ColumnLength - AWS Glue


Checks whether the length of each row in a column conforms to a given expression.


  • COL_NAME – The name of the column that you want to evaluate the data quality rule against.

    Supported column types: String

  • EXPRESSION – An expression to run against the rule type response in order to produce a Boolean value. For more information, see Expressions.

Example: Column row length

The following example rule checks whether the value in each row in the column named Postal_Code is 5 characters long.

ColumnLength "Postal_Code" = 5 ColumnLength "weightinkgs" = 2 where "weightinkgs > 10"

Null behavior

The ColumnLength rule treats NULLs as 0 length strings. For a NULL row:

ColumnLength "Postal_Code" > 4 # this will fail
ColumnLength "Postal_Code" < 6 # this will succeed

The following example compound rule provides a way to explicitly fail NULL values:

(ColumnLength "Postal_Code" > 4) AND (ColumnValues != NULL)