You can migrate an existing file share configuration to Amazon FSx by using the following procedure. In this procedure, the source file server is the file server whose file share configuration you want to migrate to Amazon FSx.
First migrate your files to Amazon FSx before migrating your file share configuration. For more information, see Migrating existing file storage to FSx for Windows File Server.
To migrate existing file shares to FSx for Windows File Server
On the source file server, choose Run as Administrator from the context menu. Open Windows PowerShell as an administrator.
Export the source file server's file shares to a file named
by running the following commands in the PowerShell. Replace F: in this example with the drive letter on your file server from which you are exporting file shares.$shareFolder = Get-SmbShare -Special $false | ? { $_.Path -like “F:\*” } $shareFolder | Export-Clixml -Path F:\SmbShares.xml
Edit the
file, replacing all references to F: (your drive letter) to D:\share as Amazon FSx file systems reside on D:\share. -
Import the existing file share configuration to FSx for Windows File Server. On a client that has access to your destination Amazon FSx file system and the source file server, copy the saved file share configuration. Then import it into a variable by using the following command.
$shares = Import-Clixml -Path F:\SmbShares.xml
Prepare the credential object required to create the file shares on your FSx for Windows File Server file server using one of the following options.
To generate the credential object interactively, use the following command.
$credential = Get-Credential
To generate the credential object using an AWS Secrets Manager resource, use the following command.
$credential = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject (Get-SECSecretValue -SecretId $AdminSecret).SecretString $FSxAdminUserCredential = (New-Object PSCredential($credential.UserName,(ConvertTo-SecureString $credential.Password -AsPlainText -Force)))
Migrate the file share configuration to your Amazon FSx file server using the following script.
$FSxAcceptedParameters = ("ContinuouslyAvailable", "Description", "ConcurrentUserLimit", "CATimeout", "FolderEnumerationMode", "CachingMode", "FullAccess", "ChangeAccess", "ReadAccess", "NoAccess", "SecurityDescriptor", "Path", "Name", "EncryptData") ForEach ($item in $shares) { $param = @{}; Foreach ($property in $ { if ($property.Name -In $FSxAcceptedParameters) { $param[$property.Name] = $property.Value } } Invoke-Command -ConfigurationName FSxRemoteAdmin -ComputerName -ErrorVariable errmsg -ScriptBlock { New-FSxSmbShare -Credential $Using:credential @Using:param } }