Realtime Servers client API (C#) reference: Data types - Amazon GameLift

Realtime Servers client API (C#) reference: Data types

This C# Realtime Client API reference can help you prepare your multiplayer game for use with Realtime Servers deployed on Amazon GameLift fleets. For details on the integration process, see Prepare your Realtime server.


Information about how the game client connects to a Realtime server.



Type of client/server connection to use, either secured or unsecured. If you don't specify a connection type, the default is unsecured.


When connecting to a Realtime server on a secured fleet with a TLS certificate, you must use the value RT_OVER_WSS_DTLS_TLS12.

Type: A ConnectionType enum value.

Required: No


Information about the game client and/or player that is requesting a connection with a Realtime server.



Unique ID issued by Amazon GameLift when a new player session is created. A player session ID is specified in a PlayerSession object, which is returned in response to a client call to the GameLift API actions StartGameSessionPlacement, CreateGameSession, DescribeGameSessionPlacement, or DescribePlayerSessions.

Type: String

Required: Yes


Developer-defined information to be communicated to the Realtime server on connection. This includes any arbitrary data that might be used for a custom sign-in mechanism. For examples, a payload may provide authentication information to be processed by the Realtime server script before allowing a client to connect.

Type: byte array

Required: No


Content and delivery information for a message. A message must specify either a target player or a target group.



Developer-defined operation code that identifies a game event or action, such as a player move or a server notification. A message's Op code provides context for the data payload that is being provided. Messages that are created using NewMessage() already have the operation code set, but it can be changed at any time.

Type: Integer

Required: Yes


Unique ID identifying the player who is the intended recipient of the message being sent. The target may be the server itself (using the server ID) or another player (using a player ID).

Type: Integer

Required: No


Unique ID identifying the group that is the intended recipient of the message being sent. Group IDs are developer defined.

Type: Integer

Required: No


Indicates whether to send the message using the reliable TCP connection or using the fast UDP channel. Messages created using NewMessage().

Type: DeliveryIntent enum

Valid values: FAST | RELIABLE

Required: Yes


Message content. This information is structured as needed to be processed by the game client based on the accompanying operation code. It may contain game state data or other information that needs to be communicated between game clients or between a game client and the Realtime server.

Type: Byte array

Required: No


Data provided with an OnDataReceived() callback.



Unique ID identifying the entity (player ID or server ID) who originated the message.

Type: Integer

Required: Yes


Developer-defined operation code that identifies a game event or action, such as a player move or a server notification. A message's Op code provides context for the data payload that is being provided.

Type: Integer

Required: Yes


Message content. This information is structured as needed to be processed by the game client based on the accompanying operation code. It may contain game state data or other information that needs to be communicated between game clients or between a game client and the Realtime server.

Type: Byte array

Required: No


Data provided with an OnGroupMembershipUpdated() callback.



Unique ID identifying the player who requested a group membership update.

Type: Integer

Required: Yes


Developer-defined operation code that identifies a game event or action.

Type: Integer

Required: Yes


Unique ID identifying the group that is the intended recipient of the message being sent. Group IDs are developer defined.

Type: Integer

Required: Yes


List of player IDs who are current members of the specified group.

Type: Integer array

Required: Yes


Enums defined for the Realtime Client SDK are defined as follows:

  • CONNECTED – Game client is connected to the Realtime server with a TCP connection only. All messages regardless of delivery intent are sent via TCP.

  • CONNECTED_SEND_FAST – Game client is connected to the Realtime server with a TCP and a UDP connection. However, the ability to receive messages via UDP is not yet verified; as a result, all messages sent to the game client use TCP.

  • CONNECTED_SEND_AND_RECEIVE_FAST – Game client is connected to the Realtime server with a TCP and a UDP connection. The game client can send and receive messages using either TCP or UDP.

  • CONNECTING Game client has sent a connection request and the Realtime server is processing it.

  • DISCONNECTED_CLIENT_CALL – Game client was disconnected from the Realtime server in response to a Disconnect()request from the game client.

  • DISCONNECTED – Game client was disconnected from the Realtime server for a reason other than a client disconnect call.

  • RT_OVER_WSS_DTLS_TLS12 – Secure connection type.

    For use with Realtime servers that are running on a GameLift fleet with a TLS certificate generated. When using a secure connection, TCP traffic is encrypted using TLS 1.2, and UDP traffic is encrypted using DTLS 1.2.

  • RT_OVER_WS_UDP_UNSECURED – Non-secure connection type.

  • RT_OVER_WEBSOCKET – Non-secure connection type. This value is no longer preferred.

  • FAST – Delivered using a UDP channel.

  • RELIABLE – Delivered using a TCP connection.