PcaConnectorAd 2018-05-10
- Client: Aws\PcaConnectorAd\PcaConnectorAdClient
- Service ID: pca-connector-ad
- Version: 2018-05-10
This page describes the parameters and results for the operations of the PcaConnectorAd (2018-05-10), and shows how to use the Aws\PcaConnectorAd\PcaConnectorAdClient object to call the described operations. This documentation is specific to the 2018-05-10 API version of the service.
Operation Summary
Each of the following operations can be created from a client using
, where "CommandName" is the
name of one of the following operations. Note: a command is a value that
encapsulates an operation and the parameters used to create an HTTP request.
You can also create and send a command immediately using the magic methods
available on a client object: $client->commandName(/* parameters */)
You can send the command asynchronously (returning a promise) by appending the
word "Async" to the operation name: $client->commandNameAsync(/* parameters */)
- CreateConnector ( array $params = [] )
- Creates a connector between Amazon Web Services Private CA and an Active Directory.
- CreateDirectoryRegistration ( array $params = [] )
- Creates a directory registration that authorizes communication between Amazon Web Services Private CA and an Active Directory
- CreateServicePrincipalName ( array $params = [] )
- Creates a service principal name (SPN) for the service account in Active Directory.
- CreateTemplate ( array $params = [] )
- Creates an Active Directory compatible certificate template.
- CreateTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry ( array $params = [] )
- Create a group access control entry.
- DeleteConnector ( array $params = [] )
- Deletes a connector for Active Directory.
- DeleteDirectoryRegistration ( array $params = [] )
- Deletes a directory registration.
- DeleteServicePrincipalName ( array $params = [] )
- Deletes the service principal name (SPN) used by a connector to authenticate with your Active Directory.
- DeleteTemplate ( array $params = [] )
- Deletes a template.
- DeleteTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry ( array $params = [] )
- Deletes a group access control entry.
- GetConnector ( array $params = [] )
- Lists information about your connector.
- GetDirectoryRegistration ( array $params = [] )
- A structure that contains information about your directory registration.
- GetServicePrincipalName ( array $params = [] )
- Lists the service principal name that the connector uses to authenticate with Active Directory.
- GetTemplate ( array $params = [] )
- Retrieves a certificate template that the connector uses to issue certificates from a private CA.
- GetTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry ( array $params = [] )
- Retrieves the group access control entries for a template.
- ListConnectors ( array $params = [] )
- Lists the connectors that you created by using the https://docs.
- ListDirectoryRegistrations ( array $params = [] )
- Lists the directory registrations that you created by using the https://docs.
- ListServicePrincipalNames ( array $params = [] )
- Lists the service principal names that the connector uses to authenticate with Active Directory.
- ListTagsForResource ( array $params = [] )
- Lists the tags, if any, that are associated with your resource.
- ListTemplateGroupAccessControlEntries ( array $params = [] )
- Lists group access control entries you created.
- ListTemplates ( array $params = [] )
- Lists the templates, if any, that are associated with a connector.
- TagResource ( array $params = [] )
- Adds one or more tags to your resource.
- UntagResource ( array $params = [] )
- Removes one or more tags from your resource.
- UpdateTemplate ( array $params = [] )
- Update template configuration to define the information included in certificates.
- UpdateTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry ( array $params = [] )
- Update a group access control entry you created using CreateTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry.
Paginators handle automatically iterating over paginated API results. Paginators are associated with specific API operations, and they accept the parameters that the corresponding API operation accepts. You can get a paginator from a client class using getPaginator($paginatorName, $operationParameters). This client supports the following paginators:
- ListConnectors
- ListDirectoryRegistrations
- ListServicePrincipalNames
- ListTemplateGroupAccessControlEntries
- ListTemplates
$result = $client->createConnector
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createConnectorAsync
([/* ... */]);
Creates a connector between Amazon Web Services Private CA and an Active Directory. You must specify the private CA, directory ID, and security groups.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createConnector([ 'CertificateAuthorityArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'ClientToken' => '<string>', 'DirectoryId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], 'VpcInformation' => [ // REQUIRED 'IpAddressType' => 'IPV4|DUALSTACK', 'SecurityGroupIds' => ['<string>', ...], // REQUIRED ], ]);
Parameter Details
- CertificateAuthorityArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the certificate authority being used.
- ClientToken
- Type: string
Idempotency token.
- DirectoryId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The identifier of the Active Directory.
- Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (String) to strings
Metadata assigned to a connector consisting of a key-value pair.
- VpcInformation
- Required: Yes
- Type: VpcInformation structure
Information about your VPC and security groups used with the connector.
Result Syntax
[ 'ConnectorArn' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- ConnectorArn
- Type: string
If successful, the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the connector for Active Directory.
- AccessDeniedException:
You can receive this error if you attempt to create a resource share when you don't have the required permissions. This can be caused by insufficient permissions in policies attached to your Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) principal. It can also happen because of restrictions in place from an Amazon Web Services Organizations service control policy (SCP) that affects your Amazon Web Services account.
- ValidationException:
An input validation error occurred. For example, invalid characters in a template name, or if a pagination token is invalid.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The operation tried to access a nonexistent resource. The resource might not be specified correctly, or its status might not be ACTIVE.
- ThrottlingException:
The limit on the number of requests per second was exceeded.
- ServiceQuotaExceededException:
Request would cause a service quota to be exceeded.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure with an internal server.
- ConflictException:
This request cannot be completed for one of the following reasons because the requested resource was being concurrently modified by another request.
$result = $client->createDirectoryRegistration
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createDirectoryRegistrationAsync
([/* ... */]);
Creates a directory registration that authorizes communication between Amazon Web Services Private CA and an Active Directory
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createDirectoryRegistration([ 'ClientToken' => '<string>', 'DirectoryId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], ]);
Parameter Details
- ClientToken
- Type: string
Idempotency token.
- DirectoryId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The identifier of the Active Directory.
- Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (String) to strings
Metadata assigned to a directory registration consisting of a key-value pair.
Result Syntax
[ 'DirectoryRegistrationArn' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- DirectoryRegistrationArn
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateDirectoryRegistration.
- AccessDeniedException:
You can receive this error if you attempt to create a resource share when you don't have the required permissions. This can be caused by insufficient permissions in policies attached to your Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) principal. It can also happen because of restrictions in place from an Amazon Web Services Organizations service control policy (SCP) that affects your Amazon Web Services account.
- ValidationException:
An input validation error occurred. For example, invalid characters in a template name, or if a pagination token is invalid.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The operation tried to access a nonexistent resource. The resource might not be specified correctly, or its status might not be ACTIVE.
- ThrottlingException:
The limit on the number of requests per second was exceeded.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure with an internal server.
- ConflictException:
This request cannot be completed for one of the following reasons because the requested resource was being concurrently modified by another request.
$result = $client->createServicePrincipalName
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createServicePrincipalNameAsync
([/* ... */]);
Creates a service principal name (SPN) for the service account in Active Directory. Kerberos authentication uses SPNs to associate a service instance with a service sign-in account.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createServicePrincipalName([ 'ClientToken' => '<string>', 'ConnectorArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'DirectoryRegistrationArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ClientToken
- Type: string
Idempotency token.
- ConnectorArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateConnector.
- DirectoryRegistrationArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateDirectoryRegistration.
Result Syntax
Result Details
- AccessDeniedException:
You can receive this error if you attempt to create a resource share when you don't have the required permissions. This can be caused by insufficient permissions in policies attached to your Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) principal. It can also happen because of restrictions in place from an Amazon Web Services Organizations service control policy (SCP) that affects your Amazon Web Services account.
- ValidationException:
An input validation error occurred. For example, invalid characters in a template name, or if a pagination token is invalid.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The operation tried to access a nonexistent resource. The resource might not be specified correctly, or its status might not be ACTIVE.
- ThrottlingException:
The limit on the number of requests per second was exceeded.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure with an internal server.
- ConflictException:
This request cannot be completed for one of the following reasons because the requested resource was being concurrently modified by another request.
$result = $client->createTemplate
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createTemplateAsync
([/* ... */]);
Creates an Active Directory compatible certificate template. The connectors issues certificates using these templates based on the requester’s Active Directory group membership.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createTemplate([ 'ClientToken' => '<string>', 'ConnectorArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Definition' => [ // REQUIRED 'TemplateV2' => [ 'CertificateValidity' => [ // REQUIRED 'RenewalPeriod' => [ // REQUIRED 'Period' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'PeriodType' => 'HOURS|DAYS|WEEKS|MONTHS|YEARS', // REQUIRED ], 'ValidityPeriod' => [ // REQUIRED 'Period' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'PeriodType' => 'HOURS|DAYS|WEEKS|MONTHS|YEARS', // REQUIRED ], ], 'EnrollmentFlags' => [ // REQUIRED 'EnableKeyReuseOnNtTokenKeysetStorageFull' => true || false, 'IncludeSymmetricAlgorithms' => true || false, 'NoSecurityExtension' => true || false, 'RemoveInvalidCertificateFromPersonalStore' => true || false, 'UserInteractionRequired' => true || false, ], 'Extensions' => [ // REQUIRED 'ApplicationPolicies' => [ 'Critical' => true || false, 'Policies' => [ // REQUIRED [ 'PolicyObjectIdentifier' => '<string>', 'PolicyType' => 'ALL_APPLICATION_POLICIES|ANY_PURPOSE|ATTESTATION_IDENTITY_KEY_CERTIFICATE|CERTIFICATE_REQUEST_AGENT|CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION|CODE_SIGNING|CTL_USAGE|DIGITAL_RIGHTS|DIRECTORY_SERVICE_EMAIL_REPLICATION|DISALLOWED_LIST|DNS_SERVER_TRUST|DOCUMENT_ENCRYPTION|DOCUMENT_SIGNING|DYNAMIC_CODE_GENERATOR|EARLY_LAUNCH_ANTIMALWARE_DRIVER|EMBEDDED_WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|ENCLAVE|ENCRYPTING_FILE_SYSTEM|ENDORSEMENT_KEY_CERTIFICATE|FILE_RECOVERY|HAL_EXTENSION|IP_SECURITY_END_SYSTEM|IP_SECURITY_IKE_INTERMEDIATE|IP_SECURITY_TUNNEL_TERMINATION|IP_SECURITY_USER|ISOLATED_USER_MODE|KDC_AUTHENTICATION|KERNEL_MODE_CODE_SIGNING|KEY_PACK_LICENSES|KEY_RECOVERY|KEY_RECOVERY_AGENT|LICENSE_SERVER_VERIFICATION|LIFETIME_SIGNING|MICROSOFT_PUBLISHER|MICROSOFT_TIME_STAMPING|MICROSOFT_TRUST_LIST_SIGNING|OCSP_SIGNING|OEM_WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|PLATFORM_CERTIFICATE|PREVIEW_BUILD_SIGNING|PRIVATE_KEY_ARCHIVAL|PROTECTED_PROCESS_LIGHT_VERIFICATION|PROTECTED_PROCESS_VERIFICATION|QUALIFIED_SUBORDINATION|REVOKED_LIST_SIGNER|ROOT_PROGRAM_AUTO_UPDATE_CA_REVOCATION|ROOT_PROGRAM_AUTO_UPDATE_END_REVOCATION|ROOT_PROGRAM_NO_OSCP_FAILOVER_TO_CRL|ROOT_LIST_SIGNER|SECURE_EMAIL|SERVER_AUTHENTICATION|SMART_CARD_LOGIN|SPC_ENCRYPTED_DIGEST_RETRY_COUNT|SPC_RELAXED_PE_MARKER_CHECK|TIME_STAMPING|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_ATTESTED_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_EXTENDED_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HELLO_RECOVERY_KEY_ENCRYPTION|WINDOWS_KITS_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_RT_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_SOFTWARE_EXTENSION_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_STORE|WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_TCB_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_THIRD_PARTY_APPLICATION_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_UPDATE', ], // ... ], ], 'KeyUsage' => [ // REQUIRED 'Critical' => true || false, 'UsageFlags' => [ // REQUIRED 'DataEncipherment' => true || false, 'DigitalSignature' => true || false, 'KeyAgreement' => true || false, 'KeyEncipherment' => true || false, 'NonRepudiation' => true || false, ], ], ], 'GeneralFlags' => [ // REQUIRED 'AutoEnrollment' => true || false, 'MachineType' => true || false, ], 'PrivateKeyAttributes' => [ // REQUIRED 'CryptoProviders' => ['<string>', ...], 'KeySpec' => 'KEY_EXCHANGE|SIGNATURE', // REQUIRED 'MinimalKeyLength' => <integer>, // REQUIRED ], 'PrivateKeyFlags' => [ // REQUIRED 'ClientVersion' => 'WINDOWS_SERVER_2003|WINDOWS_SERVER_2008|WINDOWS_SERVER_2008_R2|WINDOWS_SERVER_2012|WINDOWS_SERVER_2012_R2|WINDOWS_SERVER_2016', // REQUIRED 'ExportableKey' => true || false, 'StrongKeyProtectionRequired' => true || false, ], 'SubjectNameFlags' => [ // REQUIRED 'RequireCommonName' => true || false, 'RequireDirectoryPath' => true || false, 'RequireDnsAsCn' => true || false, 'RequireEmail' => true || false, 'SanRequireDirectoryGuid' => true || false, 'SanRequireDns' => true || false, 'SanRequireDomainDns' => true || false, 'SanRequireEmail' => true || false, 'SanRequireSpn' => true || false, 'SanRequireUpn' => true || false, ], 'SupersededTemplates' => ['<string>', ...], ], 'TemplateV3' => [ 'CertificateValidity' => [ // REQUIRED 'RenewalPeriod' => [ // REQUIRED 'Period' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'PeriodType' => 'HOURS|DAYS|WEEKS|MONTHS|YEARS', // REQUIRED ], 'ValidityPeriod' => [ // REQUIRED 'Period' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'PeriodType' => 'HOURS|DAYS|WEEKS|MONTHS|YEARS', // REQUIRED ], ], 'EnrollmentFlags' => [ // REQUIRED 'EnableKeyReuseOnNtTokenKeysetStorageFull' => true || false, 'IncludeSymmetricAlgorithms' => true || false, 'NoSecurityExtension' => true || false, 'RemoveInvalidCertificateFromPersonalStore' => true || false, 'UserInteractionRequired' => true || false, ], 'Extensions' => [ // REQUIRED 'ApplicationPolicies' => [ 'Critical' => true || false, 'Policies' => [ // REQUIRED [ 'PolicyObjectIdentifier' => '<string>', 'PolicyType' => 'ALL_APPLICATION_POLICIES|ANY_PURPOSE|ATTESTATION_IDENTITY_KEY_CERTIFICATE|CERTIFICATE_REQUEST_AGENT|CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION|CODE_SIGNING|CTL_USAGE|DIGITAL_RIGHTS|DIRECTORY_SERVICE_EMAIL_REPLICATION|DISALLOWED_LIST|DNS_SERVER_TRUST|DOCUMENT_ENCRYPTION|DOCUMENT_SIGNING|DYNAMIC_CODE_GENERATOR|EARLY_LAUNCH_ANTIMALWARE_DRIVER|EMBEDDED_WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|ENCLAVE|ENCRYPTING_FILE_SYSTEM|ENDORSEMENT_KEY_CERTIFICATE|FILE_RECOVERY|HAL_EXTENSION|IP_SECURITY_END_SYSTEM|IP_SECURITY_IKE_INTERMEDIATE|IP_SECURITY_TUNNEL_TERMINATION|IP_SECURITY_USER|ISOLATED_USER_MODE|KDC_AUTHENTICATION|KERNEL_MODE_CODE_SIGNING|KEY_PACK_LICENSES|KEY_RECOVERY|KEY_RECOVERY_AGENT|LICENSE_SERVER_VERIFICATION|LIFETIME_SIGNING|MICROSOFT_PUBLISHER|MICROSOFT_TIME_STAMPING|MICROSOFT_TRUST_LIST_SIGNING|OCSP_SIGNING|OEM_WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|PLATFORM_CERTIFICATE|PREVIEW_BUILD_SIGNING|PRIVATE_KEY_ARCHIVAL|PROTECTED_PROCESS_LIGHT_VERIFICATION|PROTECTED_PROCESS_VERIFICATION|QUALIFIED_SUBORDINATION|REVOKED_LIST_SIGNER|ROOT_PROGRAM_AUTO_UPDATE_CA_REVOCATION|ROOT_PROGRAM_AUTO_UPDATE_END_REVOCATION|ROOT_PROGRAM_NO_OSCP_FAILOVER_TO_CRL|ROOT_LIST_SIGNER|SECURE_EMAIL|SERVER_AUTHENTICATION|SMART_CARD_LOGIN|SPC_ENCRYPTED_DIGEST_RETRY_COUNT|SPC_RELAXED_PE_MARKER_CHECK|TIME_STAMPING|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_ATTESTED_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_EXTENDED_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HELLO_RECOVERY_KEY_ENCRYPTION|WINDOWS_KITS_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_RT_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_SOFTWARE_EXTENSION_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_STORE|WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_TCB_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_THIRD_PARTY_APPLICATION_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_UPDATE', ], // ... ], ], 'KeyUsage' => [ // REQUIRED 'Critical' => true || false, 'UsageFlags' => [ // REQUIRED 'DataEncipherment' => true || false, 'DigitalSignature' => true || false, 'KeyAgreement' => true || false, 'KeyEncipherment' => true || false, 'NonRepudiation' => true || false, ], ], ], 'GeneralFlags' => [ // REQUIRED 'AutoEnrollment' => true || false, 'MachineType' => true || false, ], 'HashAlgorithm' => 'SHA256|SHA384|SHA512', // REQUIRED 'PrivateKeyAttributes' => [ // REQUIRED 'Algorithm' => 'RSA|ECDH_P256|ECDH_P384|ECDH_P521', // REQUIRED 