exception ex) { context.Logger.LogError(ex.Message); batchItemFailures.Add(new StreamsEventResponse.BatchItemFailure() { ItemIdentifier = record.Dynamodb.SequenceNumber }); } } if (batchItemFailures.Count > 0) { streamsEventResponse.BatchItemFailures = batchItemFailures; } context.Logger.LogInformation("Stream processing complete."); return streamsEventResponse; } }

L'exemple de code suivant montre comment implémenter une réponse par lots partielle pour les fonctions Lambda qui reçoivent des événements d'une SQS file d'attente. La fonction signale les défaillances échecs d’articles par lots dans la réponse, en indiquant à Lambda de réessayer ces messages ultérieurement.


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Signaler les défaillances d'articles SQS par lots avec Lambda à l'aide de. NET.

// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 using Amazon.Lambda.Core; using Amazon.Lambda.SQSEvents; // Assembly attribute to enable the Lambda function's JSON input to be converted into a .NET class. [assembly: LambdaSerializer(typeof(Amazon.Lambda.Serialization.SystemTextJson.DefaultLambdaJsonSerializer))] namespace sqsSample; public class Function { public async Task<SQSBatchResponse> FunctionHandler(SQSEvent evnt, ILambdaContext context) { List<SQSBatchResponse.BatchItemFailure> batchItemFailures = new List<SQSBatchResponse.BatchItemFailure>(); foreach(var message in evnt.Records) { try { //process your message await ProcessMessageAsync(message, context); } catch (System.Exception) { //Add failed message identifier to the batchItemFailures list batchItemFailures.Add(new SQSBatchResponse.BatchItemFailure{ItemIdentifier=message.MessageId}); } } return new SQSBatchResponse(batchItemFailures); } private async Task ProcessMessageAsync(SQSEvent.SQSMessage message, ILambdaContext context) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Body)) { throw new Exception("No Body in SQS Message."); } context.Logger.LogInformation($"Processed message {message.Body}"); // TODO: Do interesting work based on the new message await Task.CompletedTask; } }