Creating a BigQuery target node - AWS Glue

Creating a BigQuery target node

Prerequisites needed

  • A BigQuery type AWS Glue Data Catalog connection

  • An AWS Secrets Manager secret for your Google BigQuery credentials, used by the connection.

  • Appropriate permissions on your job to read the secret used by the connection.

  • The name and dataset of the table and corresponding Google Cloud project you would like to write to.

Adding a BigQuery data target

To add a Data target – BigQuery node:
  1. Choose the connection for your BigQuery data target. Since you have created it, it should be available in the dropdown. If you need to create a connection, choose Create BigQuery connection. For more information, see Overview of using connectors and connections .

    Once you have chosen a connection, you can view the connection properties by clicking View properties.

  2. Identify what BigQuery table you would like to write to, then choose a Write method.

    • Direct – writes to BigQuery directly using the BigQuery Storage Write API.

    • Indirect – writes to Google Cloud Storage, then copies to BigQuery.

    If you would like to write indirectly, provide a destination GCS location with Temporary GCS bucket. You will need to provide additional configuration in your AWS Glue connection. For more information, see Using indirect write with Google BigQuery.

  3. Describe the data you would like to read

    (Required) set Parent Project to the project containing your table, or a billing parent project, if relevant.

    If you chose a single table, set Table to the name of a Google BigQuery table in the following format: [dataset].[table]