'CryptoProviders' => ['<string>', ...], 'KeySpec' => 'KEY_EXCHANGE|SIGNATURE', // REQUIRED 'KeyUsageProperty' => [ // REQUIRED 'PropertyFlags' => [ 'Decrypt' => true || false, 'KeyAgreement' => true || false, 'Sign' => true || false, ], 'PropertyType' => 'ALL', ], 'MinimalKeyLength' => <integer>, // REQUIRED ], 'PrivateKeyFlags' => [ // REQUIRED 'ClientVersion' => 'WINDOWS_SERVER_2008|WINDOWS_SERVER_2008_R2|WINDOWS_SERVER_2012|WINDOWS_SERVER_2012_R2|WINDOWS_SERVER_2016', // REQUIRED 'ExportableKey' => true || false, 'RequireAlternateSignatureAlgorithm' => true || false, 'StrongKeyProtectionRequired' => true || false, ], 'SubjectNameFlags' => [ // REQUIRED 'RequireCommonName' => true || false, 'RequireDirectoryPath' => true || false, 'RequireDnsAsCn' => true || false, 'RequireEmail' => true || false, 'SanRequireDirectoryGuid' => true || false, 'SanRequireDns' => true || false, 'SanRequireDomainDns' => true || false, 'SanRequireEmail' => true || false, 'SanRequireSpn' => true || false, 'SanRequireUpn' => true || false, ], 'SupersededTemplates' => ['<string>', ...], ], 'TemplateV4' => [ 'CertificateValidity' => [ // REQUIRED 'RenewalPeriod' => [ // REQUIRED 'Period' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'PeriodType' => 'HOURS|DAYS|WEEKS|MONTHS|YEARS', // REQUIRED ], 'ValidityPeriod' => [ // REQUIRED 'Period' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'PeriodType' => 'HOURS|DAYS|WEEKS|MONTHS|YEARS', // REQUIRED ], ], 'EnrollmentFlags' => [ // REQUIRED 'EnableKeyReuseOnNtTokenKeysetStorageFull' => true || false, 'IncludeSymmetricAlgorithms' => true || false, 'NoSecurityExtension' => true || false, 'RemoveInvalidCertificateFromPersonalStore' => true || false, 'UserInteractionRequired' => true || false, ], 'Extensions' => [ // REQUIRED 'ApplicationPolicies' => [ 'Critical' => true || false, 'Policies' => [ // REQUIRED [ 'PolicyObjectIdentifier' => '<string>', 'PolicyType' => 'ALL_APPLICATION_POLICIES|ANY_PURPOSE|ATTESTATION_IDENTITY_KEY_CERTIFICATE|CERTIFICATE_REQUEST_AGENT|CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION|CODE_SIGNING|CTL_USAGE|DIGITAL_RIGHTS|DIRECTORY_SERVICE_EMAIL_REPLICATION|DISALLOWED_LIST|DNS_SERVER_TRUST|DOCUMENT_ENCRYPTION|DOCUMENT_SIGNING|DYNAMIC_CODE_GENERATOR|EARLY_LAUNCH_ANTIMALWARE_DRIVER|EMBEDDED_WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|ENCLAVE|ENCRYPTING_FILE_SYSTEM|ENDORSEMENT_KEY_CERTIFICATE|FILE_RECOVERY|HAL_EXTENSION|IP_SECURITY_END_SYSTEM|IP_SECURITY_IKE_INTERMEDIATE|IP_SECURITY_TUNNEL_TERMINATION|IP_SECURITY_USER|ISOLATED_USER_MODE|KDC_AUTHENTICATION|KERNEL_MODE_CODE_SIGNING|KEY_PACK_LICENSES|KEY_RECOVERY|KEY_RECOVERY_AGENT|LICENSE_SERVER_VERIFICATION|LIFETIME_SIGNING|MICROSOFT_PUBLISHER|MICROSOFT_TIME_STAMPING|MICROSOFT_TRUST_LIST_SIGNING|OCSP_SIGNING|OEM_WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|PLATFORM_CERTIFICATE|PREVIEW_BUILD_SIGNING|PRIVATE_KEY_ARCHIVAL|PROTECTED_PROCESS_LIGHT_VERIFICATION|PROTECTED_PROCESS_VERIFICATION|QUALIFIED_SUBORDINATION|REVOKED_LIST_SIGNER|ROOT_PROGRAM_AUTO_UPDATE_CA_REVOCATION|ROOT_PROGRAM_AUTO_UPDATE_END_REVOCATION|ROOT_PROGRAM_NO_OSCP_FAILOVER_TO_CRL|ROOT_LIST_SIGNER|SECURE_EMAIL|SERVER_AUTHENTICATION|SMART_CARD_LOGIN|SPC_ENCRYPTED_DIGEST_RETRY_COUNT|SPC_RELAXED_PE_MARKER_CHECK|TIME_STAMPING|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_ATTESTED_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_EXTENDED_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HELLO_RECOVERY_KEY_ENCRYPTION|WINDOWS_KITS_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_RT_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_SOFTWARE_EXTENSION_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_STORE|WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_TCB_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_THIRD_PARTY_APPLICATION_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_UPDATE', ], // ... ], ], 'KeyUsage' => [ // REQUIRED 'Critical' => true || false, 'UsageFlags' => [ // REQUIRED 'DataEncipherment' => true || false, 'DigitalSignature' => true || false, 'KeyAgreement' => true || false, 'KeyEncipherment' => true || false, 'NonRepudiation' => true || false, ], ], ], 'GeneralFlags' => [ // REQUIRED 'AutoEnrollment' => true || false, 'MachineType' => true || false, ], 'HashAlgorithm' => 'SHA256|SHA384|SHA512', 'PrivateKeyAttributes' => [ // REQUIRED 'Algorithm' => 'RSA|ECDH_P256|ECDH_P384|ECDH_P521', 'CryptoProviders' => ['<string>', ...], 'KeySpec' => 'KEY_EXCHANGE|SIGNATURE', // REQUIRED 'KeyUsageProperty' => [ 'PropertyFlags' => [ 'Decrypt' => true || false, 'KeyAgreement' => true || false, 'Sign' => true || false, ], 'PropertyType' => 'ALL', ], 'MinimalKeyLength' => <integer>, // REQUIRED ], 'PrivateKeyFlags' => [ // REQUIRED 'ClientVersion' => 'WINDOWS_SERVER_2012|WINDOWS_SERVER_2012_R2|WINDOWS_SERVER_2016', // REQUIRED 'ExportableKey' => true || false, 'RequireAlternateSignatureAlgorithm' => true || false, 'RequireSameKeyRenewal' => true || false, 'StrongKeyProtectionRequired' => true || false, 'UseLegacyProvider' => true || false, ], 'SubjectNameFlags' => [ // REQUIRED 'RequireCommonName' => true || false, 'RequireDirectoryPath' => true || false, 'RequireDnsAsCn' => true || false, 'RequireEmail' => true || false, 'SanRequireDirectoryGuid' => true || false, 'SanRequireDns' => true || false, 'SanRequireDomainDns' => true || false, 'SanRequireEmail' => true || false, 'SanRequireSpn' => true || false, 'SanRequireUpn' => true || false, ], 'SupersededTemplates' => ['<string>', ...], ], ], 'Name' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], ]);
Parameter Details
- ClientToken
- Type: string
Idempotency token.
- ConnectorArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateConnector.
- Definition
- Required: Yes
- Type: TemplateDefinition structure
Template configuration to define the information included in certificates. Define certificate validity and renewal periods, certificate request handling and enrollment options, key usage extensions, application policies, and cryptography settings.
- Name
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Name of the template. The template name must be unique.
- Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (String) to strings
Metadata assigned to a template consisting of a key-value pair.
Result Syntax
[ 'TemplateArn' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- TemplateArn
- Type: string
If successful, the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the template.
- AccessDeniedException:
You can receive this error if you attempt to create a resource share when you don't have the required permissions. This can be caused by insufficient permissions in policies attached to your Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) principal. It can also happen because of restrictions in place from an Amazon Web Services Organizations service control policy (SCP) that affects your Amazon Web Services account.
- ValidationException:
An input validation error occurred. For example, invalid characters in a template name, or if a pagination token is invalid.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The operation tried to access a nonexistent resource. The resource might not be specified correctly, or its status might not be ACTIVE.
- ThrottlingException:
The limit on the number of requests per second was exceeded.
- ServiceQuotaExceededException:
Request would cause a service quota to be exceeded.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure with an internal server.
- ConflictException:
This request cannot be completed for one of the following reasons because the requested resource was being concurrently modified by another request.
$result = $client->createTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createTemplateGroupAccessControlEntryAsync
([/* ... */]);
Create a group access control entry. Allow or deny Active Directory groups from enrolling and/or autoenrolling with the template based on the group security identifiers (SIDs).
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry([ 'AccessRights' => [ // REQUIRED 'AutoEnroll' => 'ALLOW|DENY', 'Enroll' => 'ALLOW|DENY', ], 'ClientToken' => '<string>', 'GroupDisplayName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'GroupSecurityIdentifier' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'TemplateArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- AccessRights
- Required: Yes
- Type: AccessRights structure
Allow or deny permissions for an Active Directory group to enroll or autoenroll certificates for a template.
- ClientToken
- Type: string
Idempotency token.
- GroupDisplayName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Name of the Active Directory group. This name does not need to match the group name in Active Directory.
- GroupSecurityIdentifier
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Security identifier (SID) of the group object from Active Directory. The SID starts with "S-".
- TemplateArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateTemplate.
Result Syntax
Result Details
- AccessDeniedException:
You can receive this error if you attempt to create a resource share when you don't have the required permissions. This can be caused by insufficient permissions in policies attached to your Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) principal. It can also happen because of restrictions in place from an Amazon Web Services Organizations service control policy (SCP) that affects your Amazon Web Services account.
- ValidationException:
An input validation error occurred. For example, invalid characters in a template name, or if a pagination token is invalid.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The operation tried to access a nonexistent resource. The resource might not be specified correctly, or its status might not be ACTIVE.
- ThrottlingException:
The limit on the number of requests per second was exceeded.
- ServiceQuotaExceededException:
Request would cause a service quota to be exceeded.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure with an internal server.
- ConflictException:
This request cannot be completed for one of the following reasons because the requested resource was being concurrently modified by another request.
$result = $client->deleteConnector
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteConnectorAsync
([/* ... */]);
Deletes a connector for Active Directory. You must provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the connector that you want to delete. You can find the ARN by calling the https://docs.aws.amazon.com/pca-connector-ad/latest/APIReference/API_ListConnectors action. Deleting a connector does not deregister your directory with Amazon Web Services Private CA. You can deregister your directory by calling the https://docs.aws.amazon.com/pca-connector-ad/latest/APIReference/API_DeleteDirectoryRegistration action.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteConnector([ 'ConnectorArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ConnectorArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateConnector.
Result Syntax
Result Details
- AccessDeniedException:
You can receive this error if you attempt to create a resource share when you don't have the required permissions. This can be caused by insufficient permissions in policies attached to your Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) principal. It can also happen because of restrictions in place from an Amazon Web Services Organizations service control policy (SCP) that affects your Amazon Web Services account.
- ValidationException:
An input validation error occurred. For example, invalid characters in a template name, or if a pagination token is invalid.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The operation tried to access a nonexistent resource. The resource might not be specified correctly, or its status might not be ACTIVE.
- ThrottlingException:
The limit on the number of requests per second was exceeded.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure with an internal server.
- ConflictException:
This request cannot be completed for one of the following reasons because the requested resource was being concurrently modified by another request.
$result = $client->deleteDirectoryRegistration
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteDirectoryRegistrationAsync
([/* ... */]);
Deletes a directory registration. Deleting a directory registration deauthorizes Amazon Web Services Private CA with the directory.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteDirectoryRegistration([ 'DirectoryRegistrationArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- DirectoryRegistrationArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateDirectoryRegistration.
Result Syntax
Result Details
- AccessDeniedException:
You can receive this error if you attempt to create a resource share when you don't have the required permissions. This can be caused by insufficient permissions in policies attached to your Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) principal. It can also happen because of restrictions in place from an Amazon Web Services Organizations service control policy (SCP) that affects your Amazon Web Services account.
- ValidationException:
An input validation error occurred. For example, invalid characters in a template name, or if a pagination token is invalid.
- ThrottlingException:
The limit on the number of requests per second was exceeded.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure with an internal server.
- ConflictException:
This request cannot be completed for one of the following reasons because the requested resource was being concurrently modified by another request.
$result = $client->deleteServicePrincipalName
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteServicePrincipalNameAsync
([/* ... */]);
Deletes the service principal name (SPN) used by a connector to authenticate with your Active Directory.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteServicePrincipalName([ 'ConnectorArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'DirectoryRegistrationArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ConnectorArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateConnector.
- DirectoryRegistrationArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateDirectoryRegistration.
Result Syntax
Result Details
- AccessDeniedException:
You can receive this error if you attempt to create a resource share when you don't have the required permissions. This can be caused by insufficient permissions in policies attached to your Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) principal. It can also happen because of restrictions in place from an Amazon Web Services Organizations service control policy (SCP) that affects your Amazon Web Services account.
- ValidationException:
An input validation error occurred. For example, invalid characters in a template name, or if a pagination token is invalid.
- ThrottlingException:
The limit on the number of requests per second was exceeded.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure with an internal server.
- ConflictException:
This request cannot be completed for one of the following reasons because the requested resource was being concurrently modified by another request.
$result = $client->deleteTemplate
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteTemplateAsync
([/* ... */]);
Deletes a template. Certificates issued using the template are still valid until they are revoked or expired.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteTemplate([ 'TemplateArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- TemplateArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateTemplate.
Result Syntax
Result Details
- AccessDeniedException:
You can receive this error if you attempt to create a resource share when you don't have the required permissions. This can be caused by insufficient permissions in policies attached to your Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) principal. It can also happen because of restrictions in place from an Amazon Web Services Organizations service control policy (SCP) that affects your Amazon Web Services account.
- ValidationException:
An input validation error occurred. For example, invalid characters in a template name, or if a pagination token is invalid.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The operation tried to access a nonexistent resource. The resource might not be specified correctly, or its status might not be ACTIVE.
- ThrottlingException:
The limit on the number of requests per second was exceeded.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure with an internal server.
- ConflictException:
This request cannot be completed for one of the following reasons because the requested resource was being concurrently modified by another request.
$result = $client->deleteTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteTemplateGroupAccessControlEntryAsync
([/* ... */]);
Deletes a group access control entry.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry([ 'GroupSecurityIdentifier' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'TemplateArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- GroupSecurityIdentifier
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Security identifier (SID) of the group object from Active Directory. The SID starts with "S-".
- TemplateArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateTemplate.
Result Syntax
Result Details
- AccessDeniedException:
You can receive this error if you attempt to create a resource share when you don't have the required permissions. This can be caused by insufficient permissions in policies attached to your Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) principal. It can also happen because of restrictions in place from an Amazon Web Services Organizations service control policy (SCP) that affects your Amazon Web Services account.
- ValidationException:
An input validation error occurred. For example, invalid characters in a template name, or if a pagination token is invalid.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The operation tried to access a nonexistent resource. The resource might not be specified correctly, or its status might not be ACTIVE.
- ThrottlingException:
The limit on the number of requests per second was exceeded.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure with an internal server.
- ConflictException:
This request cannot be completed for one of the following reasons because the requested resource was being concurrently modified by another request.
$result = $client->getConnector
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getConnectorAsync
([/* ... */]);
Lists information about your connector. You specify the connector on input by its ARN (Amazon Resource Name).
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getConnector([ 'ConnectorArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ConnectorArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateConnector.
