Saving your notebook and job script - AWS Glue

Saving your notebook and job script

You can save your notebook and the job script you are creating at any time. Simply choose the Save button in the upper right corner, the same as if you were using the visual or script editor.

When you choose Save, the notebook file is saved in the default locations:

  • By default, the job script is saved to the Amazon S3 location indicated in the Job Details tab, under Advanced properties, in the Job details property Script path. Job scripts are saved in a subfolder named Scripts.

  • By default, the notebook file (.ipynb) is saved to the Amazon S3 location indicated in the Job Details tab, under Advanced properties, in the Job details Script path. Notebook files are saved in a subfolder named Notebooks.


When you save the job, the job script contains only the code cells from the notebook. The Markdown cells and magics aren't included in the job script. However, the .ipynb file will contain any markdown and magics.

After you save the job, you can then run the job using the script that you created in the notebook.