DropNullFields class - AWS Glue

DropNullFields class

Drops all null fields in a DynamicFrame whose type is NullType. These are fields with missing or null values in every record in the DynamicFrame dataset.


This example uses DropNullFields to create a new DynamicFrame where fields of type NullType have been dropped. In order to demonstrate DropNullFields, we add a new column named empty_column with type null to the already-loaded persons dataset.


To access the dataset that is used in this example, see Code example: Joining and relationalizing data and follow the instructions in Step 1: Crawl the data in the Amazon S3 bucket.

# Example: Use DropNullFields to create a new DynamicFrame without NullType fields from pyspark.context import SparkContext from awsglue.context import GlueContext from pyspark.sql.functions import lit from pyspark.sql.types import NullType from awsglue.dynamicframe import DynamicFrame from awsglue.transforms import DropNullFields # Create GlueContext sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate() glueContext = GlueContext(sc) # Create DynamicFrame persons = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_catalog( database="legislators", table_name="persons_json" ) print("Schema for the persons DynamicFrame:") persons.printSchema() # Add new column "empty_column" with NullType persons_with_nulls = persons.toDF().withColumn("empty_column", lit(None).cast(NullType())) persons_with_nulls_dyf = DynamicFrame.fromDF(persons_with_nulls, glueContext, "persons_with_nulls") print("Schema for the persons_with_nulls_dyf DynamicFrame:") persons_with_nulls_dyf.printSchema() # Remove the NullType field persons_no_nulls = DropNullFields.apply(persons_with_nulls_dyf) print("Schema for the persons_no_nulls DynamicFrame:") persons_no_nulls.printSchema()
Schema for the persons DynamicFrame: root |-- family_name: string |-- name: string |-- links: array | |-- element: struct | | |-- note: string | | |-- url: string |-- gender: string |-- image: string |-- identifiers: array | |-- element: struct | | |-- scheme: string | | |-- identifier: string |-- other_names: array | |-- element: struct | | |-- lang: string | | |-- note: string | | |-- name: string |-- sort_name: string |-- images: array | |-- element: struct | | |-- url: string |-- given_name: string |-- birth_date: string |-- id: string |-- contact_details: array | |-- element: struct | | |-- type: string | | |-- value: string |-- death_date: string Schema for the persons_with_nulls_dyf DynamicFrame: root |-- family_name: string |-- name: string |-- links: array | |-- element: struct | | |-- note: string | | |-- url: string |-- gender: string |-- image: string |-- identifiers: array | |-- element: struct | | |-- scheme: string | | |-- identifier: string |-- other_names: array | |-- element: struct | | |-- lang: string | | |-- note: string | | |-- name: string |-- sort_name: string |-- images: array | |-- element: struct | | |-- url: string |-- given_name: string |-- birth_date: string |-- id: string |-- contact_details: array | |-- element: struct | | |-- type: string | | |-- value: string |-- death_date: string |-- empty_column: null null_fields ['empty_column'] Schema for the persons_no_nulls DynamicFrame: root |-- family_name: string |-- name: string |-- links: array | |-- element: struct | | |-- note: string | | |-- url: string |-- gender: string |-- image: string |-- identifiers: array | |-- element: struct | | |-- scheme: string | | |-- identifier: string |-- other_names: array | |-- element: struct | | |-- lang: string | | |-- note: string | | |-- name: string |-- sort_name: string |-- images: array | |-- element: struct | | |-- url: string |-- given_name: string |-- birth_date: string |-- id: string |-- contact_details: array | |-- element: struct | | |-- type: string | | |-- value: string |-- death_date: string


__call__(frame, transformation_ctx = "", info = "", stageThreshold = 0, totalThreshold = 0)

Drops all null fields in a DynamicFrame whose type is NullType. These are fields with missing or null values in every record in the DynamicFrame dataset.

  • frame – The DynamicFrame to drop null fields in (required).

  • transformation_ctx – A unique string that is used to identify state information (optional).

  • info – A string associated with errors in the transformation (optional).

  • stageThreshold – The maximum number of errors that can occur in the transformation before it errors out (optional). The default is zero.

  • totalThreshold – The maximum number of errors that can occur overall before processing errors out (optional). The default is zero.

Returns a new DynamicFrame with no null fields.

apply(cls, *args, **kwargs)

  • cls – cls


  • cls – cls


  • cls – cls


  • cls – cls


  • cls – cls


  • cls – cls


  • cls – cls