How Firewall Manager manages and monitors VPC route tables for your policy - AWS WAF, AWS Firewall Manager, and AWS Shield Advanced

How Firewall Manager manages and monitors VPC route tables for your policy

This section explains how Firewall Manager manages and monitors your VPC route tables.


Route table management isn't currently supported for policies that use the centralized deployment model.

When Firewall Manager creates your firewall endpoints, it also creates the VPC route tables for them. However, Firewall Manager doesn't manage your VPC route tables. You must configure your VPC route tables to direct network traffic to the firewall endpoints that are created by Firewall Manager. Using Amazon VPC ingress routing enhancements, change your routing tables to route traffic through the new firewall endpoints. Your changes must insert the firewall endpoints between the subnets that you want to protect and outside locations. The exact routing that you need to do depends on your architecture and its components.

Currently, Firewall Manager allows monitoring of your VPC route table routes for any traffic destined to the internet gateway, that is bypassing the firewall. Firewall Manager doesn't support other target gateways like NAT gateways.

For information about managing route tables for your VPC, see Managing route tables for your VPC in the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud User Guide. For information about managing your route tables for Network Firewall, see Route table configurations for AWS Network Firewall in the AWS Network Firewall Developer Guide.

When you enable monitoring for a policy, Firewall Manager continuously monitors VPC route configurations and alerts you about traffic that bypasses firewall inspection for that VPC. If a subnet has a firewall endpoint route, Firewall Manager looks for the following routes:

  • Routes to send traffic to the Network Firewall endpoint.

  • Routes to forward the traffic from the Network Firewall endpoint to the internet gateway.

  • Inbound routes from the internet gateway to the Network Firewall endpoint.

  • Routes from the firewall subnet.

If a subnet has a Network Firewall route but there's asymmetric routing in Network Firewall and your internet gateway route table, Firewall Manager reports the subnet as non-compliant. Firewall Manager also detects routes to the internet gateway in the firewall route table that Firewall Manager created, as well as the route table for your subnet, and reports them as non-compliant. Additional routes in the Network Firewall subnet route table and your internet gateway route table are also reported as non-compliant. Depending on the violation type, Firewall Manager suggests remediation actions to bring the route configuration into compliance. Firewall Manager doesn't offer suggestions in all cases. For example, if your customer subnet has a firewall endpoint that was created outside of Firewall Manager, Firewall Manager doesn't suggest remediation actions.

By default, Firewall Manager will mark any traffic that crosses the Availability Zone boundary for inspection as being non-compliant. However, if the you choose to automatically create a single endpoint in your VPC, Firewall Manager won't mark traffic that crosses the Availability Zone boundary as non-compliant.

For policies that use distributed deployment models with custom endpoint configuration, you can choose whether the traffic crossing the Availability Zone boundary from an Availability Zone without a firewall endpoint is marked as compliant or non-compliant.

  • Firewall Manager does not suggest remediation actions for non-IPv4 routes, such as IPv6 and prefix list routes.

  • Calls made using the DisassociateRouteTable API call can take up to 12 hours to detect.

  • Firewall Manager creates a Network Firewall route table for a subnet that contains the firewall endpoints. Firewall Manager assumes that this route table contains only valid internet gateway and VPC default routes. Any extra or invalid routes in this route table are considered to be non-compliant.

When you configure your Firewall Manager policy, if you choose Monitor mode, Firewall Manager provides resource violation and remediation details about your resources. You can use these suggested remediation actions to fix route issues in your route tables. If you choose Off mode, Firewall Manager doesn't monitor your route table content for you. With this option, you manage your VPC route tables for yourself. For more information about these resource violations, see Viewing compliance information for an AWS Firewall Manager policy.


If you choose Monitor under AWS Network Firewall route configuration when creating your policy, you can't turn it off for that policy. However, if you choose Off, you can enable it later.