Viewing the EventBridge events that started a workflow - AWS Glue

Viewing the EventBridge events that started a workflow

You can view the event ID of the Amazon EventBridge event that started your workflow. If your workflow was started by a batch of events, you can view the event IDs of all events in the batch.

For workflows with a batch size greater than one, you can also see which batch condition started the workflow: the arrival of the number of events in the batch size, or the expiration of the batch window.

To view the EventBridge events that started a workflow (console)
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Glue console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Workflows.

  3. Select the workflow. Then at the bottom, choose the History tab.

  4. Select a workflow run, and then choose View run details.

  5. On the run details page, locate the Run properties field, and look for the aws:eventIds key.

    The value for that key is a list of EventBridge event IDs.

To view the EventBridge events that started a workflow (AWS API)
  • Include the following code in your Python script.

    workflow_params = glue_client.get_workflow_run_properties(Name=workflow_name,RunId=workflow_run_id) batched_events = workflow_params['aws:eventIds']

    batched_events will be a list of strings, where each string is an event ID.