Deleting shadow copies - Amazon FSx for Windows File Server

Deleting shadow copies

You can delete one or more existing shadow copies on your file system using the Remove-FsxShadowCopies command in a remote PowerShell session on your file system. For instructions on launching a remote PowerShell session on your file system, see Using the Amazon FSx CLI for PowerShell.

Specify which shadow copies to delete by using one of the following required options:

  • -Oldest deletes the oldest shadow copy

  • -All deletes all existing shadow copies

  • -ShadowCopyId deletes a specific shadow copy by ID.

You can use only one option with the command. An error occurs if you don't specify which shadow copy to delete, if you specify multiple shadow copy IDs, or if you specify an invalid shadow copy ID.

To delete the oldest shadow copy on your file system, enter the following command in a remote PowerShell session on your file system.

[fs-0123456789abcdef1]PS>Remove-FsxShadowCopies -Oldest Confirm Are you sure you want to perform this action? Performing the operation "Remove-FSxShadowCopies" on target "Removing oldest shadow copy". [Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [?] Help (Default is "Y": Y Shadow Copy {ABCDEF12-3456-7890-ABCD-EF1234567890} deleted

To delete a specific shadow copy on your file system, enter the following command in a remote PowerShell session on your file system.

[fs-0123456789abcdef1]PS>Remove-FsxShadowCopies -ShadowCopyId "{ABCDEF12-3456-7890-ABCD-EF1234567890}" Are you sure you want to perform this action? Performing the operation "Remove-FSxShadowCopies" on target "Removing shadow copy {ABCDEF12-3456-7890-ABCD-EF1234567890}". [Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [?] Help (Default is "Y":>Y Shadow Copy \\AMZNFSXABCDE123\root\cimv2:Wind32_ShadowCopy.ID{ABCDEF12-3456-7890-ABCD-EF1234567890}".ID deleted.

To delete a certain number of the oldest shadow copies on your file system, update your -MaxShadowCopyNumber parameter to the desired number of shadow copies that you would like to have remaining. However, this change will only take effect after the next shadow copy snapshot is taken, when the system will automatically delete the excess shadow copies. Use the following command in a remote PowerShell session on your file system.

[fs-1234567890abcef12]: PS>Get-fsxshadowstorage FSx Shadow Storage Configuration AllocatedSpace UsedSpace MaxSpace MaxShadowCopyNumber -------------- --------- ----------- ------------------- 556679168 21659648 10737418240 50 [fs-1234567890abcef12]: PS>Set-FsxShadowStorage -MaxShadowCopyNumber 5 Validation You have 50 shadow copies. Older versions of shadow copies will be deleted, keeping 5 latest shadow copies on your file system. Do you want to continue? [Y] Yes [N] No [?] Help (default is "N"): y FSx Shadow Storage Configuration AllocatedSpace UsedSpace MaxSpace MaxShadowCopyNumber -------------- --------- -------- ------------------- 556679168 21659648 10737418240 5