Changing the metadata configuration mode - FSx for Lustre

Changing the metadata configuration mode

You can change the metadata configuration mode of an existing file system using the AWS console and CLI, as explained in the following procedures.

When switching from Automatic mode to User-provisioned mode, you must provide a Metadata IOPS value greater than or equal to the current file system Metadata IOPS value.

If you request to switch from User-provisioned to Automatic mode and the current Metadata IOPS value is greater than the automated default, Amazon FSx rejects the request, because downscaling Metadata IOPS is not supported. To unblock mode switch, you must increase storage capacity to match your current Metadata IOPS in Automatic mode in order to enable mode switch again.

You can change a file system's metadata configuration mode by using the Amazon FSx console, the AWS CLI, or the Amazon FSx API.

  1. Open the Amazon FSx console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose File systems. In the File systems list, choose the FSx for Lustre file system that you want to change the metadata configuration mode for.

  3. For Actions, choose Update Metadata IOPS. Or, in the Summary panel, choose Update next to the file system's Metadata IOPS field.

    The Update Metadata IOPS dialog box appears.

  4. Do one of the following.

    • To switch from User-provisioned mode to Automatic mode, choose Automatic.

    • To switch from Automatic mode to User-provisioned mode, choose User-provisioned. Then, for Desired Metadata IOPS, provide a Metadata IOPS value greater than or equal to the current file system Metadata IOPS value.

  5. Choose Update.

To change the metadata configuration mode for an FSx for Lustre file system, use the AWS CLI command update-file-system (UpdateFileSystem is the equivalent API action). Set the following parameters:

  • Set --file-system-id to the ID of the file system that you are updating.

  • To change the metadata configuration mode, use the --lustre-configuration MetadataConfiguration property. This property has two parameters, Mode and Iops.

    • To switch from AUTOMATIC mode to USER_PROVISIONED mode, set Mode to USER_PROVISIONED and Iops to a Metadata IOPS value greater than or equal to the current file system Metadata IOPS value. For example:

      aws fsx update-file-system \ --file-system-id fs-0123456789abcdef0 \ --lustre-configuration 'MetadataConfiguration={Mode=USER_PROVISIONED,Iops=96000}'
    • To switch from USER_PROVISIONED mode to AUTOMATIC mode, set Mode to AUTOMATIC and do not use the Iops parameter. For example:

      aws fsx update-file-system \ --file-system-id fs-0123456789abcdef0 \ --lustre-configuration 'MetadataConfiguration={Mode=AUTOMATIC}'