Result Syntax
[ 'Connector' => [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'CertificateAuthorityArn' => '<string>', 'CertificateEnrollmentPolicyServerEndpoint' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'DirectoryId' => '<string>', 'Status' => 'CREATING|ACTIVE|DELETING|FAILED', 'StatusReason' => 'CA_CERTIFICATE_REGISTRATION_FAILED|DIRECTORY_ACCESS_DENIED|INTERNAL_FAILURE|INSUFFICIENT_FREE_ADDRESSES|INVALID_SUBNET_IP_PROTOCOL|PRIVATECA_ACCESS_DENIED|PRIVATECA_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND|SECURITY_GROUP_NOT_IN_VPC|VPC_ACCESS_DENIED|VPC_ENDPOINT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED|VPC_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND', 'UpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'VpcInformation' => [ 'IpAddressType' => 'IPV4|DUALSTACK', 'SecurityGroupIds' => ['<string>', ...], ], ], ]
Result Details
- Connector
- Type: Connector structure
A structure that contains information about your connector.
- AccessDeniedException:
You can receive this error if you attempt to create a resource share when you don't have the required permissions. This can be caused by insufficient permissions in policies attached to your Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) principal. It can also happen because of restrictions in place from an Amazon Web Services Organizations service control policy (SCP) that affects your Amazon Web Services account.
- ValidationException:
An input validation error occurred. For example, invalid characters in a template name, or if a pagination token is invalid.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The operation tried to access a nonexistent resource. The resource might not be specified correctly, or its status might not be ACTIVE.
- ThrottlingException:
The limit on the number of requests per second was exceeded.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure with an internal server.
$result = $client->getDirectoryRegistration
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getDirectoryRegistrationAsync
([/* ... */]);
A structure that contains information about your directory registration.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getDirectoryRegistration([ 'DirectoryRegistrationArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- DirectoryRegistrationArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateDirectoryRegistration.
Result Syntax
[ 'DirectoryRegistration' => [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'DirectoryId' => '<string>', 'Status' => 'CREATING|ACTIVE|DELETING|FAILED', 'StatusReason' => 'DIRECTORY_ACCESS_DENIED|DIRECTORY_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND|DIRECTORY_NOT_ACTIVE|DIRECTORY_NOT_REACHABLE|DIRECTORY_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED|INTERNAL_FAILURE', 'UpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, ], ]
Result Details
- DirectoryRegistration
- Type: DirectoryRegistration structure
The directory registration represents the authorization of the connector service with a directory.
- AccessDeniedException:
You can receive this error if you attempt to create a resource share when you don't have the required permissions. This can be caused by insufficient permissions in policies attached to your Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) principal. It can also happen because of restrictions in place from an Amazon Web Services Organizations service control policy (SCP) that affects your Amazon Web Services account.
- ValidationException:
An input validation error occurred. For example, invalid characters in a template name, or if a pagination token is invalid.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The operation tried to access a nonexistent resource. The resource might not be specified correctly, or its status might not be ACTIVE.
- ThrottlingException:
The limit on the number of requests per second was exceeded.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure with an internal server.
$result = $client->getServicePrincipalName
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getServicePrincipalNameAsync
([/* ... */]);
Lists the service principal name that the connector uses to authenticate with Active Directory.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getServicePrincipalName([ 'ConnectorArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'DirectoryRegistrationArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ConnectorArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateConnector.
- DirectoryRegistrationArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateDirectoryRegistration.
Result Syntax
[ 'ServicePrincipalName' => [ 'ConnectorArn' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'DirectoryRegistrationArn' => '<string>', 'Status' => 'CREATING|ACTIVE|DELETING|FAILED', 'StatusReason' => 'DIRECTORY_ACCESS_DENIED|DIRECTORY_NOT_REACHABLE|DIRECTORY_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND|SPN_EXISTS_ON_DIFFERENT_AD_OBJECT|SPN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED|INTERNAL_FAILURE', 'UpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, ], ]
Result Details
- ServicePrincipalName
- Type: ServicePrincipalName structure
The service principal name that the connector uses to authenticate with Active Directory.
- AccessDeniedException:
You can receive this error if you attempt to create a resource share when you don't have the required permissions. This can be caused by insufficient permissions in policies attached to your Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) principal. It can also happen because of restrictions in place from an Amazon Web Services Organizations service control policy (SCP) that affects your Amazon Web Services account.
- ValidationException:
An input validation error occurred. For example, invalid characters in a template name, or if a pagination token is invalid.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The operation tried to access a nonexistent resource. The resource might not be specified correctly, or its status might not be ACTIVE.
- ThrottlingException:
The limit on the number of requests per second was exceeded.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure with an internal server.
$result = $client->getTemplate
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getTemplateAsync
([/* ... */]);
Retrieves a certificate template that the connector uses to issue certificates from a private CA.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getTemplate([ 'TemplateArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- TemplateArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateTemplate.
Result Syntax
[ 'Template' => [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'ConnectorArn' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Definition' => [ 'TemplateV2' => [ 'CertificateValidity' => [ 'RenewalPeriod' => [ 'Period' => <integer>, 'PeriodType' => 'HOURS|DAYS|WEEKS|MONTHS|YEARS', ], 'ValidityPeriod' => [ 'Period' => <integer>, 'PeriodType' => 'HOURS|DAYS|WEEKS|MONTHS|YEARS', ], ], 'EnrollmentFlags' => [ 'EnableKeyReuseOnNtTokenKeysetStorageFull' => true || false, 'IncludeSymmetricAlgorithms' => true || false, 'NoSecurityExtension' => true || false, 'RemoveInvalidCertificateFromPersonalStore' => true || false, 'UserInteractionRequired' => true || false, ], 'Extensions' => [ 'ApplicationPolicies' => [ 'Critical' => true || false, 'Policies' => [ [ 'PolicyObjectIdentifier' => '<string>', 'PolicyType' => 'ALL_APPLICATION_POLICIES|ANY_PURPOSE|ATTESTATION_IDENTITY_KEY_CERTIFICATE|CERTIFICATE_REQUEST_AGENT|CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION|CODE_SIGNING|CTL_USAGE|DIGITAL_RIGHTS|DIRECTORY_SERVICE_EMAIL_REPLICATION|DISALLOWED_LIST|DNS_SERVER_TRUST|DOCUMENT_ENCRYPTION|DOCUMENT_SIGNING|DYNAMIC_CODE_GENERATOR|EARLY_LAUNCH_ANTIMALWARE_DRIVER|EMBEDDED_WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|ENCLAVE|ENCRYPTING_FILE_SYSTEM|ENDORSEMENT_KEY_CERTIFICATE|FILE_RECOVERY|HAL_EXTENSION|IP_SECURITY_END_SYSTEM|IP_SECURITY_IKE_INTERMEDIATE|IP_SECURITY_TUNNEL_TERMINATION|IP_SECURITY_USER|ISOLATED_USER_MODE|KDC_AUTHENTICATION|KERNEL_MODE_CODE_SIGNING|KEY_PACK_LICENSES|KEY_RECOVERY|KEY_RECOVERY_AGENT|LICENSE_SERVER_VERIFICATION|LIFETIME_SIGNING|MICROSOFT_PUBLISHER|MICROSOFT_TIME_STAMPING|MICROSOFT_TRUST_LIST_SIGNING|OCSP_SIGNING|OEM_WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|PLATFORM_CERTIFICATE|PREVIEW_BUILD_SIGNING|PRIVATE_KEY_ARCHIVAL|PROTECTED_PROCESS_LIGHT_VERIFICATION|PROTECTED_PROCESS_VERIFICATION|QUALIFIED_SUBORDINATION|REVOKED_LIST_SIGNER|ROOT_PROGRAM_AUTO_UPDATE_CA_REVOCATION|ROOT_PROGRAM_AUTO_UPDATE_END_REVOCATION|ROOT_PROGRAM_NO_OSCP_FAILOVER_TO_CRL|ROOT_LIST_SIGNER|SECURE_EMAIL|SERVER_AUTHENTICATION|SMART_CARD_LOGIN|SPC_ENCRYPTED_DIGEST_RETRY_COUNT|SPC_RELAXED_PE_MARKER_CHECK|TIME_STAMPING|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_ATTESTED_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_EXTENDED_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HELLO_RECOVERY_KEY_ENCRYPTION|WINDOWS_KITS_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_RT_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_SOFTWARE_EXTENSION_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_STORE|WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_TCB_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_THIRD_PARTY_APPLICATION_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_UPDATE', ], // ... ], ], 'KeyUsage' => [ 'Critical' => true || false, 'UsageFlags' => [ 'DataEncipherment' => true || false, 'DigitalSignature' => true || false, 'KeyAgreement' => true || false, 'KeyEncipherment' => true || false, 'NonRepudiation' => true || false, ], ], ], 'GeneralFlags' => [ 'AutoEnrollment' => true || false, 'MachineType' => true || false, ], 'PrivateKeyAttributes' => [ 'CryptoProviders' => ['<string>', ...], 'KeySpec' => 'KEY_EXCHANGE|SIGNATURE', 'MinimalKeyLength' => <integer>, ], 'PrivateKeyFlags' => [ 'ClientVersion' => 'WINDOWS_SERVER_2003|WINDOWS_SERVER_2008|WINDOWS_SERVER_2008_R2|WINDOWS_SERVER_2012|WINDOWS_SERVER_2012_R2|WINDOWS_SERVER_2016', 'ExportableKey' => true || false, 'StrongKeyProtectionRequired' => true || false, ], 'SubjectNameFlags' => [ 'RequireCommonName' => true || false, 'RequireDirectoryPath' => true || false, 'RequireDnsAsCn' => true || false, 'RequireEmail' => true || false, 'SanRequireDirectoryGuid' => true || false, 'SanRequireDns' => true || false, 'SanRequireDomainDns' => true || false, 'SanRequireEmail' => true || false, 'SanRequireSpn' => true || false, 'SanRequireUpn' => true || false, ], 'SupersededTemplates' => ['<string>', ...], ], 'TemplateV3' => [ 'CertificateValidity' => [ 'RenewalPeriod' => [ 'Period' => <integer>, 'PeriodType' => 'HOURS|DAYS|WEEKS|MONTHS|YEARS', ], 'ValidityPeriod' => [ 'Period' => <integer>, 'PeriodType' => 'HOURS|DAYS|WEEKS|MONTHS|YEARS', ], ], 'EnrollmentFlags' => [ 'EnableKeyReuseOnNtTokenKeysetStorageFull' => true || false, 'IncludeSymmetricAlgorithms' => true || false, 'NoSecurityExtension' => true || false, 'RemoveInvalidCertificateFromPersonalStore' => true || false, 'UserInteractionRequired' => true || false, ], 'Extensions' => [ 'ApplicationPolicies' => [ 'Critical' => true || false, 'Policies' => [ [ 'PolicyObjectIdentifier' => '<string>', 'PolicyType' => 'ALL_APPLICATION_POLICIES|ANY_PURPOSE|ATTESTATION_IDENTITY_KEY_CERTIFICATE|CERTIFICATE_REQUEST_AGENT|CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION|CODE_SIGNING|CTL_USAGE|DIGITAL_RIGHTS|DIRECTORY_SERVICE_EMAIL_REPLICATION|DISALLOWED_LIST|DNS_SERVER_TRUST|DOCUMENT_ENCRYPTION|DOCUMENT_SIGNING|DYNAMIC_CODE_GENERATOR|EARLY_LAUNCH_ANTIMALWARE_DRIVER|EMBEDDED_WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|ENCLAVE|ENCRYPTING_FILE_SYSTEM|ENDORSEMENT_KEY_CERTIFICATE|FILE_RECOVERY|HAL_EXTENSION|IP_SECURITY_END_SYSTEM|IP_SECURITY_IKE_INTERMEDIATE|IP_SECURITY_TUNNEL_TERMINATION|IP_SECURITY_USER|ISOLATED_USER_MODE|KDC_AUTHENTICATION|KERNEL_MODE_CODE_SIGNING|KEY_PACK_LICENSES|KEY_RECOVERY|KEY_RECOVERY_AGENT|LICENSE_SERVER_VERIFICATION|LIFETIME_SIGNING|MICROSOFT_PUBLISHER|MICROSOFT_TIME_STAMPING|MICROSOFT_TRUST_LIST_SIGNING|OCSP_SIGNING|OEM_WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|PLATFORM_CERTIFICATE|PREVIEW_BUILD_SIGNING|PRIVATE_KEY_ARCHIVAL|PROTECTED_PROCESS_LIGHT_VERIFICATION|PROTECTED_PROCESS_VERIFICATION|QUALIFIED_SUBORDINATION|REVOKED_LIST_SIGNER|ROOT_PROGRAM_AUTO_UPDATE_CA_REVOCATION|ROOT_PROGRAM_AUTO_UPDATE_END_REVOCATION|ROOT_PROGRAM_NO_OSCP_FAILOVER_TO_CRL|ROOT_LIST_SIGNER|SECURE_EMAIL|SERVER_AUTHENTICATION|SMART_CARD_LOGIN|SPC_ENCRYPTED_DIGEST_RETRY_COUNT|SPC_RELAXED_PE_MARKER_CHECK|TIME_STAMPING|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_ATTESTED_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_EXTENDED_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HELLO_RECOVERY_KEY_ENCRYPTION|WINDOWS_KITS_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_RT_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_SOFTWARE_EXTENSION_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_STORE|WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_TCB_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_THIRD_PARTY_APPLICATION_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_UPDATE', ], // ... ], ], 'KeyUsage' => [ 'Critical' => true || false, 'UsageFlags' => [ 'DataEncipherment' => true || false, 'DigitalSignature' => true || false, 'KeyAgreement' => true || false, 'KeyEncipherment' => true || false, 'NonRepudiation' => true || false, ], ], ], 'GeneralFlags' => [ 'AutoEnrollment' => true || false, 'MachineType' => true || false, ], 'HashAlgorithm' => 'SHA256|SHA384|SHA512', 'PrivateKeyAttributes' => [ 'Algorithm' => 'RSA|ECDH_P256|ECDH_P384|ECDH_P521', 'CryptoProviders' => ['<string>', ...], 'KeySpec' => 'KEY_EXCHANGE|SIGNATURE', 'KeyUsageProperty' => [ 'PropertyFlags' => [ 'Decrypt' => true || false, 'KeyAgreement' => true || false, 'Sign' => true || false, ], 'PropertyType' => 'ALL', ], 'MinimalKeyLength' => <integer>, ], 'PrivateKeyFlags' => [ 'ClientVersion' => 'WINDOWS_SERVER_2008|WINDOWS_SERVER_2008_R2|WINDOWS_SERVER_2012|WINDOWS_SERVER_2012_R2|WINDOWS_SERVER_2016', 'ExportableKey' => true || false, 'RequireAlternateSignatureAlgorithm' => true || false, 'StrongKeyProtectionRequired' => true || false, ], 'SubjectNameFlags' => [ 'RequireCommonName' => true || false, 'RequireDirectoryPath' => true || false, 'RequireDnsAsCn' => true || false, 'RequireEmail' => true || false, 'SanRequireDirectoryGuid' => true || false, 'SanRequireDns' => true || false, 'SanRequireDomainDns' => true || false, 'SanRequireEmail' => true || false, 'SanRequireSpn' => true || false, 'SanRequireUpn' => true || false, ], 'SupersededTemplates' => ['<string>', ...], ], 'TemplateV4' => [ 'CertificateValidity' => [ 'RenewalPeriod' => [ 'Period' => <integer>, 'PeriodType' => 'HOURS|DAYS|WEEKS|MONTHS|YEARS', ], 'ValidityPeriod' => [ 'Period' => <integer>, 'PeriodType' => 'HOURS|DAYS|WEEKS|MONTHS|YEARS', ], ], 'EnrollmentFlags' => [ 'EnableKeyReuseOnNtTokenKeysetStorageFull' => true || false, 'IncludeSymmetricAlgorithms' => true || false, 'NoSecurityExtension' => true || false, 'RemoveInvalidCertificateFromPersonalStore' => true || false, 'UserInteractionRequired' => true || false, ], 'Extensions' => [ 'ApplicationPolicies' => [ 'Critical' => true || false, 'Policies' => [ [ 'PolicyObjectIdentifier' => '<string>', 'PolicyType' => 'ALL_APPLICATION_POLICIES|ANY_PURPOSE|ATTESTATION_IDENTITY_KEY_CERTIFICATE|CERTIFICATE_REQUEST_AGENT|CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION|CODE_SIGNING|CTL_USAGE|DIGITAL_RIGHTS|DIRECTORY_SERVICE_EMAIL_REPLICATION|DISALLOWED_LIST|DNS_SERVER_TRUST|DOCUMENT_ENCRYPTION|DOCUMENT_SIGNING|DYNAMIC_CODE_GENERATOR|EARLY_LAUNCH_ANTIMALWARE_DRIVER|EMBEDDED_WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|ENCLAVE|ENCRYPTING_FILE_SYSTEM|ENDORSEMENT_KEY_CERTIFICATE|FILE_RECOVERY|HAL_EXTENSION|IP_SECURITY_END_SYSTEM|IP_SECURITY_IKE_INTERMEDIATE|IP_SECURITY_TUNNEL_TERMINATION|IP_SECURITY_USER|ISOLATED_USER_MODE|KDC_AUTHENTICATION|KERNEL_MODE_CODE_SIGNING|KEY_PACK_LICENSES|KEY_RECOVERY|KEY_RECOVERY_AGENT|LICENSE_SERVER_VERIFICATION|LIFETIME_SIGNING|MICROSOFT_PUBLISHER|MICROSOFT_TIME_STAMPING|MICROSOFT_TRUST_LIST_SIGNING|OCSP_SIGNING|OEM_WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|PLATFORM_CERTIFICATE|PREVIEW_BUILD_SIGNING|PRIVATE_KEY_ARCHIVAL|PROTECTED_PROCESS_LIGHT_VERIFICATION|PROTECTED_PROCESS_VERIFICATION|QUALIFIED_SUBORDINATION|REVOKED_LIST_SIGNER|ROOT_PROGRAM_AUTO_UPDATE_CA_REVOCATION|ROOT_PROGRAM_AUTO_UPDATE_END_REVOCATION|ROOT_PROGRAM_NO_OSCP_FAILOVER_TO_CRL|ROOT_LIST_SIGNER|SECURE_EMAIL|SERVER_AUTHENTICATION|SMART_CARD_LOGIN|SPC_ENCRYPTED_DIGEST_RETRY_COUNT|SPC_RELAXED_PE_MARKER_CHECK|TIME_STAMPING|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_ATTESTED_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_EXTENDED_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HELLO_RECOVERY_KEY_ENCRYPTION|WINDOWS_KITS_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_RT_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_SOFTWARE_EXTENSION_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_STORE|WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_TCB_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_THIRD_PARTY_APPLICATION_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_UPDATE', ], // ... ], ], 'KeyUsage' => [ 'Critical' => true || false, 'UsageFlags' => [ 'DataEncipherment' => true || false, 'DigitalSignature' => true || false, 'KeyAgreement' => true || false, 'KeyEncipherment' => true || false, 'NonRepudiation' => true || false, ], ], ], 'GeneralFlags' => [ 'AutoEnrollment' => true || false, 'MachineType' => true || false, ], 'HashAlgorithm' => 'SHA256|SHA384|SHA512', 'PrivateKeyAttributes' => [ 'Algorithm' => 'RSA|ECDH_P256|ECDH_P384|ECDH_P521', 'CryptoProviders' => ['<string>', ...], 'KeySpec' => 'KEY_EXCHANGE|SIGNATURE', 'KeyUsageProperty' => [ 'PropertyFlags' => [ 'Decrypt' => true || false, 'KeyAgreement' => true || false, 'Sign' => true || false, ], 'PropertyType' => 'ALL', ], 'MinimalKeyLength' => <integer>, ], 'PrivateKeyFlags' => [ 'ClientVersion' => 'WINDOWS_SERVER_2012|WINDOWS_SERVER_2012_R2|WINDOWS_SERVER_2016', 'ExportableKey' => true || false, 'RequireAlternateSignatureAlgorithm' => true || false, 'RequireSameKeyRenewal' => true || false, 'StrongKeyProtectionRequired' => true || false, 'UseLegacyProvider' => true || false, ], 'SubjectNameFlags' => [ 'RequireCommonName' => true || false, 'RequireDirectoryPath' => true || false, 'RequireDnsAsCn' => true || false, 'RequireEmail' => true || false, 'SanRequireDirectoryGuid' => true || false, 'SanRequireDns' => true || false, 'SanRequireDomainDns' => true || false, 'SanRequireEmail' => true || false, 'SanRequireSpn' => true || false, 'SanRequireUpn' => true || false, ], 'SupersededTemplates' => ['<string>', ...], ], ], 'Name' => '<string>', 'ObjectIdentifier' => '<string>', 'PolicySchema' => <integer>, 'Revision' => [ 'MajorRevision' => <integer>, 'MinorRevision' => <integer>, ], 'Status' => 'ACTIVE|DELETING', 'UpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, ], ]
Result Details
- Template
- Type: Template structure
A certificate template that the connector uses to issue certificates from a private CA.
