Blueprint samples
There are a number of sample blueprint projects available on the AWS Glue blueprint Github repository
The titles of the sample projects are:
Compaction: this blueprint creates a job that compacts input files into larger chunks based on desired file size.
Conversion: this blueprint converts input files in various standard file formats into Apache Parquet format, which is optimized for analytic workloads.
Crawling Amazon S3 locations: this blueprint crawls multiple Amazon S3 locations to add metadata tables to the Data Catalog.
Custom connection to Data Catalog: this blueprint accesses data stores using AWS Glue custom connectors, reads the records, and populates the table definitions in the AWS Glue Data Catalog based on the record schema.
Encoding: this blueprint converts your non-UTF files into UTF encoded files.
Partitioning: this blueprint creates a partitioning job that places output files into partitions based on specific partition keys.
Importing Amazon S3 data into a DynamoDB table: this blueprint imports data from Amazon S3 into a DynamoDB table.
Standard table to governed: this blueprint imports an AWS Glue Data Catalog table into a Lake Formation table.