Specifying blueprint parameters - AWS Glue

Specifying blueprint parameters

The configuration file contains blueprint parameter specifications in a parameterSpec JSON object. parameterSpec contains one or more parameter objects.

"parameterSpec": { "<parameter_name>": { "type": "<parameter-type>", "collection": true|false, "description": "<parameter-description>", "defaultValue": "<default value for the parameter if value not specified>" "allowedValues": "<list of allowed values>" }, "<parameter_name>": { ... } }

The following are the rules for coding each parameter object:

  • The parameter name and type are mandatory. All other properties are optional.

  • If you specify the defaultValue property, the parameter is optional. Otherwise the parameter is mandatory and the data analyst who is creating a workflow from the blueprint must provide a value for it.

  • If you set the collection property to true, the parameter can take a collection of values. Collections can be of any data type.

  • If you specify allowedValues, the AWS Glue console displays a dropdown list of values for the data analyst to choose from when creating a workflow from the blueprint.

The following are the permitted values for type:

Parameter data type Notes
String -
Integer -
Double -
Boolean Possible values are true and false. Generates a check box on the Create a workflow from <blueprint> page on the AWS Glue console.
S3Uri Complete Amazon S3 path, beginning with s3://. Generates a text field and Browse button on the Create a workflow from <blueprint> page.
S3Bucket Amazon S3 bucket name only. Generates a bucket picker on the Create a workflow from <blueprint> page.
IAMRoleArn Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role. Generates a role picker on the Create a workflow from <blueprint> page.
IAMRoleName Name of an IAM role. Generates a role picker on the Create a workflow from <blueprint> page.