- AccessDeniedException:
You can receive this error if you attempt to create a resource share when you don't have the required permissions. This can be caused by insufficient permissions in policies attached to your Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) principal. It can also happen because of restrictions in place from an Amazon Web Services Organizations service control policy (SCP) that affects your Amazon Web Services account.
- ValidationException:
An input validation error occurred. For example, invalid characters in a template name, or if a pagination token is invalid.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The operation tried to access a nonexistent resource. The resource might not be specified correctly, or its status might not be ACTIVE.
- ThrottlingException:
The limit on the number of requests per second was exceeded.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure with an internal server.
$result = $client->getTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getTemplateGroupAccessControlEntryAsync
([/* ... */]);
Retrieves the group access control entries for a template.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry([ 'GroupSecurityIdentifier' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'TemplateArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- GroupSecurityIdentifier
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Security identifier (SID) of the group object from Active Directory. The SID starts with "S-".
- TemplateArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateTemplate.
Result Syntax
[ 'AccessControlEntry' => [ 'AccessRights' => [ 'AutoEnroll' => 'ALLOW|DENY', 'Enroll' => 'ALLOW|DENY', ], 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'GroupDisplayName' => '<string>', 'GroupSecurityIdentifier' => '<string>', 'TemplateArn' => '<string>', 'UpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, ], ]
Result Details
- AccessControlEntry
- Type: AccessControlEntry structure
An access control entry allows or denies an Active Directory group from enrolling and/or autoenrolling with a template.
- AccessDeniedException:
You can receive this error if you attempt to create a resource share when you don't have the required permissions. This can be caused by insufficient permissions in policies attached to your Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) principal. It can also happen because of restrictions in place from an Amazon Web Services Organizations service control policy (SCP) that affects your Amazon Web Services account.
- ValidationException:
An input validation error occurred. For example, invalid characters in a template name, or if a pagination token is invalid.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The operation tried to access a nonexistent resource. The resource might not be specified correctly, or its status might not be ACTIVE.
- ThrottlingException:
The limit on the number of requests per second was exceeded.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure with an internal server.
$result = $client->listConnectors
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listConnectorsAsync
([/* ... */]);
Lists the connectors that you created by using the https://docs.aws.amazon.com/pca-connector-ad/latest/APIReference/API_CreateConnector action.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listConnectors([ 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- MaxResults
- Type: int
Use this parameter when paginating results to specify the maximum number of items to return in the response on each page. If additional items exist beyond the number you specify, the
element is sent in the response. Use thisNextToken
value in a subsequent request to retrieve additional items. - NextToken
- Type: string
Use this parameter when paginating results in a subsequent request after you receive a response with truncated results. Set it to the value of the
parameter from the response you just received.
Result Syntax
[ 'Connectors' => [ [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'CertificateAuthorityArn' => '<string>', 'CertificateEnrollmentPolicyServerEndpoint' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'DirectoryId' => '<string>', 'Status' => 'CREATING|ACTIVE|DELETING|FAILED', 'StatusReason' => 'CA_CERTIFICATE_REGISTRATION_FAILED|DIRECTORY_ACCESS_DENIED|INTERNAL_FAILURE|INSUFFICIENT_FREE_ADDRESSES|INVALID_SUBNET_IP_PROTOCOL|PRIVATECA_ACCESS_DENIED|PRIVATECA_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND|SECURITY_GROUP_NOT_IN_VPC|VPC_ACCESS_DENIED|VPC_ENDPOINT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED|VPC_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND', 'UpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'VpcInformation' => [ 'IpAddressType' => 'IPV4|DUALSTACK', 'SecurityGroupIds' => ['<string>', ...], ], ], // ... ], 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- Connectors
- Type: Array of ConnectorSummary structures
Summary information about each connector you have created.
- NextToken
- Type: string
Use this parameter when paginating results in a subsequent request after you receive a response with truncated results. Set it to the value of the NextToken parameter from the response you just received.
- AccessDeniedException:
You can receive this error if you attempt to create a resource share when you don't have the required permissions. This can be caused by insufficient permissions in policies attached to your Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) principal. It can also happen because of restrictions in place from an Amazon Web Services Organizations service control policy (SCP) that affects your Amazon Web Services account.
- ValidationException:
An input validation error occurred. For example, invalid characters in a template name, or if a pagination token is invalid.
- ThrottlingException:
The limit on the number of requests per second was exceeded.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure with an internal server.
$result = $client->listDirectoryRegistrations
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listDirectoryRegistrationsAsync
([/* ... */]);
Lists the directory registrations that you created by using the https://docs.aws.amazon.com/pca-connector-ad/latest/APIReference/API_CreateDirectoryRegistration action.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listDirectoryRegistrations([ 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- MaxResults
- Type: int
Use this parameter when paginating results to specify the maximum number of items to return in the response on each page. If additional items exist beyond the number you specify, the
element is sent in the response. Use thisNextToken
value in a subsequent request to retrieve additional items. - NextToken
- Type: string
Use this parameter when paginating results in a subsequent request after you receive a response with truncated results. Set it to the value of the
parameter from the response you just received.
Result Syntax
[ 'DirectoryRegistrations' => [ [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'DirectoryId' => '<string>', 'Status' => 'CREATING|ACTIVE|DELETING|FAILED', 'StatusReason' => 'DIRECTORY_ACCESS_DENIED|DIRECTORY_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND|DIRECTORY_NOT_ACTIVE|DIRECTORY_NOT_REACHABLE|DIRECTORY_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED|INTERNAL_FAILURE', 'UpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, ], // ... ], 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- DirectoryRegistrations
- Type: Array of DirectoryRegistrationSummary structures
Summary information about each directory registration you have created.
- NextToken
- Type: string
Use this parameter when paginating results in a subsequent request after you receive a response with truncated results. Set it to the value of the
parameter from the response you just received.
- AccessDeniedException:
You can receive this error if you attempt to create a resource share when you don't have the required permissions. This can be caused by insufficient permissions in policies attached to your Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) principal. It can also happen because of restrictions in place from an Amazon Web Services Organizations service control policy (SCP) that affects your Amazon Web Services account.
- ValidationException:
An input validation error occurred. For example, invalid characters in a template name, or if a pagination token is invalid.
- ThrottlingException:
The limit on the number of requests per second was exceeded.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure with an internal server.
$result = $client->listServicePrincipalNames
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listServicePrincipalNamesAsync
([/* ... */]);
Lists the service principal names that the connector uses to authenticate with Active Directory.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listServicePrincipalNames([ 'DirectoryRegistrationArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- DirectoryRegistrationArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateDirectoryRegistration.
- MaxResults
- Type: int
Use this parameter when paginating results to specify the maximum number of items to return in the response on each page. If additional items exist beyond the number you specify, the
element is sent in the response. Use thisNextToken
value in a subsequent request to retrieve additional items. - NextToken
- Type: string
Use this parameter when paginating results in a subsequent request after you receive a response with truncated results. Set it to the value of the
parameter from the response you just received.
Result Syntax
[ 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'ServicePrincipalNames' => [ [ 'ConnectorArn' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'DirectoryRegistrationArn' => '<string>', 'Status' => 'CREATING|ACTIVE|DELETING|FAILED', 'StatusReason' => 'DIRECTORY_ACCESS_DENIED|DIRECTORY_NOT_REACHABLE|DIRECTORY_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND|SPN_EXISTS_ON_DIFFERENT_AD_OBJECT|SPN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED|INTERNAL_FAILURE', 'UpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, ], // ... ], ]
Result Details
- NextToken
- Type: string
Use this parameter when paginating results in a subsequent request after you receive a response with truncated results. Set it to the value of the
parameter from the response you just received. - ServicePrincipalNames
- Type: Array of ServicePrincipalNameSummary structures
The service principal name, if any, that the connector uses to authenticate with Active Directory.
- AccessDeniedException:
You can receive this error if you attempt to create a resource share when you don't have the required permissions. This can be caused by insufficient permissions in policies attached to your Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) principal. It can also happen because of restrictions in place from an Amazon Web Services Organizations service control policy (SCP) that affects your Amazon Web Services account.
- ValidationException:
An input validation error occurred. For example, invalid characters in a template name, or if a pagination token is invalid.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The operation tried to access a nonexistent resource. The resource might not be specified correctly, or its status might not be ACTIVE.
- ThrottlingException:
The limit on the number of requests per second was exceeded.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure with an internal server.
$result = $client->listTagsForResource
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listTagsForResourceAsync
([/* ... */]);
Lists the tags, if any, that are associated with your resource.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listTagsForResource([ 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ResourceArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you created the resource.
Result Syntax
[ 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], ]
Result Details
- Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (String) to strings
The tags, if any, that are associated with your resource.
- AccessDeniedException:
You can receive this error if you attempt to create a resource share when you don't have the required permissions. This can be caused by insufficient permissions in policies attached to your Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) principal. It can also happen because of restrictions in place from an Amazon Web Services Organizations service control policy (SCP) that affects your Amazon Web Services account.
- ValidationException:
An input validation error occurred. For example, invalid characters in a template name, or if a pagination token is invalid.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The operation tried to access a nonexistent resource. The resource might not be specified correctly, or its status might not be ACTIVE.
- ThrottlingException:
The limit on the number of requests per second was exceeded.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure with an internal server.
$result = $client->listTemplateGroupAccessControlEntries
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listTemplateGroupAccessControlEntriesAsync
([/* ... */]);
Lists group access control entries you created.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listTemplateGroupAccessControlEntries([ 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'TemplateArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- MaxResults
- Type: int
Use this parameter when paginating results to specify the maximum number of items to return in the response on each page. If additional items exist beyond the number you specify, the
element is sent in the response. Use thisNextToken
value in a subsequent request to retrieve additional items. - NextToken
- Type: string
Use this parameter when paginating results in a subsequent request after you receive a response with truncated results. Set it to the value of the
parameter from the response you just received. - TemplateArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateTemplate.
Result Syntax
[ 'AccessControlEntries' => [ [ 'AccessRights' => [ 'AutoEnroll' => 'ALLOW|DENY', 'Enroll' => 'ALLOW|DENY', ], 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'GroupDisplayName' => '<string>', 'GroupSecurityIdentifier' => '<string>', 'TemplateArn' => '<string>', 'UpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, ], // ... ], 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- AccessControlEntries
- Type: Array of AccessControlEntrySummary structures
An access control entry grants or denies permission to an Active Directory group to enroll certificates for a template.
- NextToken
- Type: string
Use this parameter when paginating results in a subsequent request after you receive a response with truncated results. Set it to the value of the
parameter from the response you just received.
- AccessDeniedException:
You can receive this error if you attempt to create a resource share when you don't have the required permissions. This can be caused by insufficient permissions in policies attached to your Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) principal. It can also happen because of restrictions in place from an Amazon Web Services Organizations service control policy (SCP) that affects your Amazon Web Services account.
- ValidationException:
An input validation error occurred. For example, invalid characters in a template name, or if a pagination token is invalid.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The operation tried to access a nonexistent resource. The resource might not be specified correctly, or its status might not be ACTIVE.
- ThrottlingException:
The limit on the number of requests per second was exceeded.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure with an internal server.
$result = $client->listTemplates
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listTemplatesAsync
([/* ... */]);
Lists the templates, if any, that are associated with a connector.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listTemplates([ 'ConnectorArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- ConnectorArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateConnector.
- MaxResults
- Type: int
Use this parameter when paginating results to specify the maximum number of items to return in the response on each page. If additional items exist beyond the number you specify, the
element is sent in the response. Use thisNextToken
value in a subsequent request to retrieve additional items. - NextToken
- Type: string
Use this parameter when paginating results in a subsequent request after you receive a response with truncated results. Set it to the value of the
parameter from the response you just received.
