Relationalize class - AWS Glue

Relationalize class

Flattens a nested schema in a DynamicFrame and pivots out array columns from the flattened frame.


We recommend that you use the DynamicFrame.relationalize() method to relationalize a DynamicFrame. To view a code example, see Example: Use relationalize to flatten a nested schema in a DynamicFrame.


__call__(frame, staging_path=None, name='roottable', options=None, transformation_ctx = "", info = "", stageThreshold = 0, totalThreshold = 0)

Relationalizes a DynamicFrame and produces a list of frames that are generated by unnesting nested columns and pivoting array columns. You can join a pivoted array column to the root table by using the join key that is generated in the unnest phase.

  • frame – The DynamicFrame to relationalize (required).

  • staging_path – The path where the method can store partitions of pivoted tables in CSV format (optional). Pivoted tables are read back from this path.

  • name – The name of the root table (optional).

  • options – A dictionary of optional parameters. Currently unused.

  • transformation_ctx – A unique string that is used to identify state information (optional).

  • info – A string associated with errors in the transformation (optional).

  • stageThreshold – The maximum number of errors that can occur in the transformation before it errors out (optional). The default is zero.

  • totalThreshold – The maximum number of errors that can occur overall before processing errors out (optional). The default is zero.

apply(cls, *args, **kwargs)

Inherited from GlueTransform apply.


Inherited from GlueTransform name.


Inherited from GlueTransform describeArgs.


Inherited from GlueTransform describeReturn.


Inherited from GlueTransform describeTransform.


Inherited from GlueTransform describeErrors.


Inherited from GlueTransform describe.