Evaluating data quality with AWS Glue Studio - AWS Glue

Evaluating data quality with AWS Glue Studio

AWS Glue Data Quality evaluates and monitors the quality of your data based on rules that you define. This makes it easy to identify the data that needs action. In AWS Glue Studio, you can add data quality nodes to your visual job to create data quality rules on tables in your Data Catalog. You can then monitor and evaluate changes to your datasets as they evolve over time. For an overview of how to work with AWS Glue Data Quality in AWS Glue Studio, see the following video.

The following are the high-level steps for how you work with AWS Glue Data Quality:

  1. Create data quality rules – Build a set of data quality rules using the DQDL builder by choosing built-in rulesets that you configure.

  2. Configure a data quality job – Define actions based on the data quality results and output options.

  3. Save and run a data quality job – Create and run a job. Saving the job will save the rulesets that you created for the job.

  4. Monitor and review the data quality results – Review the data quality results after the job run is complete. Optionally, schedule the job for a future date.


Data analysts, data engineers, and data scientists can use the Evaluate Data Quality node in AWS Glue Studio to analyze, configure, monitor, and improve the quality of data from the visual job editor. The benefits of using the data quality node include the following:

  • You can detect data quality issues - You can check for issues by creating rules that check characteristics of your datasets.

  • It's easy to get started - You can start with pre-built rules and actions.

  • Tight integration - You can use data quality nodes in AWS Glue Studio because AWS Glue Data Quality runs on top of the AWS Glue Data Catalog.