Générez des informations d'identification pour vous connecter à un point de SES SMTP terminaison Amazon - Amazon Simple Email Service

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Générez des informations d'identification pour vous connecter à un point de SES SMTP terminaison Amazon

L'exemple de code suivant montre comment générer des informations d'identification pour se connecter à un point de SES SMTP terminaison Amazon.

SDKpour Python (Boto3)

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#!/usr/bin/env python3 import hmac import hashlib import base64 import argparse SMTP_REGIONS = [ "us-east-2", # US East (Ohio) "us-east-1", # US East (N. Virginia) "us-west-2", # US West (Oregon) "ap-south-1", # Asia Pacific (Mumbai) "ap-northeast-2", # Asia Pacific (Seoul) "ap-southeast-1", # Asia Pacific (Singapore) "ap-southeast-2", # Asia Pacific (Sydney) "ap-northeast-1", # Asia Pacific (Tokyo) "ca-central-1", # Canada (Central) "eu-central-1", # Europe (Frankfurt) "eu-west-1", # Europe (Ireland) "eu-west-2", # Europe (London) "eu-south-1", # Europe (Milan) "eu-north-1", # Europe (Stockholm) "sa-east-1", # South America (Sao Paulo) "us-gov-west-1", # AWS GovCloud (US) "us-gov-east-1", # AWS GovCloud (US) ] # These values are required to calculate the signature. Do not change them. DATE = "11111111" SERVICE = "ses" MESSAGE = "SendRawEmail" TERMINAL = "aws4_request" VERSION = 0x04 def sign(key, msg): return hmac.new(key, msg.encode("utf-8"), hashlib.sha256).digest() def calculate_key(secret_access_key, region): if region not in SMTP_REGIONS: raise ValueError(f"The {region} Region doesn't have an SMTP endpoint.") signature = sign(("AWS4" + secret_access_key).encode("utf-8"), DATE) signature = sign(signature, region) signature = sign(signature, SERVICE) signature = sign(signature, TERMINAL) signature = sign(signature, MESSAGE) signature_and_version = bytes([VERSION]) + signature smtp_password = base64.b64encode(signature_and_version) return smtp_password.decode("utf-8") def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Convert a Secret Access Key to an SMTP password." ) parser.add_argument("secret", help="The Secret Access Key to convert.") parser.add_argument( "region", help="The AWS Region where the SMTP password will be used.", choices=SMTP_REGIONS, ) args = parser.parse_args() print(calculate_key(args.secret, args.region)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()

Pour une liste complète des AWS SDKguides du développeur et exemples de code, voirUtilisation d'Amazon SES avec un AWS SDK. Cette rubrique inclut également des informations sur la mise en route et des détails sur SDK les versions précédentes.