Add cross-account endpoints in AWS Global Accelerator
Follow the steps in this section to add a cross-account endpoints using the Global Accelerator console.
This section explains how to add cross-account endpoints by using the AWS Global Accelerator console. To learn about using API operations with Global Accelerator, see theAWS Global Accelerator API Reference.
To add a cross-account endpoint
When you create or update an accelerator, in the Endpoints section, choose Add endpoint.
On the Add endpoints page, select Add a resource specified in a cross-account attachment.
In the drop-down menu, select an AWS account that has created a cross-account attachment that includes you or the accelerator as a principal.
For Endpoint type, choose the type of resource that you want to add.
Note that only the resource types included in the cross-account attachment appear in the drop-down menu.
For Endpoint, choose resource that you want to add.
Note that only resources that are included in the cross-account attachment appear in the drop-down menu. To see resources that are not enabled by a cross-account attachment, clear the Add a resource specified in a cross-account attachment check box.