Updating the fsxadmin account password fails - FSx for ONTAP

Updating the fsxadmin account password fails

When you update the password for the fsxadmin user, you may receive an error if it doesn't meet the password requirements set on the file system. You can view the password requirements by using the security login role config show ONTAP CLI or REST API command.

To view the password requirements for a file system or SVM role
  1. To access the ONTAP CLI, establish an SSH session on the management port of the Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP file system by running the following command. Replace management_endpoint_ip with the IP address of the file system's management port.

    [~]$ ssh fsxadmin@management_endpoint_ip

    For more information, see Managing file systems with the ONTAP CLI.

  2. The security login role config show command returns the password requirements for a file system or SVM role.

    FsxId0123456::> security login role config show -role fsxadmin -fields password_requirement_fields

    For the -fields parameter, specify any or all of the following:

    • passwd-minlength – The minimum length of the password.

    • passwd-min-special-chars – The minimum number of special characters in the password.

    • passwd-min-lowercase-chars – The minimum number of lowercase characters in the password.

    • passwd-min-uppercase-chars – The minimum number of uppercase characters in the password.

    • passwd-min-digits – The minimum number of digits in the password.

    • passwd-alphanum – Information about the inclusion or exclusion of alphanumeric characters.

    • passwd-expiry-time – The password expiration time.

    • passwd-expiry-warn-time – The password expiration warning time.

  3. Run the following command to see all password requirements:

    FsxId0123456::> security login role config show -role fsxadmin -fields passwd-minlength, passwd-min-special-chars, passwd-min-lowercase-chars, passwd-min-digits, passwd-alphanum, passwd-expiry-time, passwd-expiry-warn-time, passwd-min-uppercase-chars vserver role passwd-minlength passwd-alphanum passwd-min-special-chars passwd-expiry-time passwd-min-lowercase-chars passwd-min-uppercase-chars passwd-min-digits passwd-expiry-warn-time ---------------------- -------- ---------------- --------------- ------------------------ ------------------ -------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------- ----------------------- FsxId0123456 fsxadmin 3 enabled 0 unlimited 0 0 0 unlimited