Result Syntax
[ 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'Templates' => [ [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'ConnectorArn' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Definition' => [ 'TemplateV2' => [ 'CertificateValidity' => [ 'RenewalPeriod' => [ 'Period' => <integer>, 'PeriodType' => 'HOURS|DAYS|WEEKS|MONTHS|YEARS', ], 'ValidityPeriod' => [ 'Period' => <integer>, 'PeriodType' => 'HOURS|DAYS|WEEKS|MONTHS|YEARS', ], ], 'EnrollmentFlags' => [ 'EnableKeyReuseOnNtTokenKeysetStorageFull' => true || false, 'IncludeSymmetricAlgorithms' => true || false, 'NoSecurityExtension' => true || false, 'RemoveInvalidCertificateFromPersonalStore' => true || false, 'UserInteractionRequired' => true || false, ], 'Extensions' => [ 'ApplicationPolicies' => [ 'Critical' => true || false, 'Policies' => [ [ 'PolicyObjectIdentifier' => '<string>', 'PolicyType' => 'ALL_APPLICATION_POLICIES|ANY_PURPOSE|ATTESTATION_IDENTITY_KEY_CERTIFICATE|CERTIFICATE_REQUEST_AGENT|CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION|CODE_SIGNING|CTL_USAGE|DIGITAL_RIGHTS|DIRECTORY_SERVICE_EMAIL_REPLICATION|DISALLOWED_LIST|DNS_SERVER_TRUST|DOCUMENT_ENCRYPTION|DOCUMENT_SIGNING|DYNAMIC_CODE_GENERATOR|EARLY_LAUNCH_ANTIMALWARE_DRIVER|EMBEDDED_WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|ENCLAVE|ENCRYPTING_FILE_SYSTEM|ENDORSEMENT_KEY_CERTIFICATE|FILE_RECOVERY|HAL_EXTENSION|IP_SECURITY_END_SYSTEM|IP_SECURITY_IKE_INTERMEDIATE|IP_SECURITY_TUNNEL_TERMINATION|IP_SECURITY_USER|ISOLATED_USER_MODE|KDC_AUTHENTICATION|KERNEL_MODE_CODE_SIGNING|KEY_PACK_LICENSES|KEY_RECOVERY|KEY_RECOVERY_AGENT|LICENSE_SERVER_VERIFICATION|LIFETIME_SIGNING|MICROSOFT_PUBLISHER|MICROSOFT_TIME_STAMPING|MICROSOFT_TRUST_LIST_SIGNING|OCSP_SIGNING|OEM_WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|PLATFORM_CERTIFICATE|PREVIEW_BUILD_SIGNING|PRIVATE_KEY_ARCHIVAL|PROTECTED_PROCESS_LIGHT_VERIFICATION|PROTECTED_PROCESS_VERIFICATION|QUALIFIED_SUBORDINATION|REVOKED_LIST_SIGNER|ROOT_PROGRAM_AUTO_UPDATE_CA_REVOCATION|ROOT_PROGRAM_AUTO_UPDATE_END_REVOCATION|ROOT_PROGRAM_NO_OSCP_FAILOVER_TO_CRL|ROOT_LIST_SIGNER|SECURE_EMAIL|SERVER_AUTHENTICATION|SMART_CARD_LOGIN|SPC_ENCRYPTED_DIGEST_RETRY_COUNT|SPC_RELAXED_PE_MARKER_CHECK|TIME_STAMPING|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_ATTESTED_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_EXTENDED_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HELLO_RECOVERY_KEY_ENCRYPTION|WINDOWS_KITS_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_RT_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_SOFTWARE_EXTENSION_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_STORE|WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_TCB_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_THIRD_PARTY_APPLICATION_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_UPDATE', ], // ... ], ], 'KeyUsage' => [ 'Critical' => true || false, 'UsageFlags' => [ 'DataEncipherment' => true || false, 'DigitalSignature' => true || false, 'KeyAgreement' => true || false, 'KeyEncipherment' => true || false, 'NonRepudiation' => true || false, ], ], ], 'GeneralFlags' => [ 'AutoEnrollment' => true || false, 'MachineType' => true || false, ], 'PrivateKeyAttributes' => [ 'CryptoProviders' => ['<string>', ...], 'KeySpec' => 'KEY_EXCHANGE|SIGNATURE', 'MinimalKeyLength' => <integer>, ], 'PrivateKeyFlags' => [ 'ClientVersion' => 'WINDOWS_SERVER_2003|WINDOWS_SERVER_2008|WINDOWS_SERVER_2008_R2|WINDOWS_SERVER_2012|WINDOWS_SERVER_2012_R2|WINDOWS_SERVER_2016', 'ExportableKey' => true || false, 'StrongKeyProtectionRequired' => true || false, ], 'SubjectNameFlags' => [ 'RequireCommonName' => true || false, 'RequireDirectoryPath' => true || false, 'RequireDnsAsCn' => true || false, 'RequireEmail' => true || false, 'SanRequireDirectoryGuid' => true || false, 'SanRequireDns' => true || false, 'SanRequireDomainDns' => true || false, 'SanRequireEmail' => true || false, 'SanRequireSpn' => true || false, 'SanRequireUpn' => true || false, ], 'SupersededTemplates' => ['<string>', ...], ], 'TemplateV3' => [ 'CertificateValidity' => [ 'RenewalPeriod' => [ 'Period' => <integer>, 'PeriodType' => 'HOURS|DAYS|WEEKS|MONTHS|YEARS', ], 'ValidityPeriod' => [ 'Period' => <integer>, 'PeriodType' => 'HOURS|DAYS|WEEKS|MONTHS|YEARS', ], ], 'EnrollmentFlags' => [ 'EnableKeyReuseOnNtTokenKeysetStorageFull' => true || false, 'IncludeSymmetricAlgorithms' => true || false, 'NoSecurityExtension' => true || false, 'RemoveInvalidCertificateFromPersonalStore' => true || false, 'UserInteractionRequired' => true || false, ], 'Extensions' => [ 'ApplicationPolicies' => [ 'Critical' => true || false, 'Policies' => [ [ 'PolicyObjectIdentifier' => '<string>', 'PolicyType' => 'ALL_APPLICATION_POLICIES|ANY_PURPOSE|ATTESTATION_IDENTITY_KEY_CERTIFICATE|CERTIFICATE_REQUEST_AGENT|CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION|CODE_SIGNING|CTL_USAGE|DIGITAL_RIGHTS|DIRECTORY_SERVICE_EMAIL_REPLICATION|DISALLOWED_LIST|DNS_SERVER_TRUST|DOCUMENT_ENCRYPTION|DOCUMENT_SIGNING|DYNAMIC_CODE_GENERATOR|EARLY_LAUNCH_ANTIMALWARE_DRIVER|EMBEDDED_WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|ENCLAVE|ENCRYPTING_FILE_SYSTEM|ENDORSEMENT_KEY_CERTIFICATE|FILE_RECOVERY|HAL_EXTENSION|IP_SECURITY_END_SYSTEM|IP_SECURITY_IKE_INTERMEDIATE|IP_SECURITY_TUNNEL_TERMINATION|IP_SECURITY_USER|ISOLATED_USER_MODE|KDC_AUTHENTICATION|KERNEL_MODE_CODE_SIGNING|KEY_PACK_LICENSES|KEY_RECOVERY|KEY_RECOVERY_AGENT|LICENSE_SERVER_VERIFICATION|LIFETIME_SIGNING|MICROSOFT_PUBLISHER|MICROSOFT_TIME_STAMPING|MICROSOFT_TRUST_LIST_SIGNING|OCSP_SIGNING|OEM_WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|PLATFORM_CERTIFICATE|PREVIEW_BUILD_SIGNING|PRIVATE_KEY_ARCHIVAL|PROTECTED_PROCESS_LIGHT_VERIFICATION|PROTECTED_PROCESS_VERIFICATION|QUALIFIED_SUBORDINATION|REVOKED_LIST_SIGNER|ROOT_PROGRAM_AUTO_UPDATE_CA_REVOCATION|ROOT_PROGRAM_AUTO_UPDATE_END_REVOCATION|ROOT_PROGRAM_NO_OSCP_FAILOVER_TO_CRL|ROOT_LIST_SIGNER|SECURE_EMAIL|SERVER_AUTHENTICATION|SMART_CARD_LOGIN|SPC_ENCRYPTED_DIGEST_RETRY_COUNT|SPC_RELAXED_PE_MARKER_CHECK|TIME_STAMPING|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_ATTESTED_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_EXTENDED_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HELLO_RECOVERY_KEY_ENCRYPTION|WINDOWS_KITS_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_RT_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_SOFTWARE_EXTENSION_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_STORE|WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_TCB_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_THIRD_PARTY_APPLICATION_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_UPDATE', ], // ... ], ], 'KeyUsage' => [ 'Critical' => true || false, 'UsageFlags' => [ 'DataEncipherment' => true || false, 'DigitalSignature' => true || false, 'KeyAgreement' => true || false, 'KeyEncipherment' => true || false, 'NonRepudiation' => true || false, ], ], ], 'GeneralFlags' => [ 'AutoEnrollment' => true || false, 'MachineType' => true || false, ], 'HashAlgorithm' => 'SHA256|SHA384|SHA512', 'PrivateKeyAttributes' => [ 'Algorithm' => 'RSA|ECDH_P256|ECDH_P384|ECDH_P521', 'CryptoProviders' => ['<string>', ...], 'KeySpec' => 'KEY_EXCHANGE|SIGNATURE', 'KeyUsageProperty' => [ 'PropertyFlags' => [ 'Decrypt' => true || false, 'KeyAgreement' => true || false, 'Sign' => true || false, ], 'PropertyType' => 'ALL', ], 'MinimalKeyLength' => <integer>, ], 'PrivateKeyFlags' => [ 'ClientVersion' => 'WINDOWS_SERVER_2008|WINDOWS_SERVER_2008_R2|WINDOWS_SERVER_2012|WINDOWS_SERVER_2012_R2|WINDOWS_SERVER_2016', 'ExportableKey' => true || false, 'RequireAlternateSignatureAlgorithm' => true || false, 'StrongKeyProtectionRequired' => true || false, ], 'SubjectNameFlags' => [ 'RequireCommonName' => true || false, 'RequireDirectoryPath' => true || false, 'RequireDnsAsCn' => true || false, 'RequireEmail' => true || false, 'SanRequireDirectoryGuid' => true || false, 'SanRequireDns' => true || false, 'SanRequireDomainDns' => true || false, 'SanRequireEmail' => true || false, 'SanRequireSpn' => true || false, 'SanRequireUpn' => true || false, ], 'SupersededTemplates' => ['<string>', ...], ], 'TemplateV4' => [ 'CertificateValidity' => [ 'RenewalPeriod' => [ 'Period' => <integer>, 'PeriodType' => 'HOURS|DAYS|WEEKS|MONTHS|YEARS', ], 'ValidityPeriod' => [ 'Period' => <integer>, 'PeriodType' => 'HOURS|DAYS|WEEKS|MONTHS|YEARS', ], ], 'EnrollmentFlags' => [ 'EnableKeyReuseOnNtTokenKeysetStorageFull' => true || false, 'IncludeSymmetricAlgorithms' => true || false, 'NoSecurityExtension' => true || false, 'RemoveInvalidCertificateFromPersonalStore' => true || false, 'UserInteractionRequired' => true || false, ], 'Extensions' => [ 'ApplicationPolicies' => [ 'Critical' => true || false, 'Policies' => [ [ 'PolicyObjectIdentifier' => '<string>', 'PolicyType' => 'ALL_APPLICATION_POLICIES|ANY_PURPOSE|ATTESTATION_IDENTITY_KEY_CERTIFICATE|CERTIFICATE_REQUEST_AGENT|CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION|CODE_SIGNING|CTL_USAGE|DIGITAL_RIGHTS|DIRECTORY_SERVICE_EMAIL_REPLICATION|DISALLOWED_LIST|DNS_SERVER_TRUST|DOCUMENT_ENCRYPTION|DOCUMENT_SIGNING|DYNAMIC_CODE_GENERATOR|EARLY_LAUNCH_ANTIMALWARE_DRIVER|EMBEDDED_WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|ENCLAVE|ENCRYPTING_FILE_SYSTEM|ENDORSEMENT_KEY_CERTIFICATE|FILE_RECOVERY|HAL_EXTENSION|IP_SECURITY_END_SYSTEM|IP_SECURITY_IKE_INTERMEDIATE|IP_SECURITY_TUNNEL_TERMINATION|IP_SECURITY_USER|ISOLATED_USER_MODE|KDC_AUTHENTICATION|KERNEL_MODE_CODE_SIGNING|KEY_PACK_LICENSES|KEY_RECOVERY|KEY_RECOVERY_AGENT|LICENSE_SERVER_VERIFICATION|LIFETIME_SIGNING|MICROSOFT_PUBLISHER|MICROSOFT_TIME_STAMPING|MICROSOFT_TRUST_LIST_SIGNING|OCSP_SIGNING|OEM_WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|PLATFORM_CERTIFICATE|PREVIEW_BUILD_SIGNING|PRIVATE_KEY_ARCHIVAL|PROTECTED_PROCESS_LIGHT_VERIFICATION|PROTECTED_PROCESS_VERIFICATION|QUALIFIED_SUBORDINATION|REVOKED_LIST_SIGNER|ROOT_PROGRAM_AUTO_UPDATE_CA_REVOCATION|ROOT_PROGRAM_AUTO_UPDATE_END_REVOCATION|ROOT_PROGRAM_NO_OSCP_FAILOVER_TO_CRL|ROOT_LIST_SIGNER|SECURE_EMAIL|SERVER_AUTHENTICATION|SMART_CARD_LOGIN|SPC_ENCRYPTED_DIGEST_RETRY_COUNT|SPC_RELAXED_PE_MARKER_CHECK|TIME_STAMPING|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_ATTESTED_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_EXTENDED_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HELLO_RECOVERY_KEY_ENCRYPTION|WINDOWS_KITS_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_RT_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_SOFTWARE_EXTENSION_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_STORE|WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_TCB_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_THIRD_PARTY_APPLICATION_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_UPDATE', ], // ... ], ], 'KeyUsage' => [ 'Critical' => true || false, 'UsageFlags' => [ 'DataEncipherment' => true || false, 'DigitalSignature' => true || false, 'KeyAgreement' => true || false, 'KeyEncipherment' => true || false, 'NonRepudiation' => true || false, ], ], ], 'GeneralFlags' => [ 'AutoEnrollment' => true || false, 'MachineType' => true || false, ], 'HashAlgorithm' => 'SHA256|SHA384|SHA512', 'PrivateKeyAttributes' => [ 'Algorithm' => 'RSA|ECDH_P256|ECDH_P384|ECDH_P521', 'CryptoProviders' => ['<string>', ...], 'KeySpec' => 'KEY_EXCHANGE|SIGNATURE', 'KeyUsageProperty' => [ 'PropertyFlags' => [ 'Decrypt' => true || false, 'KeyAgreement' => true || false, 'Sign' => true || false, ], 'PropertyType' => 'ALL', ], 'MinimalKeyLength' => <integer>, ], 'PrivateKeyFlags' => [ 'ClientVersion' => 'WINDOWS_SERVER_2012|WINDOWS_SERVER_2012_R2|WINDOWS_SERVER_2016', 'ExportableKey' => true || false, 'RequireAlternateSignatureAlgorithm' => true || false, 'RequireSameKeyRenewal' => true || false, 'StrongKeyProtectionRequired' => true || false, 'UseLegacyProvider' => true || false, ], 'SubjectNameFlags' => [ 'RequireCommonName' => true || false, 'RequireDirectoryPath' => true || false, 'RequireDnsAsCn' => true || false, 'RequireEmail' => true || false, 'SanRequireDirectoryGuid' => true || false, 'SanRequireDns' => true || false, 'SanRequireDomainDns' => true || false, 'SanRequireEmail' => true || false, 'SanRequireSpn' => true || false, 'SanRequireUpn' => true || false, ], 'SupersededTemplates' => ['<string>', ...], ], ], 'Name' => '<string>', 'ObjectIdentifier' => '<string>', 'PolicySchema' => <integer>, 'Revision' => [ 'MajorRevision' => <integer>, 'MinorRevision' => <integer>, ], 'Status' => 'ACTIVE|DELETING', 'UpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, ], // ... ], ]
Result Details
- NextToken
- Type: string
Use this parameter when paginating results in a subsequent request after you receive a response with truncated results. Set it to the value of the
parameter from the response you just received. - Templates
- Type: Array of TemplateSummary structures
Custom configuration templates used when issuing a certificate.
- AccessDeniedException:
You can receive this error if you attempt to create a resource share when you don't have the required permissions. This can be caused by insufficient permissions in policies attached to your Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) principal. It can also happen because of restrictions in place from an Amazon Web Services Organizations service control policy (SCP) that affects your Amazon Web Services account.
- ValidationException:
An input validation error occurred. For example, invalid characters in a template name, or if a pagination token is invalid.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The operation tried to access a nonexistent resource. The resource might not be specified correctly, or its status might not be ACTIVE.
- ThrottlingException:
The limit on the number of requests per second was exceeded.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure with an internal server.
$result = $client->tagResource
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->tagResourceAsync
([/* ... */]);
Adds one or more tags to your resource.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->tagResource([ 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ResourceArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you created the resource.
- Tags
- Required: Yes
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (String) to strings
Metadata assigned to a directory registration consisting of a key-value pair.
Result Syntax
Result Details
- AccessDeniedException:
You can receive this error if you attempt to create a resource share when you don't have the required permissions. This can be caused by insufficient permissions in policies attached to your Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) principal. It can also happen because of restrictions in place from an Amazon Web Services Organizations service control policy (SCP) that affects your Amazon Web Services account.
- ValidationException:
An input validation error occurred. For example, invalid characters in a template name, or if a pagination token is invalid.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The operation tried to access a nonexistent resource. The resource might not be specified correctly, or its status might not be ACTIVE.
