Creating a link to a data repository - Amazon File Cache

Creating a link to a data repository

The following procedure walks you through the process of creating a data repository association (DRA) while creating an Amazon File Cache resource, using the AWS Management Console. The DRA links the cache to an existing Amazon S3 bucket or NFS file system.

Keep the following in mind when working with DRAs.

  • You can link to a data repository only when you create the cache.

  • You can't update an existing DRA.

  • You can't delete an existing DRA. To remove a link to a data repository, delete the cache and create it again.

  • You can link your cache to either S3 data repositories or NFS data repositories, but not to both types in a single cache.

For information about using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to create a DRA while creating a cache, see To create a cache (CLI).

  1. Open the AWS Management Console at

  2. Follow the procedure for creating a new Amazon File Cache described in Step 1: Create your cache.

  3. In the Data repository associations (DRAs) section, the Create a new data repository association dialog box displays.

    The Data Repository Associations configuration dialog, which is one of the dialogs to configure export and import links for an S3 or NFS data repository.

    In the dialog box, provide information for the following fields.

    • Repository type – Choose the type of data repository to link to:

      • NFS – NFS file system that supports the NFSv3 protocol.

      • S3 – Amazon S3 bucket

    • Data repository path – Enter a path in either an S3 or NFS data repository to associate with your cache.

      • For S3, the path can be an S3 bucket or prefix in the format s3://myBucket/myPrefix/. Amazon File Cache will append a trailing "/" to your data repository path if you don't provide one. For example, if you provide a data repository path of s3://myBucket/myPrefix, Amazon File Cache will interpret it as s3://myBucket/myPrefix/.

      • For NFS, the path to the NFS data repository can be in one of two formats:

        • If you're not using Subdirectories, the path is to an NFS Export directory (or one of its subdirectories) in the format nfs://nfs-domain-name/exportpath.

        • If you're using Subdirectories, the path is the domain name of the NFS file system in the format nfs://filer-domain-name, which indicates the root of the NFS Export subdirectories specified with the NFS Exports field.

      Two data repository associations can't have overlapping data repository paths. For example, if a data repository with path s3://myBucket/myPrefix/ is linked to the cache, you can't create another data repository association with data repository path s3://myBucket/myPrefix/mySubPrefix.

    • Subdirectories – (NFS only) You can optionally provide a list of comma-delimited NFS export paths in the NFS data repository. When this field is provided, Data repository path can only contain the NFS domain name, indicating the root of the subdirectories.

    • DNS server IP addresses – (NFS only) If you provided the domain name of the NFS file system for Data repository path, you can specify up to two IPv4 addresses of DNS servers used to resolve the NFS file system domain name. The provided IP addresses can either be the IP addresses of a DNS forwarder or resolver that the customer manages and runs inside the customer VPC, or the IP addresses of the on-premises DNS servers.

    • Cache path – Enter the name of a high-level directory (such as /ns1) or subdirectory (such as /ns1/subdir) within the Amazon File Cache that will be associated with the data repository. The leading forward slash in the path is required. Two data repository associations cannot have overlapping cache paths. The Cache path setting must be unique across all the data repository associations for the cache.


      Cache path can only be set to root (/) on NFS DRAs when Subdirectories is specified. If you specify root (/) as the Cache path, you can create only one DRA on the cache.

      Cache path cannot be set to root (/) for an S3 DRA.

  4. When you finish configuring the DRA, choose Add.

  5. You can add another data repository association using the same steps. You can create a maximum of 8 data repository associations, which must all be of the same repository type.

  6. When you finish adding DRAs, choose Next.

  7. Continue with the Amazon File Cache creation wizard.