Gathering AWS Glue troubleshooting information - AWS Glue

Gathering AWS Glue troubleshooting information

If you encounter errors or unexpected behavior in AWS Glue and need to contact AWS Support, you should first gather information about names, IDs, and logs that are associated with the failed action. Having this information available enables AWS Support to help you resolve the problems you're experiencing.

Along with your account ID, gather the following information for each of these types of failures:

When a crawler fails, gather the following information:
  • Crawler name

    Logs from crawler runs are located in CloudWatch Logs under /aws-glue/crawlers.

When a test connection fails, gather the following information:
  • Connection name

  • Connection ID

  • JDBC connection string in the form jdbc:protocol://host:port/database-name.

    Logs from test connections are located in CloudWatch Logs under /aws-glue/testconnection.

When a job fails, gather the following information:
  • Job name

  • Job run ID in the form jr_xxxxx.

    Logs from job runs are located in CloudWatch Logs under /aws-glue/jobs.