- ThrottlingException:
The limit on the number of requests per second was exceeded.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure with an internal server.
$result = $client->untagResource
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->untagResourceAsync
([/* ... */]);
Removes one or more tags from your resource.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->untagResource([ 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'TagKeys' => ['<string>', ...], // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ResourceArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you created the resource.
- TagKeys
- Required: Yes
- Type: Array of strings
Specifies a list of tag keys that you want to remove from the specified resources.
Result Syntax
Result Details
- AccessDeniedException:
You can receive this error if you attempt to create a resource share when you don't have the required permissions. This can be caused by insufficient permissions in policies attached to your Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) principal. It can also happen because of restrictions in place from an Amazon Web Services Organizations service control policy (SCP) that affects your Amazon Web Services account.
- ValidationException:
An input validation error occurred. For example, invalid characters in a template name, or if a pagination token is invalid.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The operation tried to access a nonexistent resource. The resource might not be specified correctly, or its status might not be ACTIVE.
- ThrottlingException:
The limit on the number of requests per second was exceeded.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure with an internal server.
$result = $client->updateTemplate
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->updateTemplateAsync
([/* ... */]);
Update template configuration to define the information included in certificates.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->updateTemplate([ 'Definition' => [ 'TemplateV2' => [ 'CertificateValidity' => [ // REQUIRED 'RenewalPeriod' => [ // REQUIRED 'Period' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'PeriodType' => 'HOURS|DAYS|WEEKS|MONTHS|YEARS', // REQUIRED ], 'ValidityPeriod' => [ // REQUIRED 'Period' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'PeriodType' => 'HOURS|DAYS|WEEKS|MONTHS|YEARS', // REQUIRED ], ], 'EnrollmentFlags' => [ // REQUIRED 'EnableKeyReuseOnNtTokenKeysetStorageFull' => true || false, 'IncludeSymmetricAlgorithms' => true || false, 'NoSecurityExtension' => true || false, 'RemoveInvalidCertificateFromPersonalStore' => true || false, 'UserInteractionRequired' => true || false, ], 'Extensions' => [ // REQUIRED 'ApplicationPolicies' => [ 'Critical' => true || false, 'Policies' => [ // REQUIRED [ 'PolicyObjectIdentifier' => '<string>', 'PolicyType' => 'ALL_APPLICATION_POLICIES|ANY_PURPOSE|ATTESTATION_IDENTITY_KEY_CERTIFICATE|CERTIFICATE_REQUEST_AGENT|CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION|CODE_SIGNING|CTL_USAGE|DIGITAL_RIGHTS|DIRECTORY_SERVICE_EMAIL_REPLICATION|DISALLOWED_LIST|DNS_SERVER_TRUST|DOCUMENT_ENCRYPTION|DOCUMENT_SIGNING|DYNAMIC_CODE_GENERATOR|EARLY_LAUNCH_ANTIMALWARE_DRIVER|EMBEDDED_WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|ENCLAVE|ENCRYPTING_FILE_SYSTEM|ENDORSEMENT_KEY_CERTIFICATE|FILE_RECOVERY|HAL_EXTENSION|IP_SECURITY_END_SYSTEM|IP_SECURITY_IKE_INTERMEDIATE|IP_SECURITY_TUNNEL_TERMINATION|IP_SECURITY_USER|ISOLATED_USER_MODE|KDC_AUTHENTICATION|KERNEL_MODE_CODE_SIGNING|KEY_PACK_LICENSES|KEY_RECOVERY|KEY_RECOVERY_AGENT|LICENSE_SERVER_VERIFICATION|LIFETIME_SIGNING|MICROSOFT_PUBLISHER|MICROSOFT_TIME_STAMPING|MICROSOFT_TRUST_LIST_SIGNING|OCSP_SIGNING|OEM_WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|PLATFORM_CERTIFICATE|PREVIEW_BUILD_SIGNING|PRIVATE_KEY_ARCHIVAL|PROTECTED_PROCESS_LIGHT_VERIFICATION|PROTECTED_PROCESS_VERIFICATION|QUALIFIED_SUBORDINATION|REVOKED_LIST_SIGNER|ROOT_PROGRAM_AUTO_UPDATE_CA_REVOCATION|ROOT_PROGRAM_AUTO_UPDATE_END_REVOCATION|ROOT_PROGRAM_NO_OSCP_FAILOVER_TO_CRL|ROOT_LIST_SIGNER|SECURE_EMAIL|SERVER_AUTHENTICATION|SMART_CARD_LOGIN|SPC_ENCRYPTED_DIGEST_RETRY_COUNT|SPC_RELAXED_PE_MARKER_CHECK|TIME_STAMPING|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_ATTESTED_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_EXTENDED_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HELLO_RECOVERY_KEY_ENCRYPTION|WINDOWS_KITS_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_RT_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_SOFTWARE_EXTENSION_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_STORE|WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_TCB_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_THIRD_PARTY_APPLICATION_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_UPDATE', ], // ... ], ], 'KeyUsage' => [ // REQUIRED 'Critical' => true || false, 'UsageFlags' => [ // REQUIRED 'DataEncipherment' => true || false, 'DigitalSignature' => true || false, 'KeyAgreement' => true || false, 'KeyEncipherment' => true || false, 'NonRepudiation' => true || false, ], ], ], 'GeneralFlags' => [ // REQUIRED 'AutoEnrollment' => true || false, 'MachineType' => true || false, ], 'PrivateKeyAttributes' => [ // REQUIRED 'CryptoProviders' => ['<string>', ...], 'KeySpec' => 'KEY_EXCHANGE|SIGNATURE', // REQUIRED 'MinimalKeyLength' => <integer>, // REQUIRED ], 'PrivateKeyFlags' => [ // REQUIRED 'ClientVersion' => 'WINDOWS_SERVER_2003|WINDOWS_SERVER_2008|WINDOWS_SERVER_2008_R2|WINDOWS_SERVER_2012|WINDOWS_SERVER_2012_R2|WINDOWS_SERVER_2016', // REQUIRED 'ExportableKey' => true || false, 'StrongKeyProtectionRequired' => true || false, ], 'SubjectNameFlags' => [ // REQUIRED 'RequireCommonName' => true || false, 'RequireDirectoryPath' => true || false, 'RequireDnsAsCn' => true || false, 'RequireEmail' => true || false, 'SanRequireDirectoryGuid' => true || false, 'SanRequireDns' => true || false, 'SanRequireDomainDns' => true || false, 'SanRequireEmail' => true || false, 'SanRequireSpn' => true || false, 'SanRequireUpn' => true || false, ], 'SupersededTemplates' => ['<string>', ...], ], 'TemplateV3' => [ 'CertificateValidity' => [ // REQUIRED 'RenewalPeriod' => [ // REQUIRED 'Period' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'PeriodType' => 'HOURS|DAYS|WEEKS|MONTHS|YEARS', // REQUIRED ], 'ValidityPeriod' => [ // REQUIRED 'Period' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'PeriodType' => 'HOURS|DAYS|WEEKS|MONTHS|YEARS', // REQUIRED ], ], 'EnrollmentFlags' => [ // REQUIRED 'EnableKeyReuseOnNtTokenKeysetStorageFull' => true || false, 'IncludeSymmetricAlgorithms' => true || false, 'NoSecurityExtension' => true || false, 'RemoveInvalidCertificateFromPersonalStore' => true || false, 'UserInteractionRequired' => true || false, ], 'Extensions' => [ // REQUIRED 'ApplicationPolicies' => [ 'Critical' => true || false, 'Policies' => [ // REQUIRED [ 'PolicyObjectIdentifier' => '<string>', 'PolicyType' => 'ALL_APPLICATION_POLICIES|ANY_PURPOSE|ATTESTATION_IDENTITY_KEY_CERTIFICATE|CERTIFICATE_REQUEST_AGENT|CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION|CODE_SIGNING|CTL_USAGE|DIGITAL_RIGHTS|DIRECTORY_SERVICE_EMAIL_REPLICATION|DISALLOWED_LIST|DNS_SERVER_TRUST|DOCUMENT_ENCRYPTION|DOCUMENT_SIGNING|DYNAMIC_CODE_GENERATOR|EARLY_LAUNCH_ANTIMALWARE_DRIVER|EMBEDDED_WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|ENCLAVE|ENCRYPTING_FILE_SYSTEM|ENDORSEMENT_KEY_CERTIFICATE|FILE_RECOVERY|HAL_EXTENSION|IP_SECURITY_END_SYSTEM|IP_SECURITY_IKE_INTERMEDIATE|IP_SECURITY_TUNNEL_TERMINATION|IP_SECURITY_USER|ISOLATED_USER_MODE|KDC_AUTHENTICATION|KERNEL_MODE_CODE_SIGNING|KEY_PACK_LICENSES|KEY_RECOVERY|KEY_RECOVERY_AGENT|LICENSE_SERVER_VERIFICATION|LIFETIME_SIGNING|MICROSOFT_PUBLISHER|MICROSOFT_TIME_STAMPING|MICROSOFT_TRUST_LIST_SIGNING|OCSP_SIGNING|OEM_WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|PLATFORM_CERTIFICATE|PREVIEW_BUILD_SIGNING|PRIVATE_KEY_ARCHIVAL|PROTECTED_PROCESS_LIGHT_VERIFICATION|PROTECTED_PROCESS_VERIFICATION|QUALIFIED_SUBORDINATION|REVOKED_LIST_SIGNER|ROOT_PROGRAM_AUTO_UPDATE_CA_REVOCATION|ROOT_PROGRAM_AUTO_UPDATE_END_REVOCATION|ROOT_PROGRAM_NO_OSCP_FAILOVER_TO_CRL|ROOT_LIST_SIGNER|SECURE_EMAIL|SERVER_AUTHENTICATION|SMART_CARD_LOGIN|SPC_ENCRYPTED_DIGEST_RETRY_COUNT|SPC_RELAXED_PE_MARKER_CHECK|TIME_STAMPING|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_ATTESTED_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_EXTENDED_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HELLO_RECOVERY_KEY_ENCRYPTION|WINDOWS_KITS_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_RT_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_SOFTWARE_EXTENSION_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_STORE|WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_TCB_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_THIRD_PARTY_APPLICATION_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_UPDATE', ], // ... ], ], 'KeyUsage' => [ // REQUIRED 'Critical' => true || false, 'UsageFlags' => [ // REQUIRED 'DataEncipherment' => true || false, 'DigitalSignature' => true || false, 'KeyAgreement' => true || false, 'KeyEncipherment' => true || false, 'NonRepudiation' => true || false, ], ], ], 'GeneralFlags' => [ // REQUIRED 'AutoEnrollment' => true || false, 'MachineType' => true || false, ], 'HashAlgorithm' => 'SHA256|SHA384|SHA512', // REQUIRED 'PrivateKeyAttributes' => [ // REQUIRED 'Algorithm' => 'RSA|ECDH_P256|ECDH_P384|ECDH_P521', // REQUIRED 'CryptoProviders' => ['<string>', ...], 'KeySpec' => 'KEY_EXCHANGE|SIGNATURE', // REQUIRED 'KeyUsageProperty' => [ // REQUIRED 'PropertyFlags' => [ 'Decrypt' => true || false, 'KeyAgreement' => true || false, 'Sign' => true || false, ], 'PropertyType' => 'ALL', ], 'MinimalKeyLength' => <integer>, // REQUIRED ], 'PrivateKeyFlags' => [ // REQUIRED 'ClientVersion' => 'WINDOWS_SERVER_2008|WINDOWS_SERVER_2008_R2|WINDOWS_SERVER_2012|WINDOWS_SERVER_2012_R2|WINDOWS_SERVER_2016', // REQUIRED 'ExportableKey' => true || false, 'RequireAlternateSignatureAlgorithm' => true || false, 'StrongKeyProtectionRequired' => true || false, ], 'SubjectNameFlags' => [ // REQUIRED 'RequireCommonName' => true || false, 'RequireDirectoryPath' => true || false, 'RequireDnsAsCn' => true || false, 'RequireEmail' => true || false, 'SanRequireDirectoryGuid' => true || false, 'SanRequireDns' => true || false, 'SanRequireDomainDns' => true || false, 'SanRequireEmail' => true || false, 'SanRequireSpn' => true || false, 'SanRequireUpn' => true || false, ], 'SupersededTemplates' => ['<string>', ...], ], 'TemplateV4' => [ 'CertificateValidity' => [ // REQUIRED 'RenewalPeriod' => [ // REQUIRED 'Period' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'PeriodType' => 'HOURS|DAYS|WEEKS|MONTHS|YEARS', // REQUIRED ], 'ValidityPeriod' => [ // REQUIRED 'Period' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'PeriodType' => 'HOURS|DAYS|WEEKS|MONTHS|YEARS', // REQUIRED ], ], 'EnrollmentFlags' => [ // REQUIRED 'EnableKeyReuseOnNtTokenKeysetStorageFull' => true || false, 'IncludeSymmetricAlgorithms' => true || false, 'NoSecurityExtension' => true || false, 'RemoveInvalidCertificateFromPersonalStore' => true || false, 'UserInteractionRequired' => true || false, ], 'Extensions' => [ // REQUIRED 'ApplicationPolicies' => [ 'Critical' => true || false, 'Policies' => [ // REQUIRED [ 'PolicyObjectIdentifier' => '<string>', 'PolicyType' => 'ALL_APPLICATION_POLICIES|ANY_PURPOSE|ATTESTATION_IDENTITY_KEY_CERTIFICATE|CERTIFICATE_REQUEST_AGENT|CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION|CODE_SIGNING|CTL_USAGE|DIGITAL_RIGHTS|DIRECTORY_SERVICE_EMAIL_REPLICATION|DISALLOWED_LIST|DNS_SERVER_TRUST|DOCUMENT_ENCRYPTION|DOCUMENT_SIGNING|DYNAMIC_CODE_GENERATOR|EARLY_LAUNCH_ANTIMALWARE_DRIVER|EMBEDDED_WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|ENCLAVE|ENCRYPTING_FILE_SYSTEM|ENDORSEMENT_KEY_CERTIFICATE|FILE_RECOVERY|HAL_EXTENSION|IP_SECURITY_END_SYSTEM|IP_SECURITY_IKE_INTERMEDIATE|IP_SECURITY_TUNNEL_TERMINATION|IP_SECURITY_USER|ISOLATED_USER_MODE|KDC_AUTHENTICATION|KERNEL_MODE_CODE_SIGNING|KEY_PACK_LICENSES|KEY_RECOVERY|KEY_RECOVERY_AGENT|LICENSE_SERVER_VERIFICATION|LIFETIME_SIGNING|MICROSOFT_PUBLISHER|MICROSOFT_TIME_STAMPING|MICROSOFT_TRUST_LIST_SIGNING|OCSP_SIGNING|OEM_WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|PLATFORM_CERTIFICATE|PREVIEW_BUILD_SIGNING|PRIVATE_KEY_ARCHIVAL|PROTECTED_PROCESS_LIGHT_VERIFICATION|PROTECTED_PROCESS_VERIFICATION|QUALIFIED_SUBORDINATION|REVOKED_LIST_SIGNER|ROOT_PROGRAM_AUTO_UPDATE_CA_REVOCATION|ROOT_PROGRAM_AUTO_UPDATE_END_REVOCATION|ROOT_PROGRAM_NO_OSCP_FAILOVER_TO_CRL|ROOT_LIST_SIGNER|SECURE_EMAIL|SERVER_AUTHENTICATION|SMART_CARD_LOGIN|SPC_ENCRYPTED_DIGEST_RETRY_COUNT|SPC_RELAXED_PE_MARKER_CHECK|TIME_STAMPING|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_ATTESTED_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_EXTENDED_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HARDWARE_DRIVER_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_HELLO_RECOVERY_KEY_ENCRYPTION|WINDOWS_KITS_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_RT_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_SOFTWARE_EXTENSION_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_STORE|WINDOWS_SYSTEM_COMPONENT_VERIFICATION|WINDOWS_TCB_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_THIRD_PARTY_APPLICATION_COMPONENT|WINDOWS_UPDATE', ], // ... ], ], 'KeyUsage' => [ // REQUIRED 'Critical' => true || false, 'UsageFlags' => [ // REQUIRED 'DataEncipherment' => true || false, 'DigitalSignature' => true || false, 'KeyAgreement' => true || false, 'KeyEncipherment' => true || false, 'NonRepudiation' => true || false, ], ], ], 'GeneralFlags' => [ // REQUIRED 'AutoEnrollment' => true || false, 'MachineType' => true || false, ], 'HashAlgorithm' => 'SHA256|SHA384|SHA512', 'PrivateKeyAttributes' => [ // REQUIRED 'Algorithm' => 'RSA|ECDH_P256|ECDH_P384|ECDH_P521', 'CryptoProviders' => ['<string>', ...], 'KeySpec' => 'KEY_EXCHANGE|SIGNATURE', // REQUIRED 'KeyUsageProperty' => [ 'PropertyFlags' => [ 'Decrypt' => true || false, 'KeyAgreement' => true || false, 'Sign' => true || false, ], 'PropertyType' => 'ALL', ], 'MinimalKeyLength' => <integer>, // REQUIRED ], 'PrivateKeyFlags' => [ // REQUIRED 'ClientVersion' => 'WINDOWS_SERVER_2012|WINDOWS_SERVER_2012_R2|WINDOWS_SERVER_2016', // REQUIRED 'ExportableKey' => true || false, 'RequireAlternateSignatureAlgorithm' => true || false, 'RequireSameKeyRenewal' => true || false, 'StrongKeyProtectionRequired' => true || false, 'UseLegacyProvider' => true || false, ], 'SubjectNameFlags' => [ // REQUIRED 'RequireCommonName' => true || false, 'RequireDirectoryPath' => true || false, 'RequireDnsAsCn' => true || false, 'RequireEmail' => true || false, 'SanRequireDirectoryGuid' => true || false, 'SanRequireDns' => true || false, 'SanRequireDomainDns' => true || false, 'SanRequireEmail' => true || false, 'SanRequireSpn' => true || false, 'SanRequireUpn' => true || false, ], 'SupersededTemplates' => ['<string>', ...], ], ], 'ReenrollAllCertificateHolders' => true || false, 'TemplateArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- Definition
- Type: TemplateDefinition structure
Template configuration to define the information included in certificates. Define certificate validity and renewal periods, certificate request handling and enrollment options, key usage extensions, application policies, and cryptography settings.
- ReenrollAllCertificateHolders
- Type: boolean
This setting allows the major version of a template to be increased automatically. All members of Active Directory groups that are allowed to enroll with a template will receive a new certificate issued using that template.
- TemplateArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateTemplate.
Result Syntax
Result Details
- AccessDeniedException:
You can receive this error if you attempt to create a resource share when you don't have the required permissions. This can be caused by insufficient permissions in policies attached to your Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) principal. It can also happen because of restrictions in place from an Amazon Web Services Organizations service control policy (SCP) that affects your Amazon Web Services account.
- ValidationException:
An input validation error occurred. For example, invalid characters in a template name, or if a pagination token is invalid.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The operation tried to access a nonexistent resource. The resource might not be specified correctly, or its status might not be ACTIVE.
- ThrottlingException:
The limit on the number of requests per second was exceeded.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure with an internal server.
- ConflictException:
This request cannot be completed for one of the following reasons because the requested resource was being concurrently modified by another request.
$result = $client->updateTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->updateTemplateGroupAccessControlEntryAsync
([/* ... */]);
Update a group access control entry you created using CreateTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->updateTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry([ 'AccessRights' => [ 'AutoEnroll' => 'ALLOW|DENY', 'Enroll' => 'ALLOW|DENY', ], 'GroupDisplayName' => '<string>', 'GroupSecurityIdentifier' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'TemplateArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- AccessRights
- Type: AccessRights structure
Allow or deny permissions for an Active Directory group to enroll or autoenroll certificates for a template.
- GroupDisplayName
- Type: string
Name of the Active Directory group. This name does not need to match the group name in Active Directory.
- GroupSecurityIdentifier
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Security identifier (SID) of the group object from Active Directory. The SID starts with "S-".
- TemplateArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateTemplate.
Result Syntax
Result Details
- AccessDeniedException:
You can receive this error if you attempt to create a resource share when you don't have the required permissions. This can be caused by insufficient permissions in policies attached to your Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) principal. It can also happen because of restrictions in place from an Amazon Web Services Organizations service control policy (SCP) that affects your Amazon Web Services account.
- ValidationException:
An input validation error occurred. For example, invalid characters in a template name, or if a pagination token is invalid.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The operation tried to access a nonexistent resource. The resource might not be specified correctly, or its status might not be ACTIVE.
- ThrottlingException:
The limit on the number of requests per second was exceeded.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure with an internal server.
- ConflictException:
This request cannot be completed for one of the following reasons because the requested resource was being concurrently modified by another request.
An access control entry allows or denies Active Directory groups based on their security identifiers (SIDs) from enrolling and/or autoenrolling with the template.
- AccessRights
- Type: AccessRights structure
Permissions to allow or deny an Active Directory group to enroll or autoenroll certificates issued against a template.
- CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The date and time that the Access Control Entry was created.
- GroupDisplayName
- Type: string
Name of the Active Directory group. This name does not need to match the group name in Active Directory.
- GroupSecurityIdentifier
- Type: string
Security identifier (SID) of the group object from Active Directory. The SID starts with "S-".
- TemplateArn
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateTemplate.
- UpdatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The date and time that the Access Control Entry was updated.
Summary of group access control entries that allow or deny Active Directory groups based on their security identifiers (SIDs) from enrolling and/or autofenrolling with the template.
- AccessRights
- Type: AccessRights structure
Allow or deny an Active Directory group from enrolling and autoenrolling certificates issued against a template.
- CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The date and time that the Access Control Entry was created.
- GroupDisplayName
- Type: string
Name of the Active Directory group. This name does not need to match the group name in Active Directory.
- GroupSecurityIdentifier
- Type: string
Security identifier (SID) of the group object from Active Directory. The SID starts with "S-".
- TemplateArn
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateTemplate.
- UpdatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The date and time that the Access Control Entry was updated.
You can receive this error if you attempt to create a resource share when you don't have the required permissions. This can be caused by insufficient permissions in policies attached to your Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) principal. It can also happen because of restrictions in place from an Amazon Web Services Organizations service control policy (SCP) that affects your Amazon Web Services account.
- Message
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Allow or deny permissions for an Active Directory group to enroll or autoenroll certificates for a template.
- AutoEnroll
- Type: string
Allow or deny an Active Directory group from autoenrolling certificates issued against a template. The Active Directory group must be allowed to enroll to allow autoenrollment
- Enroll
- Type: string
Allow or deny an Active Directory group from enrolling certificates issued against a template.
Application policies describe what the certificate can be used for.
- Critical
- Type: boolean
Marks the application policy extension as critical.
- Policies
- Required: Yes
- Type: Array of ApplicationPolicy structures
Application policies describe what the certificate can be used for.
Application policies describe what the certificate can be used for.
- PolicyObjectIdentifier
- Type: string
The object identifier (OID) of an application policy.
- PolicyType
- Type: string
The type of application policy
Information describing the end of the validity period of the certificate. This parameter sets the “Not After” date for the certificate. Certificate validity is the period of time during which a certificate is valid. Validity can be expressed as an explicit date and time when the certificate expires, or as a span of time after issuance, stated in days, months, or years. For more information, see Validity in RFC 5280. This value is unaffected when ValidityNotBefore is also specified. For example, if Validity is set to 20 days in the future, the certificate will expire 20 days from issuance time regardless of the ValidityNotBefore value.
- RenewalPeriod
- Required: Yes
- Type: ValidityPeriod structure
Renewal period is the period of time before certificate expiration when a new certificate will be requested.
- ValidityPeriod
- Required: Yes
- Type: ValidityPeriod structure
Information describing the end of the validity period of the certificate. This parameter sets the “Not After” date for the certificate. Certificate validity is the period of time during which a certificate is valid. Validity can be expressed as an explicit date and time when the certificate expires, or as a span of time after issuance, stated in days, months, or years. For more information, see Validity in RFC 5280. This value is unaffected when ValidityNotBefore is also specified. For example, if Validity is set to 20 days in the future, the certificate will expire 20 days from issuance time regardless of the ValidityNotBefore value.
This request cannot be completed for one of the following reasons because the requested resource was being concurrently modified by another request.
- Message
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- ResourceId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The identifier of the Amazon Web Services resource.
- ResourceType
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The resource type, which can be one of
, orDirectoryRegistration
Amazon Web Services Private CA Connector for Active Directory is a service that links your Active Directory with Amazon Web Services Private CA. The connector brokers the exchange of certificates from Amazon Web Services Private CA to domain-joined users and machines managed with Active Directory.
- Arn
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateConnector.
- CertificateAuthorityArn
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the certificate authority being used.
- CertificateEnrollmentPolicyServerEndpoint
- Type: string
Certificate enrollment endpoint for Active Directory domain-joined objects reach out to when requesting certificates.
- CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The date and time that the connector was created.
- DirectoryId
- Type: string
The identifier of the Active Directory.
- Status
- Type: string
Status of the connector. Status can be creating, active, deleting, or failed.
- StatusReason
- Type: string
Additional information about the connector status if the status is failed.
- UpdatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The date and time that the connector was updated.
- VpcInformation
- Type: VpcInformation structure
Information of the VPC and security group(s) used with the connector.
Summary description of the Amazon Web Services Private CA AD connectors belonging to an Amazon Web Services account.
- Arn
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateConnector.
- CertificateAuthorityArn
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the certificate authority being used.
- CertificateEnrollmentPolicyServerEndpoint
- Type: string
Certificate enrollment endpoint for Active Directory domain-joined objects to request certificates.
- CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The date and time that the connector was created.
- DirectoryId
- Type: string
The identifier of the Active Directory.
- Status
- Type: string
Status of the connector. Status can be creating, active, deleting, or failed.
- StatusReason
- Type: string
Additional information about the connector status if the status is failed.
- UpdatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The date and time that the connector was updated.
- VpcInformation
- Type: VpcInformation structure
Information of the VPC and security group(s) used with the connector.
The directory registration represents the authorization of the connector service with a directory.
- Arn
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateDirectoryRegistration.
- CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The date and time that the directory registration was created.
- DirectoryId
- Type: string
The identifier of the Active Directory.
- Status
- Type: string
Status of the directory registration.
- StatusReason
- Type: string
Additional information about the directory registration status if the status is failed.
- UpdatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The date and time that the directory registration was updated.
The directory registration represents the authorization of the connector service with the Active Directory.
- Arn
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateDirectoryRegistration.
- CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The date and time that the directory registration was created.
- DirectoryId
- Type: string
The identifier of the Active Directory.
- Status
- Type: string
Status of the directory registration.
- StatusReason
- Type: string
Additional information about the directory registration status if the status is failed.
- UpdatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The date and time that the directory registration was updated.
Template configurations for v2 template schema.
- EnableKeyReuseOnNtTokenKeysetStorageFull
- Type: boolean
Allow renewal using the same key.
- IncludeSymmetricAlgorithms
- Type: boolean
Include symmetric algorithms allowed by the subject.
- NoSecurityExtension
- Type: boolean
This flag instructs the CA to not include the security extension szOID_NTDS_CA_SECURITY_EXT (OID:, as specified in [MS-WCCE] sections and, in the issued certificate. This addresses a Windows Kerberos elevation-of-privilege vulnerability.
- RemoveInvalidCertificateFromPersonalStore
- Type: boolean
Delete expired or revoked certificates instead of archiving them.
- UserInteractionRequired
- Type: boolean
Require user interaction when the subject is enrolled and the private key associated with the certificate is used.
Template configurations for v3 template schema.
- EnableKeyReuseOnNtTokenKeysetStorageFull
- Type: boolean
Allow renewal using the same key.
- IncludeSymmetricAlgorithms
- Type: boolean
Include symmetric algorithms allowed by the subject.
- NoSecurityExtension
- Type: boolean
This flag instructs the CA to not include the security extension szOID_NTDS_CA_SECURITY_EXT (OID:, as specified in [MS-WCCE] sections and, in the issued certificate. This addresses a Windows Kerberos elevation-of-privilege vulnerability.
- RemoveInvalidCertificateFromPersonalStore
- Type: boolean
Delete expired or revoked certificates instead of archiving them.
- UserInteractionRequired
- Type: boolean
Require user interaction when the subject is enrolled and the private key associated with the certificate is used.
Template configurations for v4 template schema.
- EnableKeyReuseOnNtTokenKeysetStorageFull
- Type: boolean
Allow renewal using the same key.
- IncludeSymmetricAlgorithms
- Type: boolean
Include symmetric algorithms allowed by the subject.
- NoSecurityExtension
- Type: boolean
This flag instructs the CA to not include the security extension szOID_NTDS_CA_SECURITY_EXT (OID:, as specified in [MS-WCCE] sections and, in the issued certificate. This addresses a Windows Kerberos elevation-of-privilege vulnerability.
- RemoveInvalidCertificateFromPersonalStore
- Type: boolean
Delete expired or revoked certificates instead of archiving them.
- UserInteractionRequired
- Type: boolean
Require user interaction when the subject is enrolled and the private key associated with the certificate is used.
Certificate extensions for v2 template schema
- ApplicationPolicies
- Type: ApplicationPolicies structure
Application policies specify what the certificate is used for and its purpose.
- KeyUsage
- Required: Yes
- Type: KeyUsage structure
The key usage extension defines the purpose (e.g., encipherment, signature, certificate signing) of the key contained in the certificate.
Certificate extensions for v3 template schema
- ApplicationPolicies
- Type: ApplicationPolicies structure
Application policies specify what the certificate is used for and its purpose.
- KeyUsage
- Required: Yes
- Type: KeyUsage structure
The key usage extension defines the purpose (e.g., encipherment, signature, certificate signing) of the key contained in the certificate.
Certificate extensions for v4 template schema
- ApplicationPolicies
- Type: ApplicationPolicies structure
Application policies specify what the certificate is used for and its purpose.
- KeyUsage
- Required: Yes
- Type: KeyUsage structure
The key usage extension defines the purpose (e.g., encipherment, signature) of the key contained in the certificate.
General flags for v2 template schema that defines if the template is for a machine or a user and if the template can be issued using autoenrollment.
- AutoEnrollment
- Type: boolean
Allows certificate issuance using autoenrollment. Set to TRUE to allow autoenrollment.
- MachineType
- Type: boolean
Defines if the template is for machines or users. Set to TRUE if the template is for machines. Set to FALSE if the template is for users.
General flags for v3 template schema that defines if the template is for a machine or a user and if the template can be issued using autoenrollment.
- AutoEnrollment
- Type: boolean
Allows certificate issuance using autoenrollment. Set to TRUE to allow autoenrollment.
- MachineType
- Type: boolean
Defines if the template is for machines or users. Set to TRUE if the template is for machines. Set to FALSE if the template is for users
General flags for v4 template schema that defines if the template is for a machine or a user and if the template can be issued using autoenrollment.
- AutoEnrollment
- Type: boolean
Allows certificate issuance using autoenrollment. Set to TRUE to allow autoenrollment.
- MachineType
- Type: boolean
Defines if the template is for machines or users. Set to TRUE if the template is for machines. Set to FALSE if the template is for users
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure with an internal server.
- Message
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The key usage extension defines the purpose (e.g., encipherment, signature) of the key contained in the certificate.
- Critical
- Type: boolean
Sets the key usage extension to critical.
- UsageFlags
- Required: Yes
- Type: KeyUsageFlags structure
The key usage flags represent the purpose (e.g., encipherment, signature) of the key contained in the certificate.
The key usage flags represent the purpose (e.g., encipherment, signature) of the key contained in the certificate.
- DataEncipherment
- Type: boolean
DataEncipherment is asserted when the subject public key is used for directly enciphering raw user data without the use of an intermediate symmetric cipher.
- DigitalSignature
- Type: boolean
The digitalSignature is asserted when the subject public key is used for verifying digital signatures.
- KeyAgreement
- Type: boolean
KeyAgreement is asserted when the subject public key is used for key agreement.
- KeyEncipherment
- Type: boolean
KeyEncipherment is asserted when the subject public key is used for enciphering private or secret keys, i.e., for key transport.
- NonRepudiation
- Type: boolean
NonRepudiation is asserted when the subject public key is used to verify digital signatures.
The key usage property defines the purpose of the private key contained in the certificate. You can specify specific purposes using property flags or all by using property type ALL.
- PropertyFlags
- Type: KeyUsagePropertyFlags structure
You can specify key usage for encryption, key agreement, and signature. You can use property flags or property type but not both.
- PropertyType
- Type: string
You can specify all key usages using property type ALL. You can use property type or property flags but not both.
Specifies key usage.
- Decrypt
- Type: boolean
Allows key for encryption and decryption.
- KeyAgreement
- Type: boolean
Allows key exchange without encryption.
- Sign
- Type: boolean
Allow key use for digital signature.
Defines the attributes of the private key.
- CryptoProviders
- Type: Array of strings
Defines the cryptographic providers used to generate the private key.
- KeySpec
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Defines the purpose of the private key. Set it to "KEY_EXCHANGE" or "SIGNATURE" value.
- MinimalKeyLength
- Required: Yes
- Type: int
Set the minimum key length of the private key.
Defines the attributes of the private key.
- Algorithm
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Defines the algorithm used to generate the private key.
- CryptoProviders
- Type: Array of strings
Defines the cryptographic providers used to generate the private key.
- KeySpec
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Defines the purpose of the private key. Set it to "KEY_EXCHANGE" or "SIGNATURE" value.
- KeyUsageProperty
- Required: Yes
- Type: KeyUsageProperty structure
The key usage property defines the purpose of the private key contained in the certificate. You can specify specific purposes using property flags or all by using property type ALL.
- MinimalKeyLength
- Required: Yes
- Type: int
Set the minimum key length of the private key.
Defines the attributes of the private key.
- Algorithm
- Type: string
Defines the algorithm used to generate the private key.
- CryptoProviders
- Type: Array of strings
Defines the cryptographic providers used to generate the private key.
- KeySpec
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Defines the purpose of the private key. Set it to "KEY_EXCHANGE" or "SIGNATURE" value.
- KeyUsageProperty
- Type: KeyUsageProperty structure
The key usage property defines the purpose of the private key contained in the certificate. You can specify specific purposes using property flags or all by using property type ALL.
- MinimalKeyLength
- Required: Yes
- Type: int
Set the minimum key length of the private key.
Private key flags for v2 templates specify the client compatibility, if the private key can be exported, and if user input is required when using a private key.
- ClientVersion
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Defines the minimum client compatibility.
- ExportableKey
- Type: boolean
Allows the private key to be exported.
- StrongKeyProtectionRequired
- Type: boolean
Require user input when using the private key for enrollment.
Private key flags for v3 templates specify the client compatibility, if the private key can be exported, if user input is required when using a private key, and if an alternate signature algorithm should be used.
- ClientVersion
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Defines the minimum client compatibility.
- ExportableKey
- Type: boolean
Allows the private key to be exported.
- RequireAlternateSignatureAlgorithm
- Type: boolean
Reguires the PKCS #1 v2.1 signature format for certificates. You should verify that your CA, objects, and applications can accept this signature format.
- StrongKeyProtectionRequired
- Type: boolean
Requirer user input when using the private key for enrollment.
Private key flags for v4 templates specify the client compatibility, if the private key can be exported, if user input is required when using a private key, if an alternate signature algorithm should be used, and if certificates are renewed using the same private key.
- ClientVersion
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Defines the minimum client compatibility.
- ExportableKey
- Type: boolean
Allows the private key to be exported.
- RequireAlternateSignatureAlgorithm
- Type: boolean
Requires the PKCS #1 v2.1 signature format for certificates. You should verify that your CA, objects, and applications can accept this signature format.
- RequireSameKeyRenewal
- Type: boolean
Renew certificate using the same private key.
- StrongKeyProtectionRequired
- Type: boolean
Require user input when using the private key for enrollment.
- UseLegacyProvider
- Type: boolean
Specifies the cryptographic service provider category used to generate private keys. Set to TRUE to use Legacy Cryptographic Service Providers and FALSE to use Key Storage Providers.
The operation tried to access a nonexistent resource. The resource might not be specified correctly, or its status might not be ACTIVE.
- Message
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- ResourceId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The identifier of the Amazon Web Services resource.
- ResourceType
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The resource type, which can be one of
, orDirectoryRegistration
The service principal name that the connector uses to authenticate with Active Directory.
- ConnectorArn
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateConnector.html.
- CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The date and time that the service principal name was created.
- DirectoryRegistrationArn
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateDirectoryRegistration.
- Status
- Type: string
The status of a service principal name.
- StatusReason
- Type: string
Additional information for the status of a service principal name if the status is failed.
- UpdatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The date and time that the service principal name was updated.
The service principal name that the connector uses to authenticate with Active Directory.
- ConnectorArn
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateConnector.
- CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The date and time that the service principal name was created.
- DirectoryRegistrationArn
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateDirectoryRegistration.
- Status
- Type: string
The status of a service principal name.
- StatusReason
- Type: string
Additional information for the status of a service principal name if the status is failed.
- UpdatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
Time when the service principal name was updated.
Request would cause a service quota to be exceeded.
- Message
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- QuotaCode
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The code associated with the service quota.
- ResourceId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The identifier of the Amazon Web Services resource.
- ResourceType
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The resource type, which can be one of
, orDirectoryRegistration
. - ServiceCode
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Identifies the originating service.
Information to include in the subject name and alternate subject name of the certificate. The subject name can be common name, directory path, DNS as common name, or left blank. You can optionally include email to the subject name for user templates. If you leave the subject name blank then you must set a subject alternate name. The subject alternate name (SAN) can include globally unique identifier (GUID), DNS, domain DNS, email, service principal name (SPN), and user principal name (UPN). You can leave the SAN blank. If you leave the SAN blank, then you must set a subject name.
- RequireCommonName
- Type: boolean
Include the common name in the subject name.
- RequireDirectoryPath
- Type: boolean
Include the directory path in the subject name.
- RequireDnsAsCn
- Type: boolean
Include the DNS as common name in the subject name.
- RequireEmail
- Type: boolean
Include the subject's email in the subject name.
- SanRequireDirectoryGuid
- Type: boolean
Include the globally unique identifier (GUID) in the subject alternate name.
- SanRequireDns
- Type: boolean
Include the DNS in the subject alternate name.
- SanRequireDomainDns
- Type: boolean
Include the domain DNS in the subject alternate name.
- SanRequireEmail
- Type: boolean
Include the subject's email in the subject alternate name.
- SanRequireSpn
- Type: boolean
Include the service principal name (SPN) in the subject alternate name.
- SanRequireUpn
- Type: boolean
Include the user principal name (UPN) in the subject alternate name.
Information to include in the subject name and alternate subject name of the certificate. The subject name can be common name, directory path, DNS as common name, or left blank. You can optionally include email to the subject name for user templates. If you leave the subject name blank then you must set a subject alternate name. The subject alternate name (SAN) can include globally unique identifier (GUID), DNS, domain DNS, email, service principal name (SPN), and user principal name (UPN). You can leave the SAN blank. If you leave the SAN blank, then you must set a subject name.
- RequireCommonName
- Type: boolean
Include the common name in the subject name.
- RequireDirectoryPath
- Type: boolean
Include the directory path in the subject name.
- RequireDnsAsCn
- Type: boolean
Include the DNS as common name in the subject name.
- RequireEmail
- Type: boolean
Include the subject's email in the subject name.
- SanRequireDirectoryGuid
- Type: boolean
Include the globally unique identifier (GUID) in the subject alternate name.
- SanRequireDns
- Type: boolean
Include the DNS in the subject alternate name.
- SanRequireDomainDns
- Type: boolean
Include the domain DNS in the subject alternate name.
- SanRequireEmail
- Type: boolean
Include the subject's email in the subject alternate name.
- SanRequireSpn
- Type: boolean
Include the service principal name (SPN) in the subject alternate name.
- SanRequireUpn
- Type: boolean
Include the user principal name (UPN) in the subject alternate name.
Information to include in the subject name and alternate subject name of the certificate. The subject name can be common name, directory path, DNS as common name, or left blank. You can optionally include email to the subject name for user templates. If you leave the subject name blank then you must set a subject alternate name. The subject alternate name (SAN) can include globally unique identifier (GUID), DNS, domain DNS, email, service principal name (SPN), and user principal name (UPN). You can leave the SAN blank. If you leave the SAN blank, then you must set a subject name.
- RequireCommonName
- Type: boolean
Include the common name in the subject name.
- RequireDirectoryPath
- Type: boolean
Include the directory path in the subject name.
- RequireDnsAsCn
- Type: boolean
Include the DNS as common name in the subject name.
- RequireEmail
- Type: boolean
Include the subject's email in the subject name.
- SanRequireDirectoryGuid
- Type: boolean
Include the globally unique identifier (GUID) in the subject alternate name.
- SanRequireDns
- Type: boolean
Include the DNS in the subject alternate name.
- SanRequireDomainDns
- Type: boolean
Include the domain DNS in the subject alternate name.
- SanRequireEmail
- Type: boolean
Include the subject's email in the subject alternate name.
- SanRequireSpn
- Type: boolean
Include the service principal name (SPN) in the subject alternate name.
- SanRequireUpn
- Type: boolean
Include the user principal name (UPN) in the subject alternate name.
An Active Directory compatible certificate template. Connectors issue certificates against these templates based on the requestor's Active Directory group membership.
- Arn
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateTemplate.
- ConnectorArn
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateConnector.
- CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The date and time that the template was created.
- Definition
- Type: TemplateDefinition structure
Template configuration to define the information included in certificates. Define certificate validity and renewal periods, certificate request handling and enrollment options, key usage extensions, application policies, and cryptography settings.
- Name
- Type: string
Name of the templates. Template names must be unique.
- ObjectIdentifier
- Type: string
Object identifier of a template.
- PolicySchema
- Type: int
The template schema version. Template schema versions can be v2, v3, or v4. The template configuration options change based on the template schema version.
- Revision
- Type: TemplateRevision structure
The version of the template. Template updates will increment the minor revision. Re-enrolling all certificate holders will increment the major revision.
- Status
- Type: string
Status of the template. Status can be creating, active, deleting, or failed.
- UpdatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The date and time that the template was updated.
Template configuration to define the information included in certificates. Define certificate validity and renewal periods, certificate request handling and enrollment options, key usage extensions, application policies, and cryptography settings.
- TemplateV2
- Type: TemplateV2 structure
Template configuration to define the information included in certificates. Define certificate validity and renewal periods, certificate request handling and enrollment options, key usage extensions, application policies, and cryptography settings.
- TemplateV3
- Type: TemplateV3 structure
Template configuration to define the information included in certificates. Define certificate validity and renewal periods, certificate request handling and enrollment options, key usage extensions, application policies, and cryptography settings.
- TemplateV4
- Type: TemplateV4 structure
Template configuration to define the information included in certificates. Define certificate validity and renewal periods, certificate request handling and enrollment options, key usage extensions, application policies, and cryptography settings.
The revision version of the template. Template updates will increment the minor revision. Re-enrolling all certificate holders will increment the major revision.
- MajorRevision
- Required: Yes
- Type: int
The revision version of the template. Re-enrolling all certificate holders will increment the major revision.
- MinorRevision
- Required: Yes
- Type: int
The revision version of the template. Re-enrolling all certificate holders will increment the major revision.
An Active Directory compatible certificate template. Connectors issue certificates against these templates based on the requestor's Active Directory group membership.
- Arn
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateTemplate.
- ConnectorArn
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was returned when you called CreateConnector.
- CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The date and time that the template was created.
- Definition
- Type: TemplateDefinition structure
Template configuration to define the information included in certificates. Define certificate validity and renewal periods, certificate request handling and enrollment options, key usage extensions, application policies, and cryptography settings.
- Name
- Type: string
Name of the template. The template name must be unique.
- ObjectIdentifier
- Type: string
Object identifier of a template.
- PolicySchema
- Type: int
The template schema version. Template schema versions can be v2, v3, or v4. The template configuration options change based on the template schema version.
- Revision
- Type: TemplateRevision structure
The revision version of the template. Template updates will increment the minor revision. Re-enrolling all certificate holders will increment the major revision.
- Status
- Type: string
Status of the template. Status can be creating, active, deleting, or failed.
- UpdatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The date and time that the template was updated.
v2 template schema that uses Legacy Cryptographic Providers.
- CertificateValidity
- Required: Yes
- Type: CertificateValidity structure
Certificate validity describes the validity and renewal periods of a certificate.
- EnrollmentFlags
- Required: Yes
- Type: EnrollmentFlagsV2 structure
Enrollment flags describe the enrollment settings for certificates such as using the existing private key and deleting expired or revoked certificates.
- Extensions
- Required: Yes
- Type: ExtensionsV2 structure
Extensions describe the key usage extensions and application policies for a template.
- GeneralFlags
- Required: Yes
- Type: GeneralFlagsV2 structure
General flags describe whether the template is used for computers or users and if the template can be used with autoenrollment.
- PrivateKeyAttributes
- Required: Yes
- Type: PrivateKeyAttributesV2 structure
Private key attributes allow you to specify the minimal key length, key spec, and cryptographic providers for the private key of a certificate for v2 templates. V2 templates allow you to use Legacy Cryptographic Service Providers.
- PrivateKeyFlags
- Required: Yes
- Type: PrivateKeyFlagsV2 structure
Private key flags for v2 templates specify the client compatibility, if the private key can be exported, and if user input is required when using a private key.
- SubjectNameFlags
- Required: Yes
- Type: SubjectNameFlagsV2 structure
Subject name flags describe the subject name and subject alternate name that is included in a certificate.
- SupersededTemplates
- Type: Array of strings
List of templates in Active Directory that are superseded by this template.
v3 template schema that uses Key Storage Providers.
- CertificateValidity
- Required: Yes
- Type: CertificateValidity structure
Certificate validity describes the validity and renewal periods of a certificate.
- EnrollmentFlags
- Required: Yes
- Type: EnrollmentFlagsV3 structure
Enrollment flags describe the enrollment settings for certificates such as using the existing private key and deleting expired or revoked certificates.
- Extensions
- Required: Yes
- Type: ExtensionsV3 structure
Extensions describe the key usage extensions and application policies for a template.
- GeneralFlags
- Required: Yes
- Type: GeneralFlagsV3 structure
General flags describe whether the template is used for computers or users and if the template can be used with autoenrollment.
- HashAlgorithm
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Specifies the hash algorithm used to hash the private key.
- PrivateKeyAttributes
- Required: Yes
- Type: PrivateKeyAttributesV3 structure
Private key attributes allow you to specify the algorithm, minimal key length, key spec, key usage, and cryptographic providers for the private key of a certificate for v3 templates. V3 templates allow you to use Key Storage Providers.
- PrivateKeyFlags
- Required: Yes
- Type: PrivateKeyFlagsV3 structure
Private key flags for v3 templates specify the client compatibility, if the private key can be exported, if user input is required when using a private key, and if an alternate signature algorithm should be used.
- SubjectNameFlags
- Required: Yes
- Type: SubjectNameFlagsV3 structure
Subject name flags describe the subject name and subject alternate name that is included in a certificate.
- SupersededTemplates
- Type: Array of strings
List of templates in Active Directory that are superseded by this template.
v4 template schema that can use either Legacy Cryptographic Providers or Key Storage Providers.
- CertificateValidity
- Required: Yes
- Type: CertificateValidity structure
Certificate validity describes the validity and renewal periods of a certificate.
- EnrollmentFlags
- Required: Yes
- Type: EnrollmentFlagsV4 structure
Enrollment flags describe the enrollment settings for certificates using the existing private key and deleting expired or revoked certificates.
- Extensions
- Required: Yes
- Type: ExtensionsV4 structure
Extensions describe the key usage extensions and application policies for a template.
- GeneralFlags
- Required: Yes
- Type: GeneralFlagsV4 structure
General flags describe whether the template is used for computers or users and if the template can be used with autoenrollment.
- HashAlgorithm
- Type: string
Specifies the hash algorithm used to hash the private key. Hash algorithm can only be specified when using Key Storage Providers.
- PrivateKeyAttributes
- Required: Yes
- Type: PrivateKeyAttributesV4 structure
Private key attributes allow you to specify the minimal key length, key spec, key usage, and cryptographic providers for the private key of a certificate for v4 templates. V4 templates allow you to use either Key Storage Providers or Legacy Cryptographic Service Providers. You specify the cryptography provider category in private key flags.
- PrivateKeyFlags
- Required: Yes
- Type: PrivateKeyFlagsV4 structure
Private key flags for v4 templates specify the client compatibility, if the private key can be exported, if user input is required when using a private key, if an alternate signature algorithm should be used, and if certificates are renewed using the same private key.
- SubjectNameFlags
- Required: Yes
- Type: SubjectNameFlagsV4 structure
Subject name flags describe the subject name and subject alternate name that is included in a certificate.
- SupersededTemplates
- Type: Array of strings
List of templates in Active Directory that are superseded by this template.
The limit on the number of requests per second was exceeded.
- Message
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- QuotaCode
- Type: string
The code associated with the quota.
- ServiceCode
- Type: string
Identifies the originating service.
An input validation error occurred. For example, invalid characters in a template name, or if a pagination token is invalid.
- Message
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- Reason
- Type: string
The reason for the validation error. This won't be return for every validation exception.
Information describing the end of the validity period of the certificate. This parameter sets the “Not After” date for the certificate. Certificate validity is the period of time during which a certificate is valid. Validity can be expressed as an explicit date and time when the certificate expires, or as a span of time after issuance, stated in hours, days, months, or years. For more information, see Validity in RFC 5280. This value is unaffected when ValidityNotBefore is also specified. For example, if Validity is set to 20 days in the future, the certificate will expire 20 days from issuance time regardless of the ValidityNotBefore value.
- Period
- Required: Yes
- Type: long (int|float)
The numeric value for the validity period.
- PeriodType
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The unit of time. You can select hours, days, weeks, months, and years.
Information about your VPC and security groups used with the connector.
- IpAddressType
- Type: string
The VPC IP address type.
- SecurityGroupIds
- Required: Yes
- Type: Array of strings
The security groups used with the connector. You can use a maximum of 4 security groups